How Much Money Do You Need To Be Happy?

Stress, anxiety and depression are all warning signs from the body that something is not right.
Money isn’t everything, it’s just 1 area of your life you need to get handled.
According to the American Psychological Association (APA), money is the top cause of stress in the United States.
long-term financial stress related to finances results in distress, which may bring up blood pressure and cause headaches, upset stomach, chest pain, insomnia, and a general feeling of sickness. Financial stress has also been linked to a number of health problems, including depression, anxiety, skin problems, diabetes, and arthritis.
However, a study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, shows that $85,000 is the minimum income you need to start feeling happy. Those earning less than that are less happy on average, while those earning over $85,000 are happier.
psychologist Daniel Kahneman and economist Angus Deaton published a study in 2010 that showed the highest level of life satisfaction with incomes of $75,000 ($90,000 when adjusted for inflation, per Bloomberg) and that more income did not improve happiness.
Just as the wisdom of King Solomon said in the Bible, where he said give me neither poverty, nor riches.
In 2015 a study was published that showed to make the equivalent of a mile class family in 1960, in the year 2015 you would have to make between $180,000 on the low end to $1,000,000 on the high end
A million dollars is not as much money as it use to be. Today you need about a million in a half to equal what a million dollars was in 1960.
However, during the 1980 new laws were written that took money out of the working class and put it in the hands of the rich making the rich super-rich.
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Because of economic changes it has gotten harder and harder for many to be able to make a living. You can rant, rave and complain how unfair this is however, if you want to win you have to play by the rules of the game if you want to win by adapting to the new economic changes. Just 0.01% of the population, and 5% of businesses make a million dollars a year.
Just like the TV show undercover billionaire where in season #1 Glen Sterns and season #2 Grant cordon was draped off in the middle of nowhere, with just $100, no contacts, just their skills