Alpha Lifestyle

What Time Of The Day Do You Burn The Most Fat?

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The article emphasizes eating during the proper stage of digestion as a key to fat burning. It recommends delaying or skipping breakfast, focusing on liquids, and gradually transitioning to healthier habits. The author shares a personal experience of losing 21 lb. in two months by adopting this approach. The article introduces a shortcut to weight loss, outlining strategies like postponing the time you eat and working out in the proper stage of your digestion to burn fat.

Eat In The Proper Stage Of Your Digestion

Hopefully, you've started delaying your first meal by filling up liquids to push back your eating time. Now, it's crucial to eat during the right stage of digestion – the key to burning fat! Making wise food choices is beneficial, but it might require a lot of mental energy and willpower. To avoid feeling overwhelmed and giving up, we suggest a transition diet, making gradual changes over time for significant results. This way, you won't need to make too many quick changes, ensuring a smoother journey to a healthier you.

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My Experience

What worked well for me was getting a large sweet tea from McDonald's every morning. I filled four cups with ice and kept refilling them with the sweet tea during the breakfast hours. This kept me satisfied until 7:00 or 8:00 at night, and during this time, I continued to eat the same junk food as before.

I followed this routine for several weeks, eating during the proper stage of digestion without specifically focusing on my weight. After some time, I noticed my clothes felt looser, but I wasn't regularly checking my weight. One Monday, while at my friend's timeshare, I saw myself in a large mirror and was shocked by the weight loss around my midsection. When I weighed myself at home, I had lost 21 lbs in two months without "dieting."

According to an article on, generally, to lose 1 1/2 pounds a week, you should cut 500 to 750 calories daily. However, eating during the proper stage of digestion can expedite this process. The same article indicates that burning 3,500 more calories than you consume is needed to lose 1 lb.

That's a lot of work for just 1 lb. however, there is a short-cut.

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The Short-Cut To Losing Weight

How did I manage to average 10 lbs. in the same time frame when most people lose 4lbs.? I understood the timing and methods of eating to maximize fat burning.

Here are the strategies:

  1. 5 to 6 hours after eating: If you engage in strenuous activity within this time frame, you're burning the calories from the food you just ate, not stored fat.
  2. 6 to 8 hours after eating: When you work out, the earlier consumed food is digested, and you start burning glycogen (sugar).
  3. 8 to 12 hours after eating: This is the stage of burning fat, even during rest you are burning fat. Understanding body mechanics allows you to tap into this power without altering your diet or exercise routine. However, as part of the transition diet, we recommend gradually adopting healthier habits over time.

As mentioned earlier, our digestion has 3 stages, and delaying eating hours in the day increases the benefits. Initially, skipping breakfast may suffice, and with improved willpower, you can eventually delay eating until the typical dinner hours. Over time, you'll be able to extend the hours you postpone eating.

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Eating In The Proper Stage Of Your Digestion = Intermiten Fasting

When you delay the time you eat by eating in the proper stage of your digestion, it's called intermittent fasting. While you sleep, you naturally go through the longest period of the day without eating or drinking. Upon waking up, many of you have the habit of breaking this fast with breakfast.

The term "breakfast" comes from the moment you break your fast, as explained in Dr. Eric Berg's video, "What Really Happens When We Fast":

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During fasting, it's advisable to postpone eating for 12, 18, or at most 24 hours. Periodically, you might consider extended fasting for 24, 48, or 72 hours. After 24 hours, growth hormones spike, aiding in fat burning, anti-aging, joint healing, and protein production. Your body enters autophagy, repairing itself and addressing health issues. Beyond 24 hours, your body shifts to using ketones as an alternative fuel, as glycogen is depleted.

Extended fasting may initially be challenging, particularly in the first 24 hours. However, after this point, ketones suppress appetite and reduce junk food cravings. Additional benefits include decreased inflammation, improved digestion, and enhanced heart and brain function due to new brain cell production. The most significant benefits are experienced after 48 and 72 hours of prolonged fasting, recommended periodically.

To start, delay eating until after the third stage of digestion for maximum fat-burning benefits, as fat is the most efficient energy source.

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The diet and fitness industry has been misleading you for too long. While they emphasize diet, exercise, and weight loss supplements, much of their advice can actually undermine your success. For instance, studies show restricting certain foods to lose weight may lead to overeating by 133%.

Imagine a world where you can eat what you want, stay satisfied, and still witness those scale numbers drop. Seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not. Visit, and I’ll provide the evidence to help you break free from the diet and fitness industry’s mind games.

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Dieting Without Going Hungry

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Discover the ancient diet secret, allowing you to eat what you want while shedding pounds. In this module we expose the pitfalls of conventional diets that trigger overeating, we recommend a transition diet for lasting change. Small changes over time that give you drastic results. The constant snacking hindering fat burning, urging a shift in eating habits. We start up by harnessing the power of your metabolism, alongside exercise and proper nutrition.

