Why Most People Fail To Lose Weight!


Most people know they should eat right and exercise to lose weight, but 80% regain it. The diet industry overlooks that breaking lifelong bad habits is hard. Cravings caused by chemicals in the body make changes difficult. The key is making small changes over time for drastic results.

We All Know How To Lose Weight:

Most of us have a basic understanding of what to do to get in shape and lose weight. We know we should eat right and workout however, Even if you do lose weight 80% of people will gain it all right back.

Why put yourself through the pain of not eating the foods you enjoy, going hungry, and waisting your money joining a gym if your just going to gain it all back?

You see the diet and fitness industry only focuses on 3 major area
1) Diet
2) Nutrition 
3) Exercise

Breaking A Lifetime Of Bad Habits:

The missing factor that majority of the fitness industry chooses to ignore is
What we humans can do is amazing however, what we will do is something else.

You have a lifetime of eating fast food, chips, soda’s and then all of the sudden you decide to go on a diet. You have the knowledge of how to lose weight however, You have a lifetime of bad habits you now need to break and your brain can’t handle the pressure.

You also have little critters in your body that feed off the bad food you eat. Once you start eating good and stop eating toxic food YOU BEGIN KILLING THESE CRITTERS, So they release chemicals into your body that make you crave this type of food.

Most diets require you to go cold turkey and your brain can’t handle the pressure. We need to take baby steps. There are 7 things you can do to lose weight before you start dieting and or exercising. Not giving up everything all at once but rather making small changes that are easy to do.

I know this sounds crazy! and goes against everything we’ve been told. I’m telling you……You can lose weight without making major sacrifices.

Once you see results you’ll want to sacrifice something else. Soon you’ll be in the best shape of your life and never want to go back!!

I’ve never been fat however, I do have what is called skinny fat. I look fine until I take my shirt off so I lost 20 lbs in 2 months not by dieting but by changing the patterns in which I ate. I never went hungry, I didn’t change the things I was eating. I ate Taco Bell, Burger King, McDonald’s and still lost the weight.

Easiest Diet You’ve Every Tried:

My Buddy Sam Chand tried this to lower his blood pressure. Not changing what he ate he changed the times he ate at and lost enough weight to lower his blood pressure. Today Sam is in the best shape of his life without having to take blood pressure pills.

Sam who hated the idea of not eating his favorite foods said “This is the easiest diet I’ve ever tried”

You see your body goes through 3 stages of digestion. Each stage lasts between 1-5 hours so if you don’t know what stage your in you’ll work way to hard and still not lose weight.

Most people workout during stage #1 which only burns the food you just ate. This is the slowest way to lose weight.

Making A Difference To The Obesity Problem:

The reason we’re doing this is simple. I want to make a difference in the world we live in today. 

I would love to pay it forward and to be the solution to the obesity problem in America. That to many people today are not given the chance because companies want money. So I’m giving you your chance right now to start living the life you deserve and being a partner in your transformation.

You may not realize that being out of shape impacts much more than just your health it impacts your marriage, your finances, your confidence, your courage and every other area of your life.

Imagine eating all the foods you enjoy and still lose weight? Imagine had you of know this your whole life. Think how much better your life is going to be.


The diet and fitness industry has been misleading you for too long. While they emphasize diet, exercise, and weight loss supplements, much of their advice can actually undermine your success. For instance, studies show restricting certain foods to lose weight may lead to overeating by 133%.
However, there are 7 things you can do to lose weight before you start dieting and exercising. I want to help you break free from the diet and fitness industries mind games. Visit