Using Your Gifts To Your Advantage

The solopreneur is all the rage today. In nature, one creature cannot thrive without the support of another. In nature, this is called symbolic harmony. The same is true in business. 

Being successful in business is a team effort. At birth we’ve all been given certain advantages and disadvantages.The key is to use your gifts to your advantage by compensating for the abilities you don’t have.

Many people focus on your disadvantage and what you can’t do. Successful people compensate for what they don’t have. Unsuccessful make excuses and shift the blame.

You already know what you can do! Now lets figure out what you can do by putting you into a system for you to succeed.

There are those who are blessed with intelligence, resources, and connections but no work ethic, no support system, no system, no way for them to succeed.

oSo lets first take our performance based-personality test so we can see how to use your distinct gifts to your advantage. There are 2 personality traits that are the greatest predictors of wealth at

Trait theory in the big 5 personality traits which are:  

  • openness to experience (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious)
  • conscientiousness (efficient/organized vs. extravagant/careless)
  • extraversion (outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved)
  • agreeableness (friendly/compassionate vs. critical/rational)
  • neuroticism (sensitive/nervous vs. resilient/confident)

Trait theorists are primarily interested in the measurement of traits, which can be defined as habitual patterns of behavior, thought, and emotion. (e.g. some people are outgoing whereas others are not)

CEO / Marketing

Are high in a trait known as “Openess” they are very creative. They have also have high IQs of 115+, and have liberal political views, lateral thinkers, tend to have a trait known as agreeableness and are likable, optimistic, poor organization skills, high in negative emotions, procrastinators, hate to use schedule but need them, Those with ADD/ADHD and Dyslexia are high in openness.

Dyslexics are 400% more likely to become millionaires in business than the general population.

Business leaders like Elon Musk, Walt Disney, and Sir Richard Branson are high in these traits.


Have above-average IQs, high in a trait  consciousness with a sub-trait of diligence, low in negative emotions, are disagreeable. They are more concerned with getting the job done than you liking them, and have conservative political views. 


Have IQs 115+ because the ability to handle rejection is a sign of intelligence, extraverted, assertive, and emotional stability. The typical sales person is known to be outgoing and aggressive however, you can take the personality test at to see how to use your natural gifts to sell more effectively.

General Employee

Average IQ of 100, consciousness, diligent, orderly, and low in negative emotions

Customer Service

Agreeable, softhearted, consciousness, optimistic, intrinsically motivated, extraverted,  

Once you have taken inventory of your advantages you may want to partner up with us to make up for any disadvantages that you don’t have. The marketplace is filled with gurus promising they can teach you how to make money online however, clinical psychologists have proven you that you need at least 115+ IQ because of the complexity of the internet.

The internet is filled with opportunities promising you that they can help you make more money. There are people who make millions of dollars selling products online. And many of these people will share with you what they did to become successful, however, It is not likely you will experience the same level of success because of the complexity of funding and the IQ you will need to be successful here.

The people who typically become successful using these programs have had to go through the growing pains of building internet companies, and building on their past knowledge and failures of building funnels, coding, and writing and filming sales video that eventually lead to their success.

I want to invite you partner up with us where we will do the work for you I want to give you access to similar software that some of the biggest experts in their field use including dean Graziosi, grant cordon, Tai Lopez, and many others have used spending $100,000 that earned them 100’s of millions of dollars And that a major investment firm acquired from for $150 million dollars that we call as an auto sales closing system that will 1 ) generate your traffic 2) generate interest 3) capture your leads 4) present your products to your prospects 5) closes them right there on the spot and if they don’t buy it follows up with them and closes them at a later point by capitalizing on 9 different categories of income streams at