Eat What You Want, Never Go Hungry, & Still Lose Weight

Unlocking this 3,000-year-old diet that has only recently been rediscovered, that's taking Hollywood by storm, to eat what you want, never go hungry, and still lose weight!

Lots of diets ask you to change everything all at once, and that's hard for your brain. Then you go back to your old habits. We suggest a "transition diet," where you make small changes, over time., that give you drastic results.

Most people are constantly eating and snacking on food that spikes their blood sugar, causing them to get hungry every few hours. This prevents their bodies from digesting their food to start burning fat.

Any activity you do within the first few hours primarily burns the food and sugars you just ate, requiring a lot more energy to burn fat.

According to an article published on, you need to burn 3,500 more calories than you take in to lose 1 pound. This is why it is almost impossible for most people to lose weight due to the types of food they are eating. You will also notice that certain calories take a lot more to burn than others.


Instead of giving up any of your junk food cravings, we suggest that you postpone your meal to later in the day by filling up on liquids because again, fat is the most efficient energy source. The way most people eat, they are only burning the food they just ate. So, again, by postponing the time you eat, you are not just burning calories for energy but for health as well.

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Stage #1 Of Your Digestion

The first step to eating what you want, never going hungry, and still losing weight is to fill up on liquids, which will make you less hungry.

Often, we eat out of habit more than real hunger. Many times, people also mistake thirst for hunger, leading to overeating.

Greg Gallagher of Kinobody recommends coffee because caffeine is an appetite suppressant. If you enjoy coffee, you can still have your morning Starbucks. Personally, I'm not a fan of coffee's taste, so when I got started, I would go to McDonald’s and order a large sweet tea around 7:30 AM while doing my online computer work.

I would have 4 or 5 refills of tea, keeping me full for the day, and sometimes, I wouldn't eat until 8 pm when I got hungry. I don't endorse sugary drinks, but keep in mind, this is a transition diet. Avoiding soda and sugary drinks might be too big of a change for your mind to adapt to. However, even with this small change, you will start to notice changes in your body.

When you eat at the proper stage of your digestion, you will see noticeable results within a week to 10 days.

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How To Look Super Human

When people are in exquisite physical shape, many argue that those people are not normal because many people make excuses for their failures. However, there are so many normal people, just like you and me, who, by changing the way they eat, look superhuman.

Postponing your eating may sound scary to you at first because of what you have been told. Again, what many of you believe is hunger is thirst. Most people confuse hunger for thirst! If you wait until you're thirsty, you are dehydrated.

Skipping breakfast sounds uncomfortable to a lot of people because many of you have been sold on the idea that we need to eat three meals a day, which was an advertising campaign to sell more food to get you to eat more.

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Getting Back To Our Roots

Throughout most of human history, we didn't have food around us 24/7 like we do in American culture today. We had to hunt and gather our food, so we only ate perhaps once a day. Even during the Great Depression, with the lack of food during this time, on average, people were living an additional six years. Postponing the times you eat has many other health advantages, including living a longer life. We have enzymes in our body that digest our food; however, when these enzymes have no food to break down, they can work on repairing our body, giving us advantages in preventing diseases and adding years to our life.

Many people eat close to the same time every day, and there are health benefits to doing so. If it is hard for you not to eat, you can train your body by pushing the time you eat by 45 minutes. Do this for a couple of weeks, giving your body time to adapt, then push the time you eat another 45 minutes until you can eat at your chosen eating time.

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Harness The Power Of Your Metabolism

Now, some of you may have heard that you need to keep your metabolism going by eating every 3 hours, but keeping your metabolism going is what leads to so many health issues by not giving your body the resources to repair itself.

The idea behind eating every 3 hours is that you will not overeat; this can work, but most people are not eating healthy enough for this to work. Most people who believe they are eating healthy are really eating what we call "fake health food." (This is what allows me to eat whatever I want.)

Postponing the time you eat, by eating in the proper stage of your digestion, is not a surefire way to look like a celebrity or a fitness model; however, when you combine this with exercise, eating properly, getting enough sleep, and removing toxins from your body, among other scientific approaches, this will give you an advantage and not require as much effort as others do to lose weight.


  1. Skip breakfast and postpone eating for as long as possible.
  2. Fill up on low-calorie liquids.
  3. If you're hungry, it's because you're not drinking enough liquids, and when you do eat, you're eating the wrong foods.
  4. If you find it difficult to postpone the time you eat, it is suggested that you postpone the time you eat by just 45 minutes, giving your body time to adapt. Once your body has adjusted, you can push the time you eat out another 45 minutes until you are eating at the most ideal time for you.
  5. When you choose to eat this way, you can eat what you want and still lose weight.


The diet and fitness industry has been misleading you for too long. While they emphasize diet, exercise, and weight loss supplements, much of their advice can actually undermine your success. For instance, studies show restricting certain foods to lose weight can lead to overeating by 133%.

