7 Ways To Lose Weight Before You Start Dieting Or Exercise!


Cutting back on the foods you enjoy is one of the worst ways to start losing weight because, though we don’t like to admit it, we are addicted to food. Once we stop eating those foods, we will crash.

These types of diets are called restrictive diets, which research has found boost overeating by 133%.

We need to make small changes over time that give us drastic results.

Drink Plenty Of Water:

Many times, people confuse hunger for thirst. So, by staying hydrated, you are less likely to overeat.

Eat In The Proper Stage Of Your Digestion:

The fastest way to start losing weight is to burn fat. Most people do not burn fat but rather burn the food they just ate, which is much harder to lose weight with because you have to burn so many more calories.

Fix Vitamin Deficiencies:

Fixing Vitamin Deficiency can cause us to self-sabotage ourselves because we may feel anxious and/or depressed. What do people do when they are anxious and/or depressed? They tend to overeat and eat the wrong foods.

So, by addressing any vitamin deficiencies, you are less likely to overeat and/or eat the wrong foods.

Bio-Chemistry Of Losing Weight:

We are a cocktail of different brain chemicals that impact the way we live our lives. We live in a stressful world; however, if we do not understand how to manage our stress, we will feel more stressed than we need to, which can cause our hormones to become unbalanced, leading to holding on to more fat.


If we do not get enough sleep this will cause our bodies to create cortisol which creates belly fat.

There is also something called a resting metabolism, so while we sleep we can burn more fat and help us to avoid our destructive behaviors.



Do the people in your life support you in your journey to becoming a healthier you? We’ve all heard terms like: “birds of a feather flock together,” “show me your friends, and I’ll tell you who you are,” and the scripture from the Bible, Proverbs 13:20, “The one walking with the wise will become wise, But the one who has dealings with the stupid will fare badly.”

But it goes much deeper than that; the “Framingham Heart Study” found that obesity spreads by contagion. So if your friend’s friend’s friend — whom you’ve never met and lives a thousand miles away — gains weight, you’re likely to gain weight too. And if your friend’s friend’s friend loses weight, you’re likely to lose weight too.

Change Your Environment:

Psychologists have found that changing your environment can change your brain chemistry.

What is known as the “Robins study” in Vietnam: the soldiers were addicted to heroin, and there was concern that when the soldiers returned to the US, there would be massive addiction problems. However, that was not the case. Only a small percentage of the returning soldiers were still addicted or relapsed once they returned home.

So, by changing your environment, it can give you the kick you need to start a new routine.


Once you get these six areas of your life under control, you can then introduce a healthy diet and exercise into your routine.

Diets fail because people make too many changes too quickly to lose weight, and the brain can’t handle it, slipping back into their same old destructive habits. I want to introduce to you some key ideas: eat what you want, never go hungry, and still lose weight.

You will not look like a celebrity or have the body to appear on the front cover of a fitness magazine; however, this will give you the results that most people are looking for and totally change your health.

Visit http://eatwhatyouwanttoloseweight.com