
Proven Ways to Boost Your Brain Health

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We pay more attention to the health of our body than we do the health of our brain. You have more control over your brain health than you might think. Taking the right steps today can help to avoid serious issues, like stroke and Alzheimer's disease down the road. You can’t live without your brain, and you’ll struggle to enjoy life with a compromised brain. The future of your brain health largely depends on what you do today.

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What You Need to Know About Brain Health, TV, and Middle Age

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If you’re like most consumers, you spent the pandemic watching more TV. However, if you’re middle-aged and concerned about your brain health, you may want to put down the remote. Three new studies add to the evidence that watching a lot of TV in your middle years can negatively affect your cognitive function in later years. The researchers found that “the more television you watch in your 40s, 50s, and 60s, the greater your risk of brain health issues in later years.”

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8 Strategies to Keep Your Mind Sharp

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There’s a lot you can do to keep your mind sharp or even enhance it. There are a variety of ways to exercise your brain, from learning something new, to exercise, to quitting unsupportive habits. Your brain eventually ages just like any other part of your body, but there is much you can do to slow, or even reverse, the aging process. It’s never too soon or too late to work on keeping your mind sharp.

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Do You Know How to Overcome an Urge to Binge by Activating Your Neocortex?

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Urges to binge come in the form of overwhelming desires to eat large amounts of food in a short period of time. Many people who’ve gone through a period of restrictive dieting experience at least one strong urge to binge. These powerful compulsions aren’t easy to resist. That’s why many of us, at some point in our diet, end up reaching for forbidden foods in larger amounts than what’s reasonable. It’s clear that food can’t be eliminated from our lives, but our thinking and acting around food can, indeed, be managed and optimized.

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Healthy Lunch Ideas Your Coworkers Will Want to Steal

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When you bring lunch to work, do your coworkers run away because of the smell? Or, do they wish they could steal your lunch? If you try these ideas, you’ll be the envy of the office. Plus, they’re nutritious and healthy! Lunch doesn’t have to be boring, bland, expensive, or unhealthy junk food!

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Say Goodbye to Being Hangry

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Many scientists believe that being hangry is a real thing and not just a catchy hashtag. In fact, hunger causes physical changes similar to many emotions, including anger. Skipping breakfast or taking offense at someone who cuts you off in traffic both increase stress hormones and alter brain processes. The connection isn’t limited to anger either. Hunger can exacerbate other emotions like sadness and fear.

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6 Drinks to Replace Your Morning Coffee and Still Boost Energy

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Coffee is the go-to drink for anyone in search of an energy boost. Most of us start our mornings with coffee and use it to maintain our focus throughout the day. Too much caffeine can also lead to jitters, dehydration, headaches, and even trouble sleeping. The more you rely on your coffee fix, the worse the symptoms can get. The good news? Coffee isn’t the only drink that gives you an energy boost!

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Food and Your Mood: 9 Foods that Can Enhance Your Mood

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Your food doesn't just impact your waistline, it can also affect your mood. Consider that everything you eat is broken down and absorbed by your body. Of course, it can certainly have an effect on your mood. The food you eat impacts how you feel. For example, consider how eating a piece of chocolate impacts your mood differently than consuming a plain baked potato.

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The Secret to Cutting Back on Added Sugar and Salt

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What if there was one thing you could do that would eliminate 80% of the excess sugar and salt in your diet? You can eat healthier without giving up desserts and potatoes! You can enjoy delicious foods along with the health benefits of cutting back on sugar and salt. That includes lowering your blood pressure and LDL cholesterol, as well as reducing your risk of heart attacks, stroke, and other serious health issues. Make a good start with these suggestions.

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Curb Emotional Eating and Regain Control

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Let’s face it. Most of us have the urge to eat things we know we shouldn’t. And when we’re feeling emotional, the urge can be even stronger. Emotional eating is damaging to your self-esteem and your health. It can even get expensive.
Gaining control over yourself and minimizing your emotional eating can be challenging, but important. There are far healthier ways to deal with emotional discomfort.

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