Imagine a world where you can eat what you want, stay satisfied, and still witness those scale numbers drop. Seems too good to be true, doesn't it? Well, it isn't. Visit, and I'll provide the evidence to help you break free from the diet and fitness industry’s mind games.

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How Entrepreneurs Overcome Procrastination!

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This module stresses the importance of having a "bias towards action" as a crucial personality trait for success. It explores how this trait helps in overcoming procrastination and reaching goals. The module mentions that traits like conscientiousness and IQ play a significant role in predicting wealth. It warns against overanalyzing tasks, which can lead to delayed actions. The author promotes developing a bias towards action and provides insights on optimizing the brain for success. Emphasizing the impact of emotions on decision-making, the article also suggests building confidence through small acts of courage and using starting rituals to control emotions and combat procrastination.

Bias Towards Action

Most likely, you weren't born with the trait known as conscientiousness and its sub-trait, a "bias towards action," which are significant predictors of wealth. If you've taken a performance-based personality test, you might recognize these traits. People often procrastinate not because they lack the desire to act but due to overanalyzing what they should do. (Source:

Chances are, you need to intentionally cultivate this trait since it's not innate. Taking inspired action can be transformative, as the brain seeks logical ways to make sense of the inspiration. Ignoring this inspiration, termed emotional compounding by psychologists, makes it increasingly challenging to overcome resistance. This delay may persist, extending into the following days and beyond.

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Information Alone Is Not Enough To Change Your Life

The market is full of opportunities promising weight loss, financial gain, and life transformation. People spend money on courses, gyms, and coaching, thinking it will change their lives. However, having knowledge alone isn't sufficient for transformation.

It's common for others to criticize when they aren't the issue. People may judge you for not reaching your goals, considering it a failure. The key to success lies within you. Investing in learning how to change your life is essential, and now it's time to see returns on that investment. Some have spent years trying to make more money and, in one year, earned more than the past decade, knowing what to do but lacking a bias towards action.

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Moment Of Change

You're not lazy or a procrastinator. Procrastination serves as a brief escape from stress caused by fear, self-doubt, insecurities, and overthinking. Influencers like Grant Cardone, Tai Lopez, and Gary Vee suggest that your dream should be motivation enough to overcome procrastination. However, they might not understand the bias towards action, a trait they're naturally blessed with. In the next few moments, we'll hack your brain by turning off stress centers, allowing you to succeed. Instead of watching YouTube videos, try cleaning your office for temporary stress relief that may make you feel productive in the moment.

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Activation Energy

The body naturally seeks to save calories, but your brain needs more calories to initiate activities that can change your life. The energy required for certain tasks may feel like the resistance you face when trying to wake up at 3 a.m. to run a marathon. I used to stress myself out, feeling guilty for not taking action on the things I knew I should do to achieve my goals.

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Stop Sabotaging Your Life 

Napoleon Hill, a renowned writer, conducted a 25-year study on successful individuals, uncovering 17 principles of success, 33 reasons for failure, and six self-sabotaging behaviors. The first principle is having a chief aim or life purpose, emphasizing desire as the starting point of achievement. The second principle is self-confidence, crucial for success.

People often let emotions override their desires; for example, wanting six-pack abs but feeling like indulging in pizza and beer. Focusing on emotions hinders progress. Tim Grover, performance coach to Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant, in his book "Relentless," stresses that emotions weaken and divert focus. While confidence may seem innate, it's a skill developed through small acts of courage.

Kurt Cobain, the introverted lead singer of Nirvana, transformed on stage, showcasing how confidence is adaptable, not a fixed trait.

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Starting Ritual 

To take control of emotions, use the starting ritual known as the "5 Second Rule" by Mel Robbins. This involves counting 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and launching into action. The counting distracts from emotions, preventing procrastination. If hesitation occurs, using 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 helps regain control.

Counting backward is more effective than forward, breaking habitual thought patterns. The 5-second rule is part of the pre-game warm-up for overcoming procrastination, which acts as mini-stress breaks. Procrastination may lead to emotional turmoil, impacting your life.

To change your life, release emotional energy by addressing repetitive thoughts and unconscious perceptions. Neuroscience reveals we have thousands of daily thoughts, and altering these patterns is key to life transformation.

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How To Build Willpower!

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Are there things you know you should be doing that you don't do? If you could bring yourself to do some of those things, you could change your life for the better, right? But you don't do them?

With each and every decision you make throughout the day, you burn your willpower. In order to be successful, you must understand how to use your willpower wisely. Otherwise, you will waste your willpower on unimportant tasks that do not bring you closer to your goal.

So, if you feel you are procrastinating or not motivated enough to accomplish certain tasks, it may be because you do not know how to manage your willpower.

Everyone has a limited supply of willpower; however, those with ADD/ADHD have a much more severe case of this. When you wake up each morning with a full tank of gas, if you suffer from ADD/ADHD, you may only wake up with a fraction of what someone without ADD/ADHD wakes up with, and you burn through your willpower much more quickly.

