How Alexa von Tobel Transformed an Idea into a $250 Million Website

Alexa Van Tobel built a financial education website, that build a email subscriber list of 1.5 million, and sold the website to a major investment firm of $250 million dollars 

Let look how she did this

If you have seen some of our previous videos, you know the things that many companies do online is not new, the technology may be new however, the things many successful companies do online is what companies were doing in the 1920,30, and 40s

In those day companies were less concerned with getting their name known and where more concerned with making sales.

An example I showed many of you before, is this Bisquick ad off the back cover of a 1931 cosmo magazine and as you notice in the Botton right hand corner there is a little coupon that a person can mail in for a free Bisquick cookbook that highlights the importance of why a person should cook with Bisquick   

Many companies require to big of a financial commitment to fast for them to start doing business with them because the more expensive your products are the more trust you have to develop before they will buy from you.

You want to start off with a free trial offer, normally this is done with email. Yes, there is a lot of excitement around social media however, when it comes down to spending money. More money is spend through email than any other marketing channel.

The way Alexa did this is by offering a FREE membership with an opt-in form at her website.

Another strategy that Alexa used is known as the “Gold Rush” principle because Sam Brennan became the first millionaire during the California gold rush not by finding gold but by selling picks, shovels, and tools the prospectors needed.

Today many businesses offer supportive services that enable them to sell their products and services. Alexa did this by selling a book that established herself as the most credible expert in her field.

Many other experts built up their credibility by using a book the led to success where many of these experts are today.

Your favorite TV shows why do you watch them? Your favorite magazines why do you read them? For the ads? No! You watch these TV shows and read these magazines because you want to be entertained and or learn something.

This is exactly what Alexa did with her email newsletter! When people read the articles in her daily newsletter she included advertisement to some of her products and even though her readers enjoyed what they were learning. Some of them took advantage of the products she offered.

The purpose of advertising is when someone has built a following large enough that they can send out a message to that following they only need a small percentage of that following to respond to the message to reach their financial goals.

However, it may time a lot of financial resources to hit their goal. Resources that many of you do not have.

But just think how much easier it would be to find someone who is already successful send out a message to their following endorsing you and what you have to offer.

This is exactly what Alexa did with LearnVest.

According to an article interview at LearnVest content went out in a newsletter to our audience which was growing, and growing organically but we also put in place syndication and business development deals. Today, we went from having 4,000 referrals outside newbies coming to the site per month. Now we have 150,000 per month.That’s because of the with 50 syndication partners like Forbes.comDaily FinanceThe Wall Street JournalNew York MagazineHuffington Post. We have about 50 different syndication relationships in place now. 

They also hired a business development person to grow the network (joint venture broker) it’s taken about a year or two to really have successful, flourishing relationships and build enough trust.

People love the idea of using someone else’s following to build their customer base. But going from idea to putting this into action is to much to ask for so many smaller companies because they already have so many issue they have to handle.

So I want to invite you to work with us, where we can partner up together to put a project like this together at