“How Dave Asprey Turned A Blog Into A $50 Million Dollar Coffee Brand!”

If you have seen any of our other videos or read any of my blog posts on the subject you know the thing that many companies do online it not new, the technology may be new but the things that many successful companies do online is what companies were doing in the 1920s, 30s and 40s.

This kinds of marketing is know as direct response advertising.

Look at this Listerine ad from the 1930s. 

Listerine consistently ran a series of educational articles similar to what blogger are doing online in todays business environment.

Let’s look at Bulletproff coffee! David Asprey built a $50 million dollar coffee brand with content marketing.

The Bulletproof Blog

Today, with the advancement of technology, Dave Asprey regularly publishes articles, videos, and podcasts through his blog to educate people about the health benefits of using certain products. This approach is reminiscent of what companies used to do during the 1920s, 30s, and 40s when they would frequently publish educational articles in magazines to persuade individuals to use their products.

By sharing informative content, Dave Asprey aims to educate his audience on various health-related topics and promote the benefits of specific products. Through his articles, videos, and podcasts, he likely discusses the science behind certain products, their potential impact on well-being, and how they can contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

This approach aligns with the historical practice of companies promoting their products through educational content. By providing valuable information, companies in the past aimed to establish trust with consumers and showcase the benefits of their offerings. Similarly, Dave Asprey’s blog likely serves as a platform to inform and engage with his audience, while also promoting the health benefits associated with the products he endorses.

It’s worth noting that this is a general observation based on the information provided. The specific content and products discussed by Dave Asprey would require further research for a more detailed understanding.

Start Here

David Asprey promotes a lifestyle known as the Bulletproof Diet, which extends beyond being solely a coffee brand or a diet plan. It encompasses a comprehensive approach to living a healthy life. On the Bulletproof blog, under the “start here” section, Asprey provides a step-by-step blueprint on how to adopt this lifestyle and recommends reading his book, “The Bulletproof Diet.”

The Bulletproof Diet, as advocated by Asprey, is not limited to coffee consumption but includes a broader framework for optimizing health. It involves making conscious choices about the types of foods consumed, with an emphasis on high-quality, organic ingredients and prioritizing specific macronutrients like healthy fats. The diet encourages avoiding processed foods, refined sugars, and substances that may cause inflammation in the body.

Furthermore, the Bulletproof Diet encompasses other aspects of a healthy lifestyle, including exercise, sleep, stress management, and cognitive performance enhancement. Asprey’s blog provides guidance on these topics, offering a comprehensive approach to overall well-being.

By providing a step-by-step blueprint and recommending his book, Asprey aims to guide individuals on how to embrace the Bulletproof Diet as a lifestyle. The intention is to empower readers to make informed choices regarding their nutrition, physical activity, and overall health, thereby fostering long-term well-being and vitality.

Gold Rush Principle

The “Gold Rush” principle is indeed a strategy employed by many wildly successful companies. It derives its name from the California Gold Rush, where Sam Brannan became the first millionaire by selling pickaxes, shovels, and tools to the prospectors, rather than by finding gold himself. This principle involves offering supportive services or products that enable the sale of the main product or service.

For example, McDonald’s is often viewed as a fast food business, but in reality, they operate as a real estate business. By selling fast food, they attract a select group of business-minded individuals who become franchise owners. McDonald’s profits from the real estate on which their franchises are built. The fast food aspect serves as a means to funnel individuals into the franchise system, ultimately allowing McDonald’s to accumulate substantial real estate holdings.

In a similar vein, many smaller enterprises have employed this principle by utilizing books. While there may not be significant direct profitability in selling books alone, they serve as a tool to establish individuals as credible experts in their respective fields. This, in turn, enables them to build their personal brand and gain recognition. Arnold Schwarzenegger, for instance, started his career as a bodybuilder and fitness book author (when he was still known as Arnold Strong), which provided him with the credibility to transition into a successful Hollywood actor.

David Asprey followed the footsteps of many renowned experts by authoring his book, “The Bulletproof Diet.” This publication granted him the credibility needed to become a leading authority on the health benefits of Bulletproof coffee. Even large coffee brands like Folgers or Maxwell House may not have been able to leverage this strategy in the same way.

By leveraging supportive services or products, companies and individuals can establish themselves as credible authorities in their fields, build their brand, and achieve long-term success beyond the immediate profitability of their primary offerings.



Certainly! In the world of content marketing, the strategy employed by Dave Asprey on the Bulletproof blog can be likened to the advertising approach used in the 1960s on television. During that time, a single show would have only a few advertisers who would sponsor the entire program. This is in contrast to the current model where multiple companies advertise within a single show through commercial breaks.

In recent years, many YouTubers have reverted to the old sponsorship model. They partner with a single company to sponsor their videos, sometimes for extended periods of months or even years. This shift is motivated by the understanding that viewers are drawn to their favorite TV shows and magazines for both entertainment and the opportunity to learn something new.

Similarly, on Dave Asprey’s blog, he features experts who are interviewed on his podcast, as well as writes articles and produces videos covering a wide range of health topics. While visitors engage with the informative content, they may also be inclined to try out his Bulletproof coffee brand, which is present on his blog.

The underlying principle here is that people are attracted to engaging and educational content. By providing valuable information and entertainment, Dave Asprey aims to capture the interest of his audience and potentially introduce them to his own products or those of his sponsors.

It’s important to note that the analogy presented here draws from general observations and may not capture the full extent of Dave Asprey’s specific marketing strategy. Further research into his blog and content would provide a more comprehensive understanding.

Building A List

There is indeed a significant amount of hype surrounding social media platforms. However, when it comes to spending money on advertising and marketing, email remains a powerful medium, and it often receives more investment than any other media type. One of the reasons for this is that social media companies have control over the visibility of your posts, determining who sees them and who doesn’t.

On social media, only a small percentage, typically around 2-5% of your followers, will actually see your posts. Even if you initially receive a high number of views, as social media companies strive to generate profits, they often require payment to reach a larger audience. This shift occurs once these platforms have achieved substantial growth.

In contrast, when you build and maintain an email list, you have direct ownership and control over your subscribers. This is why many companies underestimate the power of building a large email list. By having an email list, you can communicate directly with your subscribers, without relying on the algorithms or payment systems of social media platforms.

Dave Asprey understands the value of an email list and actively invites people to subscribe to his email newsletter. Through this strategy, he has successfully built a subscriber list with over a million subscribers. This allows him to reach his audience directly, bypassing the limitations and uncertainties of social media platforms.

In summary, while social media platforms offer great visibility and reach initially, they often restrict organic reach and require payment for broader exposure. In contrast, building and nurturing an email list provides greater control and direct access to your audience, making it a valuable marketing tool.


The purpose of building an email subscriber list is that once you have built a following large enough, you can send a message to that following, and you only need a smaller percentage of them to respond in order to reach your income goal.

However, it may require a significant amount of time and financial resources to build a following large enough to achieve that goal. Just imagine how much easier it would be to find someone who is already successful and send a message to their following, receiving their endorsement for you and what you have to offer.

The first time I did this, I made nearly $15,000 in my very first 6 hours, and over the next 12 months, that deal turned into a $150,000 per month income.

The next time, I did a deal with Al Nin and his dentist, and that resulted in $6.5 million over a 12-month period.

I’m nothing special; I simply had some knowledge about a lesser-known method to get companies to recommend me and the companies I have worked with to their customer base. You are just one deal away from changing your life.

Covering everything here would be an impossible task, so I invite you to visit 90daymillion.alphalifestyleacademy.com for more details.