Therefore, you will need to conserve your energy by making wiser choices on how to spend your energy.

Do You Have A Performance Disability?

Dr. Russell Barkley, one of the most established experts on ADD/ADHD, asserts that ADD/ADHD is not a problem with attention but rather a performance disability.

Even if you do not struggle with ADD/ADHD, you may know what to do, but the brain does not allow you to put into action what you know because of the limited supply of willpower.

Build An Environment To Be More Productive

Because you are not productive at work, it can cause all sorts of problems in your life. Many of the points Dr. Russell Barkley addresses will be discussed in the context of work; however, many of these points can be applied to other areas where performance is an issue.

If you have a supportive family, or what I call a supportive team, whom you are accountable to for what you do and don't do, working together as a team allows people to keep you accountable. When you do not do the things you should, do not let them go easy on you.

The more assertive and uncomfortable they make it for failing to follow through and act, the more likely you will be to implement what you need to do.

What happens if you sit around wasting time, like watching YouTube videos all day? Nothing much; perhaps you did not accomplish much, but it does not impact your life significantly. However, if you have ADHD, you may have been caught in this type of loop for some time, causing you to fail and your life to fall apart.

Your Virtual Boss

You need to find a virtual boss, which includes reminders, to-do lists, charts, calendars, and motivational quotes in your line of sight, reminding you of what needs to be done and helping you stay on tasks. This way, you will not be easily distracted.


To complement your reminders and charts, you need to set timers to keep track of your day. Individuals with ADD/ADHD, when focused on something, lose all concept of time. You need to set alarms not only to remind you of what needs to be done but also to wake you up, making you aware of your surroundings.

Especially for those with ADD/ADHD, you may become hyper-focused, where your intense concentration on a task makes you unaware of your surroundings, causing you to ignore other important projects you have for the day.


The hardest business task for me to accomplish is calling customers on the phone. Grant Cardone, in the 10X rule, suggests making 300 phone calls a day. However, this may be too much for the typical person, especially someone with an ADD/ADHD brain to handle. So, I set small goals:

  • I focus on 10 phone calls at a time.
  • I will do a set of 10 phone calls, 5-6 times per hour, for a total of 50-60 calls.
  • And 300 phone calls a day.

What are the projects that you need to get done? To make it not so overwhelming for your mind, you may need to break it up into smaller chunks.

Minimise Stress

We all experience stress; however, the problem is not the stress itself. Studies reveal that we are more stressed today than people were during some of the great catastrophes of the last 100 years. This is not due to the nature of the stress but rather the way we eat, our sleep patterns, and other factors that we will not address in this module but have covered in other modules. These factors make us less able to handle these stresses.

Minimise Distractions

I do not own a TV; however, the internet can still be a distraction. So, during my workday, I close down every browser on my computer that is not necessary.

Will Power Is Limited

Just like your time is limited, so is your willpower. Steve Jobs adopted one of Einstein's practices by wearing the same outfit day after day. It's not that these people wear the same stinky clothes every day, but rather they have a closet full of the same outfit. This way, they have one less decision to make that would otherwise deplete their willpower.

Refill Your Tank

A great way to refill your tank is to take a short nap. However, someone who has ADD/ADHD has fewer neurotransmitters than someone who does not have ADD/ADHD. So, you will burn through your willpower faster. But you can refill your tank.

Self Imposed Rewards

High performers put a lot of pressure on themselves. If you try something and fail, those in your life might have people who tell you that they love you anyway. They might tear you down because you failed so many times or because going after your dreams makes them look bad.

But these high performers do it for their own self-respect. As Dan Pena says, if love were enough to get the job done, we would not need money. But love is not enough because when you fail, people suffer. You need to set self-imposed rewards on yourself, preferably something that will give you a boost of dopamine in the brain, like sugar, adventure, or perhaps a romantic evening with your wife. Again, if you can get people involved, it will help you not give in until you accomplish the task. Because in order to get what you want, you have to deserve it. And you have to feel like you deserve it.

Self Talk

Most people fail at anything they try; however, BUDS training is one of the toughest schools in the US military. The purpose is to see how much suffering you can endure before you quit.

Only about 20% make it through BUDS; however, Seal Fit is a pre-school for BUDS that highly focuses on self-talk. Those who go through Seal Fit first, about 80%, complete BUDS.

Again, as we have talked about in other modules, the words you tell yourself are a great predictor of whether you will succeed in life or not.

Take Breaks

You need to give the action part of your brain, which is called the executive part of your brain, a break. So after every hour, give yourself a 10-15 minute break away from the executive part of the brain. Relax, meditate, or play a musical instrument.

