How To Create Advertising That Sells – The Gold Rush Principles 

The McDonalds corporation started as a struggling hamburger stand to one of the worlds most recognized brands because of the gold rush principle. Let me explain, Samuel Brannan became the richest person in California because of the California gold rush not by finding gold but by selling picks, shovels and tools the prospectors needed.

By using the gold rush principle you offer supportive services that enable you to be more successful with what you are doing. IN the case of McDonalds, McDonalds sells fast food that gives them brand recognition to more people, opening the opportunity for those business minded individual to invest in a McDonalds franchise. 

Jeremy shoemaker sold a $0.99 ebook through Amazon, selling 35,000 eBooks, drive 17,500 Unique Visitors to, generating 480 leads, 115 sales Calls, and 16 New Clients at $5,500 per month per customer, totaling $88,000 per month, or $1,056,000 per year.

Russell Brunson as a college student from Boise, ID sold a $7 book online. That helped him to build a $100 million web design software because For every book he sold for $7 he created an additional $40 revenue in up-sells. By reading the book, the reader was convinced to choose his software over competitor software. They then made the decision to purchase his software. 

Dave Asppray wrote a book about the benefits of drinking coffee. Folgers just sells coffee but Dave Asspray established himself as the most sought after expert on the health benefits of coffee which lead him to raising almost $60 million dollars in investor money who at the time ONLY sold his coffee through the internet and has since certain stores carry his brand of coffee and is now opening up coffee shops giving Starbuck a run for its money because Starbuck sell an experience but Day Asprey established himself as the most sought after expert in his field. 

Arnold Swartiznager came to America and competed in bodybuilding competitions, then because of the mentoring of Joe Weilder he launched his own body building course which earned him enough money to invest in real estate where he became a millionaire. Arnold became a real estate millionaire before any of you saw him on the silver screen. 

Richard Branson, the founder, of Virgin stated a magazine called the “Student” after sometime they started offer music through their magazine by mail order. They became successful with this and opened up their Virgin records, record stores. Years later they launch Virgin airlines, which lead to the dozens of Virgin companies today. 

Many smaller companies under estimate the power of educational marketing, earning an income by offers books and courses that establish you as the most credible expert in your field that enable you to be more successful in your industry and because the high profit margin of educational marketing it can sustain you long enough during your growth period to be more profitable and even stay in business. Educational marketing can often mean the difference between staying in business or closing your doors.  

If I was to ask you what is the one thing you could be doing in your enterprise that would make all the other things you could be doing a waste of time? Most companies go after after one customer at a time, joint ventures or group marketing is the fastest way to grow you company where we land a customer where that one customer may bring you 100s, 1,000s or depending on the size of the deal 10s of 1,000s or 100s of 1,000s of new customers.

Before spending a dime in advertising Bill Gates made his first $10 million dollars through joint ventures.

One of the first deal I consulted on, I made a deal with Al Nin, where we landed a deal with his dentist, and then made a deal with several beauty salons in the area where we provided them with marketing material which turned into 3,200 new patients in the first 90 days at a average of $2,000 per patient for a total of $6.5 million in the first 12 months.  

People love the idea of leveraging someone else following to build their customer base but going from the idea to putting it into action is to much to ask for many people because you already have many issues you have to handle this is why I want to invite you to partner up with us and work together as a team because we created a short cut to make it as easy as possible to get as many of you to take advantage of this opportunity as possible by working together as a team.

I want to invite you to visit