
Get Moving To Lose Weight

The reason people don't always achieve their diet and fitness goals is that the health industry puts out standards that are too high for most people to achieve. When it comes to their fitness, people are working out too intensely too early rather than gradually building up a tolerance.  If you are sore or injured, you are less likely to go back to the gym again and will slip back into your same old habits.

If you have not mentally prepared yourself to make exercise your priority and are not getting the proper nutrition, it will be difficult to make these lifestyle changes. You should plan to rest a day or two between exercising to give your muscles enough time to recover and heal.  If not, you will be sore and tired and avoid going back to the gym altogether.  Then before you know it a few days, then weeks, and a month have gone by.

It is also important to Prepare your mind,  just as a professional athlete does. Professional athletes prepare themselves for a game or a workout.  

Many people get into fitness with this 'all or nothing' attitude. From one extreme to the other. 'I'm gonna hit the gym for 2 hours every day or 'I'm not gonna do anything. They conclude that since they do not have the time to go to the gym for two hours a day, they just may not go at all.  They feel defeated and start to give in to their junk food cravings and give up before they even start.  You may start with just 30 minutes of light activity several times a week.  Every little bit makes a difference.   

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As you saw in Stage 2 of your digestion, if you work out within the first 8 hours of eating a meal, you are only burning the food you recently ate. Many experts explain that you need to burn 3,500 more calories than you take in to lose 1 lb of fat, however, the most efficient way to burn fat is to wait 8-12 hours after you eat to workout. Here is an overview of our typical digestion timetable.

1) The first 5 hours after you eat,
During this period you are burning the food you just ate. If this is the only time you can exercise by all means do so however, it is preferred you wait for later on in the day.

2) 6 - 8 hours after you eat,

During this time, you are burning off sugars which depending on your activity level, you can burn off relatively quickly.

3) 7-8 hours after you eat,

Fat is the purest form of energy and once you have given your body enough time to adapt to the changes in your routine, you will want to engage in activities to efficiently burn fat. This might be riding a bicycle, swimming, or light jogging.

After sleeping for 8 or 9 hours, you are in the proper stage of your digestion where you can burn the most calories through exercise. This is why many people do their workouts in the morning before breakfast.

You may not look forward to exercising, so if you're just starting out on this path of healthy living we suggest that you just MOVE. (You don't need to exercise). Just get your blood flowing. At this stage, it is not important in the type of physical activity you engage in. What is important is that you are moving. Walk to the mailbox and back, walk a flight of stairs instead of taking the elevator, lift 3-pound weights while seated, and so on. Whatever you can do is great! Just get up and go!

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The point is that you are getting your body moving to burn calories. Take for instance the P90x Beachbody Workout Videos. After researching online, I learned that the average person burns 700 calories an hour and some of you will be able to burn 400 calories just by walking.

Many people you see that are doing high-impact cardio like running could actually be making themselves fat. Many of these high-intensity workouts stress the body out and create a chemical called Cortisol which creates belly fat.

More on this later...but for now stop your sedentary lifestyle and get up off the couch. Your body will thank you for it.

In a study published by the "National Library Of Medicine", it showed that walking an extra 1,000 steps will help you lose weight, including belly fat, and will also help you improve your body composition. 

Walking 1,000 steps will only take you about 10 minutes to complete. The "National Library Of Medicine" published another study that showed that walking those few extra steps, over time will help you lose an inch off your waistline and 1-1/2% of your body fat. 

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We have a tool at that estimates how many calories you will burn walking. If you are walking at a brisk pace, you can burn from 150-200 calories in 30 minutes, and if you walk for an hour you can burn 300 calories an hour. It adds up quickly and you will feel so much better.

Even walking you can overdo it, I use to walk to Santa Monica, beach and back, which was around 40 miles round trip, and even when I was there I would walk around and enjoy myself before returning home.Â

The experts suggest 10,000 steps a day however if all you can do is 30 minutes in the morning and build upon that but throughout the day you may be able to complete 10,000 steps.

The marketplace is filled with different type of smart watches however, the smart watch I use is spasificlly for fitness, that includes an Alarm Clock, Countdown Timer, Heart Rate Alarm, Notification Messages, Inactivity Reminder which is great to remind yourself that you need to get moving, Bluetooth Connectivity Notification, Sport Goal Setting, Find Phone

Even walking you can overdo it so you will want to warm up and even stretch. Start slowly and increase it a little each day. Don't focus on the miles just how much time you are spending. The rest will follow. I used to walk to Santa Monica Beach from my home and back, which was around 40 miles round trip, and even when I was there, I would walk around and enjoy myself before returning home. You will eventually build up your own endurance and participate in any activity that has you being active. The experts suggest 10,000 steps a day, however, if you can start with 30 minutes in the morning and build up from there, and take the stairs or park your car further away from your office to add more steps.

The marketplace is filled with different types of smartwatches however, the smartwatch I use is specifically for fitness. It includes an Alarm Clock, Countdown Timer, Heart Rate Alarm, Notification Messages, Inactivity Reminder (which is a great way to remind yourself that you need to get moving), Bluetooth Connectivity Notification, Sport Goal Setting, and Find Phone. It is a useful tool to have.

Action Item:
1) Walk...It is suggested that you accumulate 10,000 steps a day but more importantly, you just need to move. You can do this!

How To Go From Loser To Legend

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We all love an underdog story; someone down and out who overcomes unseeminable odds and climbs his way to the top and gets the prize.

Star Wars is one of these stories. the reason we love the Star Wars saga so much is because it is an ancient story that has been told over and over again through the centuries with different characters and plot lines called “The Hero’s Journey”.

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You are the hero of your story. Most people who find success in business of any sort whether that be in entertainment like a comedian or actor, or even home based business like a MLM company and even local business in your community, do so after going from one business to another.

We look at people who have it so easy. Those who made $10,000 their first month in business and went on to earn millions over the next 18 months, however, this is not your story.