How To Change Your Future

Dr. Jordan Peterson's self-authoring program is built on Dr. James Pennebaker's research, recommending spending time writing or talking about your past, present, and future. It helps avoid getting stuck in a downward spiral by only thinking about past traumas or living in a fantasy by focusing too much on the future. By addressing past trauma, envisioning a positive future, and reflecting on your current situation, the program aims to provide motivation to overcome any barriers holding you back.


You should exercise to keep your body active. Personally, I run every morning to get my heart pumping and release endorphins. High-Intensity Training (HIIT) builds grey matter in the brain, enhancing learning abilities. If you feel exhausted, a quick boxing session helps me get my blood flowing and rejuvenates me, allowing me to get back to work.

How To Build Willpower

There's a part of the brain that grows when people do things they don't want to do. It's smaller in obese individuals, increases in size during dieting, enlarges in athletes, and is notably large in those who see themselves overcoming challenges, as well as in long-lived individuals.

For instance, if you dislike going to the gym, but as you become more fit, your body releases chemicals into the brain that make it enjoyable, this part of the brain will start to shrink again. Therefore, it's essential to keep pushing yourself.

Andrew Huberman, a neuroscientist at Stanford, believes this isn't just about willpower but also your will to live. [Source:]


We can use past failures as motivation for future success. Kobe Bryant, despite initial success, reinvented himself after a loss to Shaq, changing from number 8 to 24 and transforming as a player. If you’ve faced years of setbacks, investing in knowledge for success, two personality traits strongly predict winning.

I want to invite you to take your performance-based personality test at to see if you possess these traits. Don’t worry if you don’t have them naturally; many self-made winners cultivated these traits over time.

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Why Am I Failing in Life? And What Can I Do About It to Succeed?

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Most people fall short because they believe it's easier than it actually is. Grant Cardone suggests overshooting goals, ensuring that even failure brings success. The article delves into the reasons behind goal failures, emphasizing the need for self-assessment in areas like career, finances, health, and relationships, and assigning grades to effort levels. Tony Robbins' insight that poor performance equals no results is highlighted, stressing the consequences of subpar performance. The article explores the correlation between effort and results, from poor to outstanding.

How Much Effort Does It Take To Reach Your Goal?

Grant Cardone, in his book "The 10x Rule," says that people underestimate the amount of effort needed to attain a certain goal. People believe it is much easier to reach a goal than it actually is. Whatever goal you have been trying to attain, instead of merely trying to reach it, you need to overshoot your goal.

Grant Cardone is known for being a business and financial expert. So, if your goal is to get ahead and make enough money to provide for your family, how is that working for most people? Most people are failing.

So, instead, if you overshoot your goal, let's say by putting in the effort to become a millionaire, even if you fall short of your goal, you will, at worst, make enough money to provide for your family.

Why Most People Fail Short Of Their Goal? 

Look at the amount of effort you have been putting into reaching your goal and set a new goal, putting in 10 times more effort to achieve it. This way, even if you fail to reach your new goal, you will at least achieve your original goal.

Examine different areas of your life—your career, finances, health, and relationships—and assign yourself a grade for each. Are you putting in A, B, C, or D effort in each of these areas?

Poor Job = No Results

If you are putting in D effort, you are doing a poor job. What type of results are you getting? Tony Robbins talks about this, stating that doing a poor job doesn't lead to poor results but no results. For instance, doing a poor job at work could result in termination, and in a marriage or relationship, it may lead to a divorce or breakup.

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Good Job = Average Results

How about putting in C effort? You are doing a good job but getting average results. Living paycheck to paycheck and the high percentage of overweight individuals in the American population reflect these average results. Achieving average results is not something to be proud of, as it often leads to health and financial challenges.

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Great Job = Good Results

What about putting in B effort? At this point, you may be doing a great job, possibly better than 80% of people. Arnold Schwarzenegger emphasizes the importance of making time for the gym, noting that someone doing a great job might go 5-6 days a week for 45 minutes to an hour.

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Outstanding Job = All The Results

Arnold Schwarzenegger, who put in A effort, reaped all the rewards. He spent 5 hours at the gym while working a construction job, attending college, and taking acting classes at night. Arnold's outstanding efforts led to building an educational empire, transitioning into real estate, and eventually becoming a successful actor and governor of California.

To move from B to A results, it's not just a difference in skill but a work ethic. Muhammad Ali, in an old interview, was asked in the gym how many sit-ups he had done. His response: "I only count once it starts hurting."

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In this series of modules, we will explore how to transition from achieving average results to developing the behavioral traits that lead to great or outstanding results. As Tim Grover, the performance coach for legendary athletes like Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant, states: “You don’t have to love the work; you just have to be obsessed with the results.” However, Arnold Schwarzenegger believes that pursuing your dream is what makes the work enjoyable.

Information alone is insufficient to change your life; you must also cultivate the personality traits of a winner. Two key personality traits are the greatest predictors of health, wealth, and happiness.

