Christopher Brown

How To Create Advertising That Sells: Tactics vs. Strategies 

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The best advertisers demonstrate excellent quality in the "Big 5" of personality traits known as High in Openness. The best advertisers are also creative and think about new ways to sell.

Most smaller companies lose money in advertising because they think in terms of getting eyeballs to their message. Advertising is not just letting people know what it is that you do rather, advertising is about understanding human emotions, and how using the proper combination of words, shapes, and colors will motivate a person to do business with you over your competitors.

So let's use the example of Facebook. Facebook is the tactic but you must use strategy in order to make more profits from Facebook than any of your competitors.

A recent report also indicates that 62% of people surveyed say their paid ads on Facebook are missing the targets indicated.

As of July 2021, five major social media platforms are showing a dramatic increase in advertising costs year-over-year.

  • Google and YouTube’s CPM is up by 108%
  • Facebook ad cost had an 89% increase, while the average CPM was $11
  • TikTok's CPM went up by 92% increase and
  • Snapchat had “the lowest” 64% increase in CPM

At this rate, it will not be long until smaller companies are priced out of being able to advertise on Facebook.

As Mark Cuban says: “If you don’t know more than your competition, they are gonna kick your ass.” 

So in order to have a positive return on their advertising, you have to know more than 80% of your competitors

Let's look at a couple of examples:

If you have a small advertising budget, you need to see results right away! However, if you have an even smaller budget you may also have to put more effort first into your marketing campaign.

The more expensive your products are the more trust you have to develop with customers before they will start spending money with you.

If you have a larger advertising budget and have a product that is on the more expensive side, you can afford to be patient and allow your prospects some time before they start buying. If you have a smaller budget, you need to have some less expensive products on the front end to develop a value in your merchandise and faith they will need to purchase from you.

Let's look at Company A which has a $1,000 product, and is spending $1,000 on Facebook ads. They run their ads to register for a webinar and in the end make $1,000 which has a buying cycle of about 10 days. After that, they start making a profit where they have spent $10,000 before they start making their money back.

Company B has a small advertising budget so they need to see results quickly. They start off with a $5 front-end offer. Forbes magazine says it is 6X cheaper to sell an existing customer than it is to get a new customer.

So since they have already spent $5 they are more likely to buy again.

Have you ever bought something online through what is called a Sales Funnel? This is when you buy a $7 product, then a $47 upsell, and perhaps $297, and then if you can't afford that you offer 3 payments of $97. This revenue pays for the ad where they are then invited for a free trial of a $ 3,500-a-year software.

The end result is the same however, Company B used a strategy to sustain itself during the growth period whereas company A has the capital to be patient.  

Let me re-introduce myself. My name is Christopher Brown. In my last job, I was hired as a business strategist for a $400 million dollar marketing firm. Many times I was working with executives from companies such as, Create Truck, and Proctor and Gamble

After doing an average of 60 coaching sessions per week, many of them with executives from billion-dollar companies, I noticed a pattern. This is what we called the Billion Dollar Blueprint. Many already existing billion-dollar companies use this blueprint, and brought that same success to the internet. 

Yes, there are unicorns where some idea catches fire and they are able to sell a product or service for a billion dollars. For example, when Facebook bought Instagram for a billion dollars, however, when smaller companies use the Billion Dollar Blueprint they are able to double, triple, and in some cases quadruple their income without the benefit of an advertising budget.

I’ve taken what I learned from these companies and created a shortcut for you.  

Just imagine how much easier it would be to reach your financial goals by using the contacts of those who are already successful.

People love the idea of leveraging someone else's following to build their customer base but going from the concept and putting it into action can feel overwhelming for a small business. As a small business owner, you already have many issues you have to handle. This is why I want to invite you to partner up with us and work together as a team.

I want to invite you to visit

I had a blast recording today’s episode, I’m glad I could help you, stay healthy, and have a great day!

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The Top 7 Businesses You Should Start That Will Give You The Best Odds Of Wealth

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The marketplace is filled with opportunities promising you they can help you make more money but what does that data show us?

There are certain industries like beverage distribution which is one of the profitable ventures for those involved in them. However, there are territories assigned to those who got in early that have been handed down from generation after generation which makes it almost impossible for new people to get involved in their industries.

There are other industries that have a large number of wealthy people in those industries however, when you look at the economics there is a very small percentage of those who become wealthy.

Starting a restaurant is the most popular business to start with about 210,000 restaurant owners however, only about 4,471 are wealthy which equates to only about 2%. 

Rental Property

43.2% of the richest Americans own rental property however, how do you get started in this space if you don't have the capital to invest in rental properties? Arnold Schwarzenegger also took advantage of another industry that will give you the best odds of wealth, that of an independent publisher.

Arnold became a millionaire before he made his name known in Hollywood. The legendary Joe Weilder mentored Arnold and helped him launch his own fitness program and invested the money he made into real estate where he made his first millions.

Activities Related To Real Estate

25.2% of the richest Americans are involved in real estate-related services which would include being a real estate agent and mortgage broker, however, according to a 2014 NAR, it was reported that 87% of all new agents fail after five years in the industry, with only 13% making it.