Your story is much more interesting because you are up against the odds. You are the underdog of your story.

Your story may be like mine. I struggled with a learning disability dyslexia, where I struggled to find and keep a job. After fighting for years trying to keep my marriage together and enduring years of emotional abuse after my wife left me I felt empty and went homeless.

In every myth including Star Wars, the hero finds a mentor. In Star Wars it is Ben Kenobi.

I am the mentor in your story. Let me show you how I overcame my obstacles.

You have gone through some sort of trauma that has caused you to self-sabotage yourself and not reach your full potential. (See the article: Personality Traits That Ruin Your Chance Of Success)

Take for instance Rick Engstrom who has an highly agreeable personality.

He first spent around $9,000 that he did not have on a credit card to hire a business coach to help him start an internet business.

Around that time he joined several network marketing business, he sent $500 buying leads in which he never called a single one of his leads, later he spent another $500 on a solo ads in which he would not have had to talk to anyone because his website would have done the selling for him however, he spent the $500 but he never finished setting up his ad to launch his ad campaing and never contacted support to get his money back.

He then spent another $3,000 and about another $10,000 from a life insurance policy that he turned in, however, he never did anything with any of these businesses either because he let decades of emotional abuse from his wife and mother-in-law to get the best of him. 

Because of not standing up for himself he lost the respect of his children. 

At the beginning Rick had credit, however, after spending money he did not have and no way to earn the money to pay back his debts because of not having the mental toughness to work his business he ruined his credit.

Dr. Jordan Peterson in his book the “12 Rules For Life” explains what happened to Rick.

When something bad happens to you your brain keeps a record of it an creates an algorithm which creates a pattern of self-sabotage.

The emotional abuse Rick endured led him to self-sabotage himself and the more he fails, he shrinks back and if we stay in the state of mind for long enough then failing becomes a habit in which more bad thing can and will happen thus, creating the hormones of stress. Cortisol is just one of the hormones of stress. Cortisol is known by scientist as the death hormone because it leads to so many life threating illnesses.

(See article: Personality Traits That Create Disease)

In Dr. Jordan Peterson book the "12 Rules For Life" in which he explains when you are successful the brain produces a chemical called “Serotonin” which is also called the happiness hormone and the more you succeed the more Serotonin the body produces, however, once successful does not always mean you will remain successful because once you have a traumatic failure you body produces another chemical that you may never recover from.

So the decades of emotional abuse released a chemical in his body that caused his to self-sabotage himself and in 2012 he had a 2 year battle of cancer.

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Companies spend billions trying to find serotonin-producing high performing employees. Many of these companies hired Dr. Joran Peterson to do a phycological profile to find these type of employees.

However, many of these same companies came back to him and asked what they could do for their current underperforming employees?

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Dr. Jordan Peterson created a program based upon Dr. James W. Pennebakers research.

Dr. Pennebaker studied the phycological impact traumatic experience had on a person physical health. He found that people who experienced a trauma from abuse, the death of a parent, divorce, and the loss of a job were more likely to get sick than those who had not.

He also found that those who keep their feelings bound up and did not talk about there experiences were more likely to get sick than those who talked about it.

However, looniness is a big issue today. You may not have anyone to share your experience with, or you may be too ashamed, and people may not be able to devote an adequate enough time for you to ease your pain and suffering.

But he found when people write about their experiences sickness drop by 50% within 6 weeks and blood test reveals writing enhanced their immune system.

Dr. Jordan Peterson designed a writing program for his University students called the “Past Authoring Program” and the “Future Authoring Program” based upon Dr. Pennebaker's research.

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Because as Dr. Jordan Peterson explains in the following video if your following along with us in the online version that writing teaches critical thinking.

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You could talk with a friend or mentor, you could even record it, however, you will not get the effects you could writing because with writing you really think and ponder about the problem and find a solution.

Future Authoring Program
You are gonna write about what life could be like in 3-5 years if you live up to your potential on your:

- Intimate relationships
- Friendships
- Family
- Career
- Education
- Time Spent Outside Of Work
- Your relationship with drug and alcohol

Past Authoring Program
You will write about where your bad habits can lead you in 3-5 years.

Dr. Jordan Peterson is a University professor who has put over 7,000 students through this program. The average student increased their GPA by 20%, and class dropout rate decreased by 25%, and 50% at the end of the first semester

This writing program brings you face -to- face with your future. People can procrastinate because there is always tomorrow, however, there are only so many tomorrows.

This writing exercise makes you deal with what you are doing or not doing with head-on.

In my research though I have found out that writing about your past and your future is not allways enough to cause you enough pain to change.
Let's say you got the same results that Dr. Jordan Peterson got with his students.

You need to write about you past, an optimistic future, but you also need to write about your current life to make you feel optimisic about your future by seeing how far you have come but you also want to feel enough pain to keep you motivated to continue moving forward towards your goal.

For those of you in network marketing or MLM imagine if you could increase the retention of your team by 50%. Just imagine how well you would be doing then.

So if you combine this with what Grant Cardone says in his book the "10X Rule" in which he writes out his goals each day. In order to stay focused.

As many of you have noticed I write about the trauma and issues I have faced in my life through this website, however, there is no need for you to start your own website because we have created an option for you to create an account and write your articles on this website.

We have also included a feature that allows you to keep your articles private because we understand the emotions you may feel, however, if you are willing to make your articles published there is an option for you to make money.

Set Up Your Account >>

Or you can watch the following video from Dr. Jordan Peterson in which he explains the self-authoring program in more details.

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How To Live In Mansions, Drive Exotic Sports Cars, & Live The Lifestyles Of The Rich & Famous Without Being Rich!

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Attention: We remember 2% of what we hear, 25% of what we see and 100% of what we are trained to do. Besure to download your execution plans and follow along with us as we review todays model. Download Now >>

You may be familiar to Tai Lopez’s legendary Youtube commercial, I’m here in my garage with my Lamborghini.