I invite you to take your performance-based personality test to determine if you possess the personality traits of a winner at

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How Kobe Bryant Transformed Himself From A Failure To A Champion!

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The article emphasizes the importance of optimizing one's brain for success, citing Kobe Bryant's journey from a disappointing season at 11 to becoming a state's best player at 14 showcases the impact of long-term commitment and skill development. Tim Grover's insights highlight that greatness often stems from intense failures, urging individuals to use setbacks as fuel for success. Kobe's used his gifts to his advantage, combined with a strong work ethic, developing his sset him apart. The article concludes by encouraging a daily 18-minute investment in skill development, citing the example of a millionaire mentor's disciplined approach to success.

Optimize Your Brain To Perform:

The market is full of people claiming they can help us improve our lives, but their success stories often leave out how they started. In our module on "Optimizing Your Brain to Make More Money," we discussed how Albert Einstein initially considered himself a failure. Despite this, he turned his life around by optimizing his brain's performance. Similarly, Kobe Bryant, known as a six-time NBA champion, also experienced failure before achieving success.

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Loser To Legend:

Kobe Bryant's dad and uncle were NBA players. In an interview with Lewis Howes, Kobe shared a story from when he was 11. He played in a prominent kids' league in Philadelphia where legends like Wilt Chamberlain, as well as his father and uncles, played. Surprisingly, Kobe performed so poorly that he didn't score a single point throughout the entire season.

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Growing up in a family of NBA players, people would naturally expect a lot from you, even at the age of 11. Others would assume you’d be the top choice for teams. However, if you didn’t meet those expectations and disappointed everyone with your performance, like Kobe did, it could be quite embarrassing for him.

Have you ever felt this way? 

Use Failure As Fuel To Be Successful:

Tim Grover, the performance coach for Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, and others, highlights in his books “Relentless” and “Winning” that greatness often arises from intense failures, using those setbacks as motivation. Kobe learned to adopt a long-term perspective, realizing that success wouldn’t come in a week; it would require time and persistence to surpass his peers.

Long Term View Of Success:

Kobe started by focusing on the basics, honing his shooting, dribbling, and other essential skills. By the next summer, around age 12-13, he had improved and started scoring. At 14, he became the best player in the state. While others relied on athleticism and natural talent, Kobe stood out for his strong work ethic, a trait that stayed with him throughout his entire career.

Use Your Gifts To Your Advantage:

Kobe was blessed with the personality trait of openness, giving him unique advantages as he viewed the world differently than most. He didn’t wait to be instructed; he realized the simple math of improvement: playing every day adds up over a year, making you much better than others. While most kids played only a few hours a week, Kobe spent seven hours playing as a child. If you apply this same dedication to your career, over time, it becomes hard for others to catch up.

Change Your Life In Just 18 Min. A Day:

If you spend just 18 minutes a day for a year developing a skill, you’ll invest almost 110 hours. Can you commit to 18 minutes daily for a year? Doing this will put you ahead of 95% of the population. Take my first business mentor, Buck Reed, for example. From ages 25 to 28, he became a millionaire. Instead of watching sports and popular TV shows, he listened to business CDs and attended business events every weekend for months. Rather than going out with friends, he invested that time and $100,000 in his business education, achieving millionaire status in three years.


We can use past failures as motivation for future success. Kobe Bryant, despite initial success, reinvented himself after a loss to Shaq, changing from number 8 to 24 and transforming as a player. If you’ve faced years of setbacks, investing in knowledge for success, two personality traits strongly predict winning.

I want to invite you to take your performance-based personality test at to see if you possess these traits. Don’t worry if you don’t have them naturally; many self-made winners cultivated these traits over time.

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Why You Should Stop Listening To Money Making & Business Experts!

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Should You Stop Listening To Money Making Experts?

Let's talk about something that's been on my mind – those money-making gurus. While they may be successful, often their advice is too advanced for many people to follow.Let's talk about something that's been on my mind – those money-making gurus. While they may be successful,

Growing and developing skills is crucial, but drowning in a sea of self-help information isn't the answer. Some folks become self-help addicts, jumping from one program to another without really achieving anything. They believe the next course will give them the confidence to take action, but it often doesn't happen.

Growing and developingGrowing and developing skills is crucial, but drowning in a sea of self-help information isn't the answer. Some folks become self-help

Ask yourself: "Am I actually doing anything, or am I just addicted to feeling like I'm doing something?" Trust me, I've been there.Ask yourself: "Am I actually doing anything, or am I just addicted to feeling like I'm doing something".

Take a lesson from Michael Jordan, one of the greatest basketball players. His success came from starting with the basics, the fundamentals. Similarly, before diving into advanced internet marketing, learn how to make a sale, retain a customer, and keep them happy.Take a lesson from Michael Jordan, one of the greatest basketball players. His success came from starting with the basics, the fundamentals. Similarly, before diving into advanced internet marketing, learn the basics.

