Control The Media – Make More Money In The Next 90 Days Than You Have In The Past Year!

I want to introduce you to an idea from Walt Disney which is  control the media.

Companies spend over a trillion dollars a year to advertise their products however, the customers these companies are trying to attract are also the customers of someone else.

So if you can find a way to get access to these customers by partnering up with the companies your ideal customers spend money with you’ll never have to worry about money again.

Disney has been using group marketing to control the media since at least the 1950’s they started out with the Wonderful World of Disney which was basically an info commercial for the opening of Disneyland.

Later Disney bought ABC, ESPN, and even more recently Disney bought Star Wars, Marvel and started buying up games, blogs, websites, and Youtube channels to promote their products and services.

So instead of spending money on different media channels like TV, Social Media, and radio to advertise their products and services. Disney (controls the media) by partnered up with different media channels to broadcast their message.

In 2012 Disney controlled the media by landing a deal with Netflix high gave Disney access to Netflix’s user base and allowed Disney to control their message through Netflix’s platform. 

Len & Annette are carpet cleaners in Canada that followed Disney’s example by putting a deal together with a real estate agent, a dry cleaner, and a furniture store. They controlled the media by controlling the message their partners broadcasted to their customer base.

They provided marketing material for their partners and over the next 12 months that brought in over 3,000 customers and a million dollars in additional revenue.

You can get access to this exact campaign to see how they controlled the media at

The internet is fast, what may take 3-6 months to do offline you can do in sometimes 24 hours. John Reese was the first individual to make a million dollars in 24 hours online. Sure, there have been already established corporations to do this however, John was the first individual.

Since then, this has been done over and over again.

Everyone agrees the easiest customers sell come from referrals however, you are not in control of the message of what is being said about you. With group marketing, we control the media by controlling the message that is distributed you can get a higher percentage of people to buy your products and services. 

John landed a deal with Frank Kern who made his money offering pet training programs online, Jeff Walker who ran a financial newsletter, and several other email newsletters where John had pre-written the endorsement emails and within 24 hours they closed just over $1 million dollars.  

If you owned Facebook, Google, and Youtube do you think that you would have any trouble finding customers? Another way to control the media and by investing in advertising. 

Amateurs spend lots of money not only with Facebook, Google and Youtube but also the tons of other media channels to promote their message. However, Many smaller companies oversimplify their marketing by offering coupons and run advertisements letting people know what the company does.

When you start with average anyone can make you better but when you have worked with those who are already at the top of their game results are a lot less obvious. You look at anything that can give you the slightest edge.

Advertising is not just letting people know what you do its understand human behavior and how to use the proper combination of words, shapes and colors motivates a person to do business with you and pull out more profits than the completion.

The most sophisticated enterprises both big and small harness the power of human behavior by owning the media by building and or acquiring their own media channels to promote their own products and services through to their community.

Part of my job working as a business strategist, many times working with executives from multi billion dollars enterprises was to help them out smart their competitors.

In an effort to help you control the media by giving you the proper tools I want to invite you to partner up with us because we use a similar software that some of the biggest experts in their field use including dean Graziosi, grant cordon, Tai Lopez, and many others have used spending $100,000 that earned them 100’s of millions of dollars And that bulletproof coffee use to raise over $60 million dollars that we call as an auto sales closing system that will 1) generate interest 2) capture your leads 3) present your products to your prospects 5) closes them right there on the spot and if they don’t buy it follows up with them and closes them at a later point by capitalizing on 9 different categories of income streams at


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