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In today article I’m gonna explain Tai Lopez’s business model and how he is able to live in mansion, drive luxury sports cars, and surround himself with beautiful women, that he does not share in his Youtube videos or programs.

If you are new to the “Alpha Lifestyle Academy Community” let me introduce myself.

My name is Christopher Brown, my last job I was hired as a business strategist to develop marketing strategies for many times, executives from multi-billion dollar companies.

While at that company I did an average of 60 consulting session over a period of 3 years, in which I got to see the different business models companies were using.

Tai Lopez is a lifestyle entrepreneur however, before we look at Tai Lopez’s business model, lets look at the late Hugh Hefner who was the ultimate lifestyle entrepreneur. he lived the lifestyle of the rich and famous without being that rich.

Hugh focused more on the lifestyle, rather than building wealth.

There are minimalist who build there businesses through Instagram and Youtube, who travel the world, and they want the enjoyment of their experiences rather than building a massive empire.

I spent a couple years living at a vacation resort, just about 3 1/2 miles outside the front gates of Disney World because I wanted to live my life like I was on vacation.

At the time I was married, and me and my wife wife at the time would go to Disney World, 3-4 times a week in which I'd write blog articles and film video for my Youtube channel as you see in the following picture.

We would also go to Miami, West Palm Beach, Key West, Crystal River, and visit different places around Florida, one -two times per month.

Making money online is really simple however, it does take a lot of work.

As a blogger, if you are not making enough money, it is because you have not written enough blog articles. My mentors told me in to write 2 blog a day for 2 years in which I would be making $30,000 per month at that point.

I had written enough blog articles, that got me between 15,000-20,000 visits per day, and from that traffic I generated an income from ad revenue, as well as products I offered from my blog.

In addition to that because I was an online entrepreneur I qualified for some government stimulus programs in which I received 20-45% cash back from my rent, utilities, food, clothes, as well as my travel expenses.

Be sure to download your workbook and action plans for more details on how I did this

I lived my life like I was on vacation for a couple of years however, Hugh Hefner was a different kind of lifestyle entrepreneur.

According to the following article from Fortune Hugh Hefner only made around a million dollars a year, which may sound like a lot if you don’t have a million however, it’s not that hard to make a million dollars being a entrepreneur.

However, when you consider the legacy of the Playboy brand for him to make a million dollars is not really that much money.

For Hugh Hefner is was not about the money but rather the lifestyle he could create for himself.

Hugh no longer owned the famous Playboy Mansion however, he still got to live there and enjoy all the perk of living their without having to pay rent or own the mansion.

There are a bunch of internet trolls who verbally bash Tai Lopez saying stuff he does not own the house he lives in but, you still got to have plenty of cash to live in a place life that.

I believe Tai Lopez took his business model from Neil Strauss and his partners who ran a seminar business in which they rented the home of the “Rat Pack” who was made up Frank Sinatra, Dean Martian, Sammy Davis JR, Peter Lawford, and Joey Bishop  in Hollywood for $50,000 per month in which their seminar attendees paid for the rent and living expenses.

Neil Strauss wanted to provide a unique experience that you could not get anywhere with his seminar business. Neil Strauss did not teach business success however, he still wanted to give his seminar attendees the feeling of luxury.

There is nothing unique, about Tai Lopez’s business model.

What is unique is how he copied the business model, that plenty of successful companies have used in the past to create his lifestyle.

1) Front End Product

Your job is to get your potential client to spend money with you, no matter how little that is.

A big mistake many companies make is not having a cheap enough product because the more expensive your product is the more trust you have to develop before they will trust you enough to buy from you.

So the key is to sell something inexpensive and when you deliver with that product those people will then be willing to spend more money for another product with a higher level of service.

Tai Lopez does this with his  “67 Steps” program which sell for $67 and once someone has spend money with him they are more likely to spend money with him again.

The income from this product in most likely used to finance his advertising this way he no long is REQUIRED to pay out of pocket for his advertising ever again.

We do this with our digital publishing programs.

Unlike what most programs are offering we offer more than just knowledge through our workbooks and actions plans. Yes, we provide the knowledge however, knowledge can only get you so far.

You need training! We give you the blueprint and action step you must take in order to be successful because research shows when you have journal or diary in addition to the knowledge you have a 70% greater chance you will take action in which we sell at the following link for $57.

2) Back End Product

Research shows it is 6X cheaper to sell an existing customer than it is to get a new customer.

Once someone has bought his “67 Steps” program, Tai can then upsell those customers to one of his other programs which range from $500-$1000.

We on the other hand do this with this with our Online Mentoring because knowledge alone is not enough to get you the results you need. Our training programs implement many of the same principles the U.S Navy Seals use to get the best out of their people. 

3) Lifestyle

If you like exotic sports cars, instead of buy a brand new car, you could buy a used Ferrari which as you see in the picture an 2002 low mileage Ferrari is going for around $1,375 per month.

This is where Tai can finance his lifestyle.

Tai also offer high end group training events at his mansion in which he charges premium prices which covers the cost of his lifestyle.

We do this with our Live Events.

For those that want to take their business to the next level we offer our luxury events which are small intimate events to give everyone the attention they need, plus give attendees a tase of what it is like to live the lifestyle of the rich and famous by attending our events at a Hollywood mansion.

These live events start a $2,997 and have no more than 50 attendees which generates an income to cover the rent of the mansion.

(Link:,mobile,land,townhouse_type/20799193_zpid/34.166505,-118.290911,34.078256,-118.411761_rect/12_zm/3_p/ )

If we do an event for 50 people once a month and pay a 40% commission to our partners, that would still leave $89,910 to over the rent and expenses of the mansion however, my dream is to get the place at 1894 N. Stanley Ave, Los Angeles, Ca which rents for almost $200,000 per month.