People spend money to learn complex marketing strategies but often don't apply what they already know. Instead of going for advanced tactics, stick to the basics and invest your time in learning how to win.

Consider John Assaraf, known from the movie "The Secret." In his first year in real estate, he learned how to win, not fancy marketing jargon. Winning is about developing the traits of a winner, not memorizing the latest Instagram algorithm.Consider John Assaraf, known from the movie "The Secret." In his first year in real estate, he learned how to win.

While marketing strategies matter, they're like the side dish; the main course is learning how to win. There's no need to dive into another marketing course – realize that you've got what it takes inside you. Stop questioning yourself, stop distracting yourself, focus on the basics, and learn how to win.While marketing strategies matter, they're like the side dish; the main course is learning how to win!

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Achieve More In Your Career By Harnessing The Power Of Your Advantages & Your Disadvantages!

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We're are a mixture different traits that shape who we are. Psychology breaks down these traits into categories known as the Big 5 of personality. Harvard discovered that about half of our personality comes from our genetics and upbringing.

Simply learning something new won't make a big difference in your life unless you have the right mix of traits to actually do something about it. It's not just about knowing what to do; you need to embrace a new way of being.Simply learning something new won't make a big difference in your life unless you have the right mix of traits to actually do something about it. It's not just about know.

The Big 5 are:

  1. Openness
  2. Conscientiousness
  3. Extraversion
  4. Agreeableness
  5. Neuroticism

If you haven’t taken your performance-based personality test yet, Here is a link!

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CEOs and Marketing Experts

People with the trait of "Openness" are creative, with IQs over 115, and tend to have liberal political views. They're generally likable, but there's a downside – they might struggle with organizing things and experience higher levels of negative emotions.

People with thePeople with the trait of "Openness" are creative, with IQs over 115, and tend to have liberal political views.

It's easy to spot them because they often have ADHD and Dyslexia. While Dyslexia is sometimes viewed negatively, interestingly, Dyslexic individuals are four times more likely to become millionaires. Famous figures like Elon Musk, Walt Disney, and Sir Richard Branson are dyslexic.It's easy to spot them because they often have ADHD and Dyslexia. While Dyslexia is sometimes viewed negatively, interestingly, Dyslexic individuals are four times more likely to become millionaires.

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Sales People

They're the outgoing, confident, and emotionally stable group, perfect for handling the highs and lows of sales. If you think you're one of them, try the personality test at to discover your selling superpowers.


They're hardworking, responsible,They're

They're hardworking, responsible,They're hardworking, responsible, and not easily upset. They're not bothered if people like them; their main focus is getting the job done.

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Customer Service

They're friendly, kind-hearted,They're friendly, kind-hearted, considerate, positive, and outgoing.

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General Employees

They have anThey have an average IQ of 100, and they are hardworking, organized, and generally have a positive emotional outlook.

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Know Your Strength

once you know your strengths and weaknesses, you're onto something big because even billionaires have their drawbacks. That's where we step in. The key traits for career success are being diligent, and for entrepreneurial success, it's a mix of "Openness" and a high IQ.Here's the scoop – once you know your strengths and weaknesses, you're onto something big because even billionaires have their drawbacks. That's where we step in. The key traits for career succes

The online world is full of money-making opportunities, but replicating someone else's success is tricky due to the intricate nature of technology. Clinical psychologists suggest you need at least an IQ of 115+ to navigate the internet's complexity. I'm a living example – high in "Openness," but had to develop the traits of conscientiousness.The online world is full of money-making opportunities, but replicating someone else's success is tricky due to the intricate nature of technology. Clinical psychologists suggest you need at least an IQ of 115+ to navigate the complexity. I'm a living example – high in "Openness," but had to develop the traits of conscientiousness.

If you're overly agreeable, the workplace can be tough; it's like being a doormat since you might not stand up for yourself.

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Hey there! I'd love for you to try our performance-based personality test and find out if you have the two personality traits that strongly predict wealth. Don't stress if you don't; most self-made millionaires had to work on developing these traits.Hey there! I'd love for you to try our performance-based personality test and find out if you have the two personality traits that strongly predict wealth.

Join me on this exciting journey at One more thing, stay healthy, have a great day, and i'm glad I could help you!

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The Battle of the Bulge: Dr. Marouni Of Bel-Air Weight Loss & Cosmetics Compares Emerald Green Laser to CoolSculpting in Los Angeles


Hello, health enthusiasts of Los Angeles! Dr. Marouni here and today, we're diving into the battlefield of body sculpting. In a city that thrives on beauty and wellness, the question on everyone's mind is: Emerald Green Laser or CoolSculpting? Buckle up, as we explore the pros and cons of these two heavyweights in the world of aesthetic enhancement.

Precision Showdown: Emerald Green Laser

First in the ring is the Emerald Green Laser. Known for its precision, this non-invasive technology targets specific areas with accuracy. The green laser's low-level therapy stimulates cellular activity, aiding in the breakdown of fat. It's a personalized approach that aligns with our commitment at Bel-Air Weight Loss & Cosmetics to cater to individual needs.

