Shocking Results Exercise Has On Depression, Anger, And Anxiety

Robert Brown of the University Of Virginia conducted a study of 561 voluneters who choice to exercise or not and how much exercise to engage in. (minimum of 30 min. 3-5x per week) for 10 weeks.

The active participants lowered their depression levels.

Participants with the most severe cases of depression who choose to exercise 5x a week had 2x as much improvement as those who exercised only 3x per week. (dose-dependent effect)

Participants who were labeled as active normal and depressed both showed signs of reduced anger, fatigue, and anxiety. Even those who did not show signs of mental disorders exercise improved their mood and the more they exercised the more their mood improved.

*Brown RS, Rameriz DE, Taub JM, “The Prescription Of Exercise For Depression.” Phys Sports Med 1978; 12(6):39-49