So would need to do 4 events per month to cover the expenses of this place. (Link:,mobile,land,townhouse_type/20795041_zpid/274049_rid/34.166505,-118.290911,34.078256,-118.411761_rect/12_zm/2_p/  )

4) Pretty Girls

Tai is part owner in a online company that sells sunglasses, he is also partners in a company that sells books online however, Tai also like to surround himself with pretty girls in which he started a clothing line in which the money from his clothing brand covers the cost of hiring the models.

The majority of Tai customer base is young dudes, who like fast cars, and beautiful women which boost views of his Youtube channels.

So the revenue from his clothing company might be what is called as a “Loss Leader” which is an business that loses money however, because of this part of the business, it boost revenue from another business.

So Tia might lose money on his clothing brand however, the girls boost the viewership of business, which allows him to make money.


5) Partnership

When developing this business model, I also wanted to develop a plan I could pay as high of commissions as we could to those helping us spread the word while also allowing this to finance our lifestyle which eventually would allow you to do the same thing.

As the number currently stand and the marketplace dictates; 10,000 email subscribers would earn you $720,000 in commissions.

Another strategy that is unknown by the vast majority of entrepreneurs, that is used by many successful people.

In fact Grant Cardone received a $250,000 home decorating project for his home in Miami without having to pay a dime.

You can use this to get luxury watches, sports car, homes, and vacations.

We partnered up with a company in which the gentlemen you see in the picture below earned after making less than 100 sales, because of the unique word of mouth marketing method he used.

I want to invite you to upgrade you membership where we will give you the step by step blueprints of the enterprenurs I have worked with who has built a lifestyle just like Tai Lopez has done and in addition to that you be qualified to win your choice of any $3 million dollar home.

That's right! One of you will win $3 million dollar home just because you upgraded your account!

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How To Deal With False Friends

When things are going good for you, it is hard to tell who your true friends are. IT IS ONLY WHEN THINGS GO BAD FOR YOU, WHEN YOU KNOW WHO YOUR TRUE FRIENDS REALLY ARE.

Because frankly, they are the only one(s) left.

In the following video Dr. Jordan Peterson does a speech talking about his new book “12 Rules For Life” in which one of the rules “Rule #2: Make Friend With People Who Want The Best For You”.

Three false friends came to Job. In a series of speeches that fill many pages of the book of Job, the men wrongly tried to convince Job that God was punishing him for hidden sins. They even claimed that God neither finds pleasure in his servants nor puts trust in them. Job rejected their faulty reasoning. With confidence, Job declared that he would maintain his integrity down to death!

How would you feel if someone who was suppose to love you told you they hate you, your worthless, embellishes the truth and spread lies about you to your friend who 99.7% of them turn against you and many of them spread these rumors.

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How would you feel if everyone one you loved turned against you? Many people would kill themselves after something like this…This is what happened to me as you see in the article “How To Overcome From Emotional Abuses”.

However, what does not kill you, makes you stronger.

When a baby is born if you ONLY take care of it’s basic needs but do not touch it, the baby will die in a matter of days. In the following TED TALKS video shows that loneliness is as DEADLY to you as smoking.

You could exercise, eat right, take care of yourself however, if you are not getting the proper attention and touch from those around you this is as unhealthy for you as living an healthy life style.

You may not exercise, eat right and take care of yourself the way you should however,  if you have those around you who love you and nuture you, you may be in better health than someone who lives a so-called healthy lifestyle.

We have emotional, environmental and physical stresses which are exasperated when we are alone and have no one to turn to.

Everyone situation in different however, in my case some of my false friend would spread false-information to doubt myself. Let me explain, my at one time best friend who I had not seen in over 5 years told me the good things that people see in me however, he also told me these people won’t say anything to your face but what he said to me made me put doubts in my mind just like job...

You may had experienced something much worse however, because I read the book “The 48 Laws Of Power” which you can listen to at the following link >> which is designed to arm you with the knowledge to protect yourself when people take advantage of you.

[adrotate group="8"] I at one time was an innocent person always looking for the best in people however, I know the warning signs of what people will do when they try to manipulate me and try to take advantage of me.

I can get upset and rant and rave or as Niccolo Machiavelli put it: “ See things as they are, and not as you wish they were”.

When someone does this to you, not only do you have to be aware of what they are doing but you also have to protect yourself worth.

If you have false friends like this you may ask yourself what is wrong with me. Sure, we all have areas where we can make improvement however, you need to find better friends.

You may be familiar with the term it is lonely at the top. Now that expression is most stated as you have to climb over people to reach the top, when in reality the better you became in one or more areas of your life the harder and harder it will be to find true friend because the changes you have made in life is making them feel bad about themselves in which some of these people will try to maniple you and destroy you.

There is a line from the new Star Wars, Solo movie - “Assume everyone will betray you and you’ll never be disappointed”. This is a sad way to look at life however, this is what job went through.

1) Make New Friends

The problem is not you, but rather you made friend with the wrong people, as Dr. Jordan Peterson book the “12 Rules For Life” suggests that you find friends who want the best for you.

Sure, you got somethings to work on however, friends do not abandon you when you need them most.

The average person knows about 200 people however, they are close with only about 6-7 of them.

So you should go out and make new friends. If you go out to the mall, local Starbucks, and different places around town and met 100 new people you will have 3-4 of them who will become really good friends.

2) Emotions Make You Week

If you have found friendship with people who do not want the best for you, this may devastate you.

A bad friendship is like a bad relationship or marriage which some people say: “They would rather be alone than in a bad marriage”. The same is true with bad friendships. [adrotate group="9"]

In the article “How To Overcome Emotional Abuse” I explain my failures of dealing with emotional abuse, in which devastated me however, I was emotionally weak.

I could either wallow in my own self pity or become a stronger person.

I have adopted many of the principles of the Navy Seals and one of the things I learned from the Seals is if you volunteer to put yourself in pain you will have the strength to endure when real pain comes your way.

Because of the influence of former Navy Seal I started running endurance races, talking cold showers, and putting myself in as much mental pain and I can so I can endure the real pain when it comes my way.