CoolSculpting: Freeze the Fat Away

Now, let's talk about CoolSculpting, a heavyweight in the world of non-surgical fat reduction. Using controlled cooling, CoolSculpting freezes and eliminates stubborn fat cells. It's a popular choice for those looking for a non-invasive method with proven results. However, it's important to note that CoolSculpting is a generalized treatment and may not offer the same precision as the Emerald Green Laser.

Scientific Basis: Cellular Stimulation vs CoolSculpting's Cryolipolysis

The Emerald Green Laser operates on the principle of low-level laser therapy, stimulating cellular metabolism to break down fat. CoolSculpting, on the other hand, uses cryolipolysis to freeze and destroy fat cells. Both methods have a scientific basis, but the key difference lies in their mechanisms. The laser focuses on cellular stimulation, while CoolSculpting relies on temperature manipulation.

Comfort and Convenience: Non-Invasive Wins

In the comfort and convenience category, both contenders shine. The Emerald Green Laser and CoolSculpting are non-invasive procedures, meaning no surgery and minimal downtime. However, the Emerald Green Laser takes a slight edge in precision, providing a tailored approach to body contouring.

Results and Real-World Feedback:

What matters most is the real-world impact. Clients at Bel-Air Weight Loss & Cosmetics have reported positive results with the Emerald Green Laser, noting targeted fat reduction and an overall improvement in body contouring. CoolSculpting also boasts a track record of success, but the generalized nature of the treatment may not suit everyone's individual goals.

The Verdict:

In the battle of Emerald Green Laser vs CoolSculpting, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. It boils down to your personal preferences, goals, and the level of precision you seek. Both technologies offer non-invasive alternatives for those looking to sculpt their bodies without surgery.


As your guide in the world of wellness, I encourage you to explore your options and choose the method that aligns with your unique needs. Whether it's the precision of the Emerald Green Laser or the proven results of CoolSculpting, the decision is yours. Visit us at Bel-Air Weight Loss & Cosmetics in Los Angeles to embark on a personalized journey to the body you've always dreamed of. The battle of the bulge is on – choose your champion wisely!

Explore The Science: How Much Weight Can You Lose With Emerald Green Laser” Los Angeles, California


Greetings, health enthusiasts of Los Angeles! Dr. Marouni here, and today, let's embark on a journey into the world of cutting-edge weight loss with Emerald Green Laser. As we delve into the science and statements from the FDA, we'll explore the transformative potential this technology holds for those seeking to shed unwanted inches and redefine their contours.

Clinical Trial: A Game-Changer in Weight Loss Evaluation

Clinical trials have set a new standard in evaluating aesthetic devices, showcasing the efficacy of the fat loss laser. What makes this trial particularly noteworthy is its absence of diet restrictions, exercise requirements, or any other adjunctive components. This approach has properly illustrated the clinical utility of the Emerald Green Laser, emphasizing its stand-alone effectiveness in the realm of weight loss.

Statements from the FDA: A Stamp of Approval

When it comes to substantiating claims, statements from the FDA carry significant weight. The data for the Emerald Green Laser speaks volumes:

  • Emerald – 6 inches / 15.24 cm Average Reduction: In just one month, participants experienced an average reduction of 6 inches (15.24 cm) in the waist, hips, and upper abdomen. This impressive result is a testament to the precision and efficacy of the Emerald Green Laser in targeted fat reduction.
  • Verjú (Emerald Predecessor) – 11.48 cm Reduction: The predecessor to the Emerald, Verjú, showcased a remarkable 11.48 cm reduction in the waist, hips, and thighs in just two weeks. These results underscore the consistent success of Emerald's technology in delivering tangible outcomes.

Understanding the Clinical Significance:

These clinical trial results are not just numbers; they represent a paradigm shift in the way we approach weight loss. The Emerald Green Laser has demonstrated its ability to produce substantial reductions in key areas without the need for additional lifestyle modifications. This is a game-changer for individuals seeking a non-invasive, effective solution to reshape their bodies.

Personalized Consultation at Bel-Air Weight Loss & Cosmetics:

As we navigate this realm of transformative weight loss, it's important to recognize that individual responses may vary. That's why at Bel-Air Weight Loss & Cosmetics, we prioritize personalized consultations. During these consultations, we discuss your goals, assess your unique needs, and tailor a treatment plan that aligns with your expectations.


In the ever-evolving landscape of weight loss, Emerald Green Laser stands out as a beacon of precision and efficacy. The clinical trial results and statements from the FDA affirm its transformative potential. If you're in Los Angeles and ready to explore the possibilities, reach out to us at Bel-Air Weight Loss & Cosmetics. Let's embark on a journey where inches melt away, contours redefine, and your confidence soars. The science is speaking – are you ready to listen?