Launch Your Empire By Making $100,000 Over The Weekend!

By way of review when skeptics ask about legitimate ways to make money and grow their business because I know they don’t understand how leverage works, because again, the average small business owner is only making $73,000 if they have between 5-9 employees. If they are self-employed they earn just over $3,080 a year and many of the owners start off working 60+ hours a week. So if they want to make $100,000 a year they have to make at least $50 an hour working 40 hours a week, 50 weeks per year. 

So When they hear stories of someone who makes $100,000 in a weekend it doesn’t make sense to them. They become skeptical however when someone has spent the time to build 10,000, or 100,000 followers that they can send out a message to that list, selling their products. To make $100,000 they only need a small percentage of those people to buy the product. 

However, it may take you a lot of time or money to build a following large enough to reach your financial goals. 

Just think how much easier it would be to have someone who is already successful to blast out a message to their following endorsing you. 

The first time I did this I make a deal with Joel Broughton who sent out an email to his customers base in my behalf and made 141 sales within my very first 6 hours and over the next 12 months and because of word of mouth advertising that turned into close to a $150,000 per month income.

Just imagine how easy it would be to reach your financial goals, and live your best life ever, spending that time traveling the world, with your friends and family by working together as a team sending out a message to their following endorsing what you have to offer instead of doing this all on your own.

Let me re-introduce myself My name is Christopher Brown my last job I was hired as a business strategist for a $400 million dollar marketing firm many times working with executives from companies like, Create Trucking, and Proctor and Gamble.

After doing an average of 60 as many sessions per week, many of them with executives from billion-dollar companies  I noticed a pattern that we called the “Billion Dollar Blueprint” that many already existing billion-dollar companies use, and brought that same success to the internet. 

Yes, There are unicorns where some idea catches fire and are able to sell for a billion dollars like when Facebook bought Instagram for a billion dollars, however, when new start-up companies and local small businesses use the “Billion Dollar Blueprintthey go on to be able to sell their companies for hundreds of millions of dollars and able to become more profitable in a shorter time period.

So I’ve taken what I learned from these companies and created a shortcut for you.

So instead of having to buy enough products to be able to sell on Amazon to make a profit, or having to create your own digital products, or any of the other complicated things we do online blogging, writing emails, filming youtube videos, and selling

We have done the work for you.

We all have friends, family, hobbies, and things we’d rather do than working but we need the money and time freedom in order to do those things. 

I want to invite you to partner up with us by working together as a team by giving access to a similar software that some of the biggest experts in their field use including dean Graziosi, grant cordon, Tai Lopez, and many others have used spending $100,000 that earned them 100’s of millions of dollars And that a major investment firm acquired from learn vest for 250 million dollars that we call as an auto sales closing system that will 1 ) generate interest 2) capture your leads 3) present your products to your prospects 4) closes them right there on the spot and if they don’t buy it follows up with them and closes them at a later point by capitalizing on 9 different categories of income streams at

What we call as the billion-dollar blueprint consist of 9 different parts because marketing is not just about letting people know what you do but understand human behavior and how using the proper combination of words, shapes, and colors will motivate a person to do business with you over your competitors.

  • 1) Generate Interest *traffic
  • 2) Capture Leads *capture leads
  • 3) Free Trial Offer *that build trust
  • 4) Front End Revenue *loss leaders / funded proposal
  • 5) Back End Revenue *pays for your expenses
  • 6) Follow Up *email, text, sms, mail, etc…
  • 7) Profit *primary products/service
  • 8) Marketing Hub / Own The Customer *mass marketable products
  • 9) Business Capital *ROI

The software is not the only thing that makes these companies so valuable but the community they have built. Because of having a superior marketing system.  Learn vest collected 1.5 million email subscribers and was able to sell their company for 250 million dollars.

By pIn our next module, I will explain how we use group marketing along with an auto sales closing system to help the enterprises we’ve worked with build a million-dollar business in just 90 days.

When embarking on this journey of entrepreneurship, most people focus on the money. However, there is more to consider than just the money.