I recently ran the LA Marathon a 26.2 miles race. After you have prepared you body to run an endurance race the only thing you have to endure is your mind. The mind will give up long before the body.

3) Re-Build Your Self Esteem

Depending on how sever your bad friendship are, you may need to rebuild your self esteem.

In the words of Muhammad Ali “Let Me Show You How Great I Am”. There will always be someone to point out your flaws however, only you can tell yourself how great you are, if no one else see this in you.

Muhammad Ali reflected on his positive points.

Some people will accuse you of being egotistical however, you need to built up a health self-esteem.

One of the best ways to rebuild your self esteem is through self talk or what is also known as affirmations.

In the following video Louise Hays says: “With every word and every thought you project your future”, you’ve heard the term: “Tell a lie, so many times you start to believe it”.

When you look at your life you may see no reason, to believe you can expect anything different however, once you believe life can be different by telling yourself it can be different then you will start acting in harmony with those goals.

For more step on how to rebuild your self esteem check out the article “How To Out Smart Your Circumstances”.

4) Brotherhood

If you have false friends, this may cause you to ask yourself: “What’s wrong with me” however, the real problem is you have the wrong friends.

Only after studying the principles of the Navy Seals do I understand what it means to be a friend. The call themselves a brotherhood, in BUD training your job is to make sure your buddy does not quit, in battle you are not fighting for your life, you are fighting for your buddies life, and they are fighting for your life.

If you are familiar with the story of Job, the devil struck him with sickness, he lost his livelihood, his children died in a weather storm however, he regained his wealth and then some and was blessed with 120 years added to his life.

The lesson, the best is yet to come.

After I moved back to California I have developed some of the closest friendships I have developed in my entire life.

I have never felt so close to a group of people as I have with my new friends.

Los Angeles Hiking

Los Angeles Hiking

Los Angeles is blessed with sunny weather nearly year-round and a geographical location that allows you to hit some of the best beaches and mountains in the state in the same day. So yes, there’s plenty of things to do outside here, but there’s one thing that tops many Angelenos’ lists: hiking. So next time you’re looking for a beautiful view of the city, don’t head to a rooftop bar; instead, lace up your hiking boots and head out onto the trail. Whether you’re more cityscape gawker or ocean gazer, we’ve got the trek for you in this list of the best hikes in L.A.—with views.

Last week a number of my new friends took advantage of what Los Angles hiking has to offer.

The hike was really beautiful. Many times we hiked right on the beach with a beautiful ocean view.


I ran the LA Marathon on March 18, in which I ran 5-8 miles per day in preparation however, this day we hiked about 4 1/2 miles.

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Amazing view.

We can into a amazing cavern.

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As I was talking with one of my friends. I ran into these seals.

The seals allowed us to get pretty close.

We got hungry. So it was time to eat some snacks.

Here one of my friends keeping an eyes out for dolphins in the ocean. We saw dolphin jumping in the ocean.

Where are all the dolphins?



Pay Your Bills And Earn Rewards To Finance Your Next Vacation!

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Every time you make a purchase with your credit card, the business you buy from incurs a fee. Moreover, when you utilize various reward cards, you, as the customer, earn cashback and reward points, which are ultimately paid for by the companies themselves. Essentially, the businesses where you use your credit card end up indirectly financing your vacations. Similar to the concept of "EXTREME COUPONING," where individuals exploit coupon programs to obtain large quantities of items for free, there are "TRAVEL HACKERS" who leverage loopholes in the credit card industry to earn complimentary trips. These tactics allow them to take advantage of the system and enjoy free travel opportunities.

Stephen Paid His Bills & Earned 170 Vacations:

Let's consider Stephen, who has accumulated an impressive 20 million credit card points, resulting in 170 complimentary flights over the past year. Among these flights, many were luxurious private jet experiences. Additionally, Stephen has enjoyed free vacations at some of the world's most prestigious resorts. To encourage more people to sign up and use their credit cards, companies offer enticing sign-on bonuses. For instance, the Chase Sapphire card provides new cardholders with 50,000 points. Each point holds an approximate value of two cents, meaning that 50,000 points can be redeemed for approximately $1,000 worth of free flights and vacations.

Step #1: Fix Your Credit

If you have a poor credit report, you will not be able to qualify for the credit you need in order to travel the world for free!

Even if you think you have good credit, it is suggested that you check your credit because 90% of people have errors and misinformation on their credit reports, for which you may be paying for someone else's mistakes.

Be sure to check out our free "DIY Credit Repair Kit" because fixing your credit is really simple. However, if you decide you don't want to deal with it and would rather have someone else do it for you, we have provided some great resources of companies that will fix your credit.

Step #2: Lower Your Debt

One of the reasons it is so easy for many credit repair companies to fix your credit is because they use legal loopholes to increase your credit score. However, if there are no or limited legal loopholes they can use, then you may need to eliminate some of your debt to lower the debt you have on your credit.

Now, did you notice what I said? I did not say you have to pay off your debt, which may also be an option too.

We also utilize banking laws that the banks use against you to charge you fees and higher interest. However, we employ these same laws to eliminate your debt by as much as 50%.

Imagine if you had a debt of $250,000 and we could use these laws to lower your debt to $125,000! Just imagine how many years sooner you would be able to retire?

Step #3: Establish Your Credit

If you are young and have never had a credit card or if you are someone who has had to rebuild your life, perhaps after going through a divorce, we suggest that you use a loophole of the rich that we call the "Money Saving Secrets Of The Ultra Rich." This method can help you rebuild your credit in 60-90 days in most cases.

One of the ways we achieve this is by utilizing a network of individuals who have excellent credit. You can leverage their credit to build your own credit. For example, Stephen, who has earned 20 million points, was able to build a credit score that enabled him to obtain $3.2 million dollars in credit.

Most people imagine having $3.2 million dollars in credit as dangerous. And yes, it would be if Stephen were not responsible. However, your credit score is based on the amount of credit you have used.

