Make Up For Lost Time! Make A Million Dollars In As Little As 90 Days

At this point in your life did you think you would be further along, and feel you have to make up for lost time. Perhaps you need to recover from a major financial setback like divorce, or your still trying to make up from the loses from the 2008 great recession.  

For some of you, the idea of making a million dollars in just 90 days may seem impossible until you understand how it is done. The same is true If I was to show you how to lift 10,000 lbs. however, Archimedes the greek mathematician figured out the mathematic principle to do so. He said give me a lever long enough and I will move the world

We will use this exact same principle in business.

Just like the TV show “Undercover Billionaire” where is season #1 with Ben Stearns and season #2 Grant Cardone was dropped off with just $100 bucks in the middle of nowhere! N0 contacts, just their skills! And made a million dollars in just 90 days! 

By way of a review from a previous lesson Cardone Ventures reported on the state of small businesses that shows there are:

  • 31 1/2 million small businesses
  • 25 million self-employed businesses
  • 5.2 million businesses with 2-15 employees 
  • 630,000 businesses with 15 or more employees 

Every year, despite the economy 2/3rds of businesses, closes every 5 years. And the top 3 reasons they give are 1) Not enough demand for the product or service 2) Can’t find good help 3) Can’t get funding. Because many of these companies sit around and wait for people to come and buy, however, that is not the way business is done for most people they need to know what you can do for them, and for them to know this you have to tell them through sales and marketing. 

The challenge for many smaller companies is they land one customer at a time, where the more successful companies use group marketing where they land a deal where that one customer may refer 100’s of depending on the size of the company 1,000’s of new customers.

So what makes the difference between only making a few thousand dollars and making a million dollars in just 90 days?

Now before I answer that question, lets review how this works! This is an over simplified explanation

you got company A and company B. Company A then refers their customers to company B and company B then refers their customers to company A or a variation of this. 

Now imagine if you are doing this with 100’s companies. I’m sure you can see how easy it would be to make your first million by working together as a team because with just a $2,000 product you only need 500 buyers to make a million dollars.  

I can’t do this without you, and you can’t do this without me.

So the difference between making a few thousand dollars and making a million dollars is what we call as the scale of influence.

For decades companies have paid celebrities to endorse their products.

Oprah has been at the top of that list when she had her show she would endorse a certain person or product and they would become millionaires overnight. Oprah is at the top of that list because people trust her.

She created the carers of people like Dr.Phil and Dr. Oz.

Now imagine if someone like Oprah was endorsing you and your products! There are also social media influencers who get paid because people trust and respect their opinion

As I have mentioned the very first time I did this I made a deal with Joel Broughton who had a level of influence with his following in which he sent out an email to his customer base endorsing me and within my very first 6 hours after sending out that email I did $14,100 and over the next 12 months that went on to produce close to a 150,000 per month income from just this one deal.

This also worked for a dentist office out of Ohio who we made a deal with several beauty salons in which we added 3,200 new patients to their practice at an average of $2,000 per patient for a million dollars in just the first 90 days and $6.5 million dollars over the next 12 months.

Chet Holmes who worked with Charle Munger who is Warren Buffets’ business partner as well as Tony Robins came up with what he called the “Dream 100”. These are the 100 most influential people you want to endures you and your products that will get you your first million dollars.

Even if you run a small local business, who are the most influential people everyone knows. 

Just imagine how easy it would be to make your first million in as little as 90 days by working together as a team sending out a message to their following endorsing you and what you have to offer. Instead of you spending all this time building a large social media following doing it all on your own.

Now again, Auto Sales Closing System has 9 steps

starting with 1) Generate Interest
* which is your traffic. So instead of landing one customer at a time, we use group marketing, which has 3 different subcategories 

  • 1) Control The Media 
  • 2) Own The Media 
  • 3) Own The Customer

I want to invite you to download your worksheet mapping out your dream 100 at and then move on to the next module where we’ll start out with step 1) control the media 

I want to invite you to partner up with us by working together as a team by giving access to similar software that some of the biggest experts in their field use including dean Graziosi, grant cordon, Tai Lopez, and many others have used spending $100,000 that earned them 100’s of millions of dollars And that Disney firm acquired from a set of hipster parents for $40 million dollars that we call as an auto sales closing system that will 1 ) generate interest 2) capture your leads 3) present your products to your prospects 4) closes them right there on the spot and if they don’t buy it follows up with them and closes them at a later point by capitalizing on 9 different categories of income streams at