How To Afford And Make A Living While Traveling The World Dating Beautiful Women As A Pass Port Bro!


This is the first time in American history that what men and women want out of a relationship is so completely opposite of each other.

Many American women believe they don’t need a man; they’d rather put career ahead of family and child.

There are still women who value these traditional values; however, because of where you live, it is harder and harder for men who value family to find these types of women where they live. These men may have to move to an area where religious values are still important. You can still find these types of women in small towns in America.

But many men have left America to go to lands from around the world where women still value family, children, and the sanctity of marriage, calling themselves passport bros.”

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Build A Income To Support Your Lifestyle

We all have friends, family, hobbies, and things we’d rather do than working, but you need the money and time freedom in order to do those things.

When deciding on a career, many people look at the money they will make and if they will have a passion for the work they will be doing. Instead of just looking at the money we can make, you want to have a career that will give you the money and the freedom to support your lifestyle.

Many people have started what is called a lifestyle business, in other words, a business that not only gives you the income you need but also gives you the freedom to support your lifestyle.

Consider my great aunt who started and ended selling her famous snack food business to Frito Lay at 33, where she was able to live the next 66 years of her life retired.

Imagine if you could live 66 years of your life retired? Imagine all the places you could visit, all the experiences you could have, all the relationships you could develop?

Because she retired early, she did not need to miss out on her child’s growing up life like most families need to.

One means of living that many men have taken up is they have ditched the 9-5 and instead traveled the world dating beautiful women.”

Looks good now! Let me know if you need further assistance.

How To Make A Living Dating Beautiful Women As A Passport Bro.

David Bond makes a living sharing his adventures with his girlfriends, dating women from Thailand, Colombia, and around the world. He documents his travels on YouTube, then sells memberships to a few internet websites. He also makes money with cryptocurrency.

Uncle Sam Wants To Pay You To Quit Your Job And Travel The World Dating Beautiful Women 

The government does not want you to work a job that you do not enjoy, away from your family. So, in order to help you make the transition from working a job to quitting your job, and making a living by traveling the world and dating beautiful women.

Many people are concerned if this is legal? Who makes the laws? Politicians? And do they make these laws for you or themselves? Of course, themselves. And since they make the laws, they know the laws. However, if you know these laws, you can use these exact same laws politicians and the rich use to provide for your family.

Let Me Introduce Myself

Let me reintroduce myself. My name is Christopher Brown. In my last job, I was hired as a business strategist for a $400 million dollar marketing firm. Many times, I worked with executives from companies like, Crate Trucking, and Procter & Gamble.

After conducting an average of 60 sessions per week, many of them with executives from billion-dollar companies, I noticed a pattern that we called the billion-dollar blueprint. This blueprint is used by many existing billion-dollar companies and can bring the same success to the internet.

Yes, there are unicorns where some idea catches fire and is able to sell for a billion dollars, like when Facebook bought Instagram for a billion dollars. However, when individuals use the billion-dollar blueprint, they are able to quit their jobs and make a living spending more time with their friends and family.

The marketplace is filled with opportunities promising to help you make more money, but they often complicate things to charge more. Gary Keller of Keller Williams real estate, in his book ‘The One Thing,’ asks: what is the one thing you could be doing that would make everything else you could be doing irrelevant? Or, as I like to put it, a waste of time.

Become A Millionaire Making A Living Traveling The World While Dating Beautiful Women

The reason David Bond was able to make a living while traveling the world dating beautiful women is because he built a large enough following that he could sell memberships to his website. However, what led to his success is that one of his videos went viral, and he capitalized on that attention to get more traffic. But he has stated that what worked for him would be hard to duplicate because having a video go viral is like winning the lottery.

The purpose of business is when someone has put in the effort to build a large customer list or a large social media following, where they can send out a message to that following. They only need a small percentage of that following to respond to the message to reach your income goal.

However, it may take a lot of time and effort to build a following large enough to reach your financial goals. But just think how much easier it would be to find someone who is already successful, send out a message to their following endorsing you and what you have to offer.

Now the very first time I did this, I made a deal with Joel Broughton, who sent out an email to his customer base endorsing what I have to offer. Over the next 6 hours after sending out that email, it turned into nearly $15,000.

Jeff Walker made no money for 6 years; after 9 years, he made a total of $210,000. However, once he started using someone else’s following to build his customer base, he made $3.5 million over a 35-hour period.

How Do You Make A Living?

Some of you are entrepreneurs, some of you work for a boss. However, the true beauty of being an entrepreneur is that you can make a living without relying on a boss.

I’m guessing for a lot of you, this is not the first time you’ve tried to make more money and improve some area of your business.

You see, the marketplace is filled with gurus and opportunities promising they can help you make more money.

However, it is unlikely you will experience the same results for yourself because there are so many tricks and gimmicks; it is almost impossible to be successful.

However, we suggest that you work with real businesses that offer real services to the communities they serve, like real estate agents, auto dealers, medical offices, and restaurants. These are the top 5 industries with the most millionaires. By using someone else’s following to help these companies grow, this will give you better odds of being successful.


I’m going to introduce you to an idea that is hidden from the general public. It’s how Icy Hot went from $20,000 to $13 million in 15 months. It’s how John Reese went from $5,500 his first year, then jumped $100,000 in a 7-day period, and then did a million dollars over a 24-hour period, ending the year with several million dollars. If you work a job, it’s how I helped my boss grow his business, where I made nearly $15,000 in a 6-hour period from my $15-an-hour job.

People love the idea of using someone else’s following to build their customer base, social media following, or subscriber list, giving you the freedom to live in a van traveling the world. But going from the idea to putting it into action is too much to ask for many people because you still may have so many unanswered questions.

So I want to invite you to visit where we’ll also answer how to get Uncle Sam to pay you to quit your job.