So, if you only have a $1,000 credit limit but you spend $500 dollars, your credit score will be worse than Stephen's, who has $3.2 million dollars in credit, even if he spends $10,000 on his credit.

You can leverage our network to rebuild your credit in the next 60-90 days.

Step #4 Apply For Credit 

Once you have built up some good credit, it is now time to start applying for a credit card to start earning some free vacations. The Chase Sapphire card is the first card suggested for you to go after because Chase only allows you to get 5 cards in a 2-year period.

So, it is suggested that you go after the first 5 credit cards from Chase. However, if you do not qualify for any of the Chase credit cards due to this rule, don't despair because there is another legal loophole you can use in step #5.

We have resources for you where you can conduct your own research and look at reviews of some of the best credit cards for your situation.

Step #5: Business Credit 

Entrepreneur magazine has stated that 90% of people are unaware of business credit, and even those who are aware don't know how to obtain it.

Business credit is a separate form of credit that is not linked to your social security number. With business credit, you can begin establishing credit that was previously unattainable just 5 minutes ago.

While Chase imposes a limit of 5 credit cards within a 2-year period, if you establish business credit, you can repeatedly obtain the same credit cards over and over again. This is because the more credit cards you acquire, the more points you will earn, allowing you to enjoy more free vacations.

I personally know individuals who go on vacations every single month due to this strategy. Moreover, there are individuals who are even more aggressive in their approach. For instance, as mentioned earlier in this article, Stephen has taken 170 flights in less than a year, despite there being only 12 months in a year.

Step #6: Vacations Are Tax Deductible

By utilizing the points earned from your credit card, you can enjoy free or nearly free vacations. However, in addition to that, if you follow the following advice, your vacations can become tax deductible.

When you go out for dinner, purchase souvenirs, or visit theme parks, these expenses can be considered tax deductible.

You see, over the past couple of years, Congress has enacted a series of governmental stimulus programs. If you have a job, the government will add $300-$500 per month to your paycheck, as well as provide 20-45% cash back on your regular everyday expenses, including vacations.


The rich spend less than the poor and middle class on those things they need but hate to pay for so they will have more money for those things that make life really enjoyable like cars, homes, shopping an vacations that we call as the money saving secrets of the ultra rich.

So I want to invite you to watch our free video at where you use these exact same secrets to save hundreds, thousands each and every month.

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How To Optimize Your Brain To Make More Money

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Attention: We remember 2% of what we hear, 25% of what we see and 100% of what we are trained to do. Besure to download your execution plans and follow along with us as we review todays model. Download Now >>

Dr. Daniel Amen’s from the Amen Clinic who has conducted over 83,000 brain scans in his Ted Talks video said those with healthy brains are healthier, happier, wealthier, wiser, more creative and more innovative.

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Now Einstein is someone you would never imagine of having a hampered brain. However, Einstein was considered a loser for many years. In a 2014 documentary it shows he was turned down for every job he applied for.

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His father even tried to get young Albert a job however, not even his father could get him a job.

He was so depressed by this fact that Einstein wrote a letter to his family stating “It would have been better if he would have never been born”.

Depression shrinks your brain and hampers your brain's ability to perform.

Scientist say: “Depression is like giving your brain a lobotomy”.

After some time, one of Einstein's friends finally got him a job as a lowly patient clerk.

In 1998 neuroscientist discover neuroplasicity.

Einstein was not born with his brain he built it.

In Dr. Joe Dispenzia TED TALKS which he shows your brain is like plastic and which each thought you shift the shape of your brain and build thinker and thinker neuro-connections.

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Einstein optimized his brain working 6 days a week reviewing patients. Einstein had to cultivate his brain by reviewing patients and stripping it down into a mathematical formula which optimized his brain to perform and in 1905 what is called “Einsteins Miracle Year” he discovers the theory of relativity, E=M2, and other groundbreaking discoveries which changed the way we see the world forever.

This maybe your miracle year!

No matter how many times you tried before, no matter how many times you failed before, No matter who says to you: “ you tried before” Tbis maybe your miracle year.

Just like Einstein, I struggled with ADHD, Dyslexia, and other so-called learning disabilities however, I optimized my brain to perform so I could get a job as a business strategist working for a $400 MILLION DOLLAR marketing firm many times working with executives from billion dollar companies like Crete Trucking, P&G, Victoria Secrets, and many others…

You have environmental, emotional and physical stresses that make your brain toxic and hampers your brains' ability to perform.

In order to optimize your brain to make more money, you have to detox your brain and give your brain the proper nutrition. The Amen clinic has done over 83,000 brain scans and with the help and research of other neuroscientists we have put together this simple plan to optimize your brain to make more money 1) by starting off optimizing your lifestyle, then 2) we will look at the bio-chemistry of success. 

We are a cocktail of different brian chemcials that influences our emotions and impact our personality. One of these brain chemcials is linked to higher chances of success. 

Most people let these brain chemicals control them but in order to truly be successful, you must understand how to hack your brain.

3) There are what is called in psychology as the "Big 5" personality traits however, there are 2 personality traits greatest predictors of wealth. 

 you will want to take our performance-based personality test to see if you have the 2 greatest personality traits that are the greatest predictors of wealth at 

4) In addition to our performance-based personality test we have 3 additional personality test because many companies offer .a one size fits all solution

With us, we need to understand your advantages as well as your disadvantage that way we can use your gifts to your advantage for you to get the best results.

5) We will look at how your childhood impacted your future success. Your past may have installed the pattern of failure that you must heal from if you are to succeed because no matter how smart you are in order to succeed you have to escape from these self-destructive behaviors. 

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You have already taken the first steps to develop the personality traits that are the greatest predictors of wealth.

What is interesting is these are also the same personality traits that are greatly associated with longevity, health, and happiness.

I use to work as a business stagiest for a $400 million dollar marketing firm many times working with executives from billion dollar companies like, Crete trucking, Toyota, Proctor and Gamble, and many others.

