Not Enough Demand For Your Products Or Services?

Brandon Dawson of Cardone Ventures points out that despite the economy 2/3 of businesses close their doors, and one of the top reasons they give for their failure is not enough demand for their products. 

Daniel Lipin, a jew in his book “Business Secrets of the Bible” shares some of the secrets to his success found in the Bible.  

The pages of the Bible constantly warn us of the consequences of having a independent spirit. The first sin of Adam and Eve was due to living in a way that god or for those non believers nature intended us to live.

You do not have to believe in god to benefit from the wisdom of the scripture. Proverbs 3:5-6 warns us from putting to much value in our own opinion when it says not to become wise in our own eyes. 

When we do not believe we are dependent on others this can cause us to believe in our own arrogance and lie, cheat, and take advantage of others. We are dependent on each other. 

Daniel Lipin points out the principle of specialization and exchange is based upon Genesis 49:1-28 when Issac gives a blessing to his sons, and Deuteronomy 33 where each tribe was blessed with certain gifts.

Brandon Dawson of Cardone Ventures points out that despite the economy 2/3 of businesses close their doors, and one of the top reasons they give for their failure is not enough demand for their products.

Seth Godin in his book the “Purple Cow” says. The marketplace is filled with average products. Everyone is offering the same type of products or services just under company or brand name.

Many companies try to copy another business they admire but rather do something special to set yourself apart.

A joke my friend and I have is Universal Studios is not Disney World. We love Disney World but we also love Universal Studio. I moved to the Walt Disney World area in 2014 and did not give Universal Studio a chance but I found I really loved Universal Studios but Universal Studios is everything Disney World is NOT.

Universal Studio is not trying to compete with Disney World they are their own park. The Disney theme park are better than Universal, but Universal has better water parks, Disney has better customer service, and Universal is better to their employees.

What set you apart from your competitors? Daniel Lipin explains if they all farmed wheat they would not be useful to each other. He explains that one tribe would farm wheat, another would farm dates. So they could exchange with each other.

The idea from Seth Godin book “Purple Cow” is there is nothing special about a cow but a purple cow that is something to talk about.

When we look at what Brandon Dawson of Cardone Ventures on the main reason for business failure being not enough demand for your products in services in reality it may be there are just to many companies offering the same products, and not enough of them is dong anything special to set themselves apart.

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