The average real estate agent makes around $40,000 per year. However, Jim Fleck made $3 million dollars in his first 9 months in real estate by taking advantage of being an independent artist, publisher, and performer by offering his own books and courses that established him as the most credible expert in his field.

Automobile Dealers

20.8% of the richest Americans own auto dealerships because there are laws to protect you from over competition. If you own a Mercedes dealership, it is against the law to have another Mercedes dealership right next door to you. In other industries, you have to be more creative and find other ways to stand out similar to what Jim Fleck had to do to make $3 million dollars in his first 9 months in real estate.

Financial Services

18.5% of the richest Americans work in financial services. W. C Stone was able to make a million dollars a year working in this industry selling as many as 121 life insurance policies per day during The Great Depression.

Independent Artists, Publishers, & Performers

12.5% of the richest Americans work as an independent artists, publishers, and performers, however, many of these types of people consider the work they do as a hobby and have not taken the work they do seriously enough to set up their corporation. These numbers only include those who have taken their profession seriously enough to set up their corporation.

There are many musicians who will never be signed to a big music label or be seen on TV however, they have built a following large enough to be considered in the top 0.01% of Americans. The same is true for artists, actors, and authors.

Before casting Vin Diesel in "Saving Private Ryan" Vin Diesel financed his own movie and raised $50,000 where he cast himself as the star and took his movie to a film festival. Self-publishing is not a new idea. Today we have Youtube, social media, and other tools, however, Arnold Schwarzenegger's mentors built a fitness empire by self-publishing his fitness programs.

The marketplace is filled with merchandise where everyone is selling the same type of products just under a different company and or brand name. The advantage of being an independent artist, publisher, and performer is there is no price comparison because you don't get paid for what you do but for who you are.

In Paris Hilton's wilder days she was paid to show up at a club where you and I would have to pay.

Professional Scientific, & Technical Services

10.6% of the richest Americans work in professional, scientific, and technical services as owners This would also include market researchers, doctors, sales, and other professionals. Many doctors also take advantage of being independent artists, publishers, and performers as well.

Dr. Robert Lustig has authored numerous books and programs but is also paid to speak at events and conferences and just like Jim Fleck this helps establish themselves as the most creditable expert in their field.

I worked as a JV broker some years ago. Many companies go after one customer at a time however, we use group marketing where we land a customer that could yield us 100s, 1,000s, or depending on the size of the deal tens of 1,000s to hundres of 1,000s of new customers.

People love the idea of leveraging someone else's following to build their customer base but going from the idea to putting it into action is too much to ask of small businesses. As a small business owner, you already have many issues you have to handle. This is why I want to invite you to partner up with us and work together as a team because we have created a short cut to make it as easy as possible to take advantage of this opportunity.

I want to invite you to visit

Miscellaneous Durable Goods Merchant Wholesalers

10.0% of the richest Americans own a business where they may outsource the manufacturing of their product.

Many wealthy people earn their income in multiple categories they might own a business, but may also publish their own works to help establish them as experts, and will re-invest their money into real estate.

It is not enough to run a business in these industries. If you want to be wealthy, as Mark Cuba says "If you do not know more than your competition they are going to kick your ass". Take for instance the classic writings of Napoleon Hill which was a 25-year study of the world's most successful individuals. It found there are 17 principles of success, 33 reasons people fail, and 6 things that cause people to self sabotage themselves.

One of those principles is a mastermind allience. Most companies go after one customer at a time however, the most successful companies you use group marketing or what is often called joint ventures where we land a customer where that one customer may bring your 100s, 1,000s or depending on the size of the deal 10s of 1,000s or 100s of 1,000s of new customers.

People love the idea of leveraging someone else following to build their customer base but going from the idea to putting it into action is to much to ask for small businesses because you as a small business owner already have many issues you have to handle this is why I want to invite you to partner up with us and work together as a team because we created a short cut to make it as easy as possible to get as many of you to take advantage of this opportunity as possible by working together as a team.

I want to invite you to visit 

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Millionaire Loses His Fortune & Then Rebuilds His Enterprise Earning $1.5 Million In 30 days!

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Let me introduce you to Sohail Khan who lost his fortune during the 2008 Great Recession however, he rebuilt his fortune in just 30 days making $1.5 Million dollars for himself.

Most companies go after 1 customer at a time. On the other hand, we land partnerships that may bring you 100s, and 1,000s, or depending on the size of the deal tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of new customers.

Let me give you an oversimplified explanation of how this works. You have Company A and Customer B. Customer A refers their customers to Company B and Company B to Company A.

Sohail Khan went through a trade magazine and found a publishing company that had around 400,000 customers.

So he had the idea of putting together a complementary product for those customers and landed a deal where he went through and had a DVD published.

As part of this deal, they agreed to pay his $7.50 per unit sold.

They sent out a newsletter to their 400,000 customers and based on selling 201,462 units bringing him $1,510,462. 

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Yes, there are unicorns where some idea catches