There are a series of common traits that we call as the billion-dollar blueprint that already established billion-dollar companies used and brought that same success to the internet.

There are unicorns where someone starts an app like Instagram and sells it for a billion dollars however when new start-up companies use these principles like Learnvest they were able to sell their company to a major investment for $250 million dollars.

But you may only want to pay your bills and financially get ahead. You may not have goals of making millions. But when we applied the principles of the billion-dollar blueprint to smaller companies it took them from being overwhelmed working 6 days a week, 10 -14 hours days sometimes.

To living your ideal lifestyle.

I want to invite you to check out the resources at the bottom of todays episode where you get the step by step blueprint to use the billion dollar blueprint to build a million dollar business in just 90 days

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The Medici Code

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A mystery that has pledged men for generations is the secret to wealth. This also pledged the mind of Andrew Carnegie, Andrew Carnegie understood poverty. The industrial revolution killed his father's livelihood. So at a young age, young Andrew he decided to find a solution to this problem, in which later in his life he found the mentorship of Thomas Scott as well as Charles Haanel.

Following the directions of his mentors, he wrote out his life plan to spend the first half of his life acquiring his wealth and the last half giving it all away. He also wanted to share this knowledge with the world.

Andrew Carnegie decided to do what he could to never let anyone experience the pain of every again, despite the vast majority ignoring his advice In which he commission Napoleon Hill and introduced him to 500 of the most successful businessmen in the word to do a 25 year study of what these men have in common with each other which was released in 1925 as a correspondence course through mail through a series of booklets and in 1928 released it as the “Laws of Success” in one volume however, Henry Ford felt the “Laws of Success” revealed to many secrets and would create too much completion for him. So in 1931 after the death of Andrew Carnegie, they released as the classic “Think And Grow Rich”.

Which was marketed as a simplified version, however, in reality, it was nothing of a sort. “Think And Grow Rich” neglected to reveal the true secrets of success which was Andrew Carney dying wish.

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Why You’re Doctor Think’s You’re Stupid!

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This article examines the paradox of professionals who fail to practice what they preach, focusing particularly on doctors. Despite possessing knowledge about leading a healthy lifestyle, many doctors neglect their own well-being. Surprisingly, doctors with poorer health tend to be reluctant in providing health advice to their patients. Additionally, the article highlights how American health guidelines are often lowered because council members doubt the public's ability to meet higher standards. The public's perception of doctors' prestige outweighs the importance of leading by example. The article urges individuals to seek doctors who lead by example and emphasizes the significance of personal empowerment and research in making informed decisions about healthcare standards.

Do As I Say, Not As I Do:

You know that famous saying, "Do as I say, not as I do"? Well, it seems like some people in certain industries take it way too seriously. I mean, seriously, doctors are supposed to be the health gurus, but many of them don't even practice what they preach! It's mind-boggling. And get this, because some patients are in better shape than their doctors, these doctors actually hesitate to give them health advice. Can you believe it? A recent study from Hopkins confirmed that a doctor's own health and body weight can impact the quality of care they provide. So, if a doctor is a bit of a mess themselves, they might hold back on giving you the advice you need. Talk about a poor example!

(see more >>

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American Doctors Are A Poor Example:

We're diving into some serious stuff here. It turns out that those American health guidelines we're all supposed to follow? Well, they're lower than they should be. Why? Because some of those council members think we can't handle the higher standards. So, they take the easy way out and lower the bar. Talk about taking the path of least resistance.

And here's the kicker: when it comes to health care, us Americans have this weird notion that being a doctor automatically makes someone credible. We trust them blindly, even more than our own ability to think for ourselves. It's like we're handing over the reins of our lives to these medical professionals.

You know, Robert Kiyosaki, the finance guru? He talks about how many financial advisors are just smooth-talking salespeople. We look to them for guidance, thinking they'll lead us to financial success. But guess what? They often have a conflict of interest. They might not offer the best solution for us because they're more focused on what benefits them, not us.

And guess what? Doctors can be guilty of the same thing. When we're sick, they tend to whip out their prescription pads or recommend harsh medical procedures because, well, that's what they sell. It's like they're running a business, not always putting our best interests first.

But here's the truth, my friends: doctors are salespeople in disguise. They're in it to make money, just like anyone else. So, we can't always assume their recommendations are in our best interest. We need to be smart, do our own research, and question their suggestions.

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Death By Medicine:

You know those medical professionals we trust with our lives? Well, here's a little secret: they're not just in it for our well-being. They're running a business, and that business is all about making money. Shocking, right?

In this mind-blowing documentary called "Death by Medicine," they uncovered a pharmaceutical company that had a whopping 49,000 health professionals on their payroll. And what were these folks doing? Pushing drugs onto their patients. Talk about a twisted game.

But hold onto your chimichangas, because it gets even crazier. There's this sweet little governmental website where you can dig into how much money these big pharma companies are throwing at doctors in the good ol' US of A. All you need is a practitioner's name, and bam! It breaks down the dirty details.

You'll see which companies have been lining their pockets and the nature of those payments. We're talking consulting fees, research moolah, travel and lodging expenses, grants, and even food and drinks. It's like a buffet of corruption.

And get this: you can also check out how much these companies have dished out in total. Take Purdue Pharma, the folks behind OxyContin, for example. They've coughed up a staggering $10,977,788 in payments. And guess what? Nearly 60 percent of that cash was spent on "compensation for services other than consulting." Yeah, they're not fooling anyone.

So, my friends, don't be fooled either. Peel back the curtain, do your research, and uncover the truth. These medical professionals might not always have your best interests at heart. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and never let them play you like a chump.

And remember, you can find all this juicy info at this link: Dive in, and let the truth set you free!

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Finding Healthy Doctors:

Step one: Find yourself a doctor who actually practices what they preach. Thanks to technology, you've got the power to dig up some dirt on these guys. Check out their pictures and see if they work out, eat healthy, and, most importantly, what kind of health advice they recommend. You don't want some couch potato telling you to hit the gym, do you?

Step two: Knowledge is power, my friends. Take control of your own life and don't let anyone take advantage of you, whether it's your health care provider or your financial guru. You gotta be in charge. Remember, everyone has their own health methods, so figure out what works for you.

And finally, don't just blindly accept the standards your doctor throws at you. Do some research, people! We've even provided you with the tools to make an informed decision. Take charge of your health standards and set them for yourself. Trust me, it's worth it.

So there you have it, straight from the mouth (or text, I guess) of yours truly. Go out there, find yourself a doctor who walks the talk, empower yourself with knowledge, and never settle for less.
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Before you use the database, there are a few things you should understand

Primarily, just because your doctor has received money from a pharmaceutical company, it doesn’t mean they’re stooges from some evil pharmaceutical corporate giant. The majority of the money is likely to be completely innocent and simply the way business is done. To buy and sell drugs, just like any product, companies send sales representatives to potential buyers, in this case, doctors.

The fear for some people is that big pharma has "bought off" doctors into buying large amounts of a certain drug. This could hypothetically lead to the doctor being pressured to prescribe that certain drug, regardless of whether it is medically and scientifically the best option.

However, laws are in place to limit this from happening however, that does not mean this does not happen.

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How To Live A Balanced Life: Health, Wealth, Happiness, Romance & Success!

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Maintaining balance in life is crucial for overall fulfillment, focusing on health, wealth, happiness, and success. Prioritize physical and mental well-being, financial stability, positive relationships, and setting goals. Optimize your brain by addressing personality traits, healing past trauma, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and staying open to new discoveries. Romantic relationships are vital, as brain chemicals play a role in attraction. Health issues can affect love chemistry, leading to dysfunctional marriages. Getting health, money, and relationships right contributes to a happy life. Remember, everyone's definition of fulfillment may vary, so reflect on your values to achieve balance and satisfaction.

The Good Life:

If you could fix any area of your life what would it be? Health, wealth, happiness, or success? Most people focus on one or two particular areas of their lives, and the rest of their lives end up in shambles.

In order to live a truly happy and fulfilled life, you must live a balanced lifestyle. What you will notice when you do find balance is, once you get one area of your life handled, the rest of your life tends to balance out as well.

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One primary area of focus for many people is their finances. If you listen to people like Tai Lopez and Grant Cardone they will tell you that you need to get your money right! Because money impacts so many different areas of your life.

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The first area of your life you should focus on is your health. Not only your physical health but also your emotional and mental health too. Dr. Daniel Armen from the Armen Clinic, who has conducted over 83,000 brain scans, found those with healthy brains are happier, healthier, wealthier, wiser, more creative, and more innovative.

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If you are struggling with any of these issues it is because of having a toxic brain.

Charles Eugster, a 93-year-old bodybuilder in his TED TALKS speech, explains that, at the current rate, 50% of the US population will be obese by 2030, when we are obese in the front part of the brain, called the pre-frontal cortex, shrinks.

Charles goes on: "The prospect of the most powerful nation in the world by 2030 having a shrinking brain is frightening. What's worse than being broke? Being fat, broke, and dumb."

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If taking better care of your health to look good is not enough to motivate you; than perhaps for the sake of your finances it is, because how successful can you be with a shrunken brain?

The people who join programs like Tai Lopez and Grant Cardon fail not because their programs didn't work, but rather because their brains are not healthy, and thus they procrastinate and engage in self-destructive behaviors.

For you to be successful you need to optimize your brain, to lose weight, to get healthy, and to make more money. 

By optimizing your brain to make more money we will:

1) We will address how to cultivate the personality traits that are the greatest predictors of wealth.

2) How to heal from past trauma that can cause us to self-sabotage ourselves.

3) Lifestyle, As you have already seen because of poor lifestyle choices this can cause our brain to shrink and hampers our brains ability to perform.

4) Because we don't know what we don't know. Every month, new discoveries about the brain are being made and we may yet not know what we are about to discover to optimize your brain to make more money.

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Nothing brings us as much joy or suffering as our romantic relationships, which is another very important area of our lives.

Love is not as simple as "boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl." There are a series of brain chemicals that attract us to certain types of people, who have a complimentary brain chemical, and thus causes us to fall in love. This is why scientists use the expression of "chemistry" to describe romantic relationships.

However, if either the husband or wife is unhealthy, they will not be able to properly produce these love chemicals at the adequate level. This will create a dysfunctional marriage. In addition, the #1 Cause for divorce is money problems.

#2 Reason for divorce is neglect, due to overworking.

Many marriage counselors have the lowest success rates of any counselors because they teach you how to get along with each other not the biology and what makes you attracted to each other.

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#1 Get your health RIGHT!  #2 Get your money RIGHT! #3 Get your romance or your marriage RIGHT! #4 GET YOUR LIFE RIGHT!

#1 Get your health RIGHT! - By getting your health right you will be in the proper state of mind to #2 Get your money RIGHT! And when you get your money right you will #3 Get your marriage RIGHT! because by getting your money right you will reduce the risk of the major cost of divorce you might otherwise have.

And by getting your marriage right you will have a happy life and #4 GET YOUR LIFE RIGHT!

This is the key to The Good Life is your Health, Wealth, Happiness, and Success Before we address how to optimizing your brain. We will address the keys to living a happy and successful life. 

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In his 25-year study of the most successful people, Napoleon Hill's classic writings revealed 17 principles of success and 33 reasons why people fail. If you have ever failed to achieve something in life, it is likely due to one of these 33 reasons. Additionally, there are six factors that cause individuals to self-sabotage. Psychologists have discovered two personality traits that not only greatly predict wealth but also influence other areas of our lives, such as health, leading to increased joy and happiness. I invite you to take a performance-based personality test to determine if you possess these two personality traits, which are strong indicators of success. If you don't have them, don't worry, as most people are not born with these traits. We will guide you on how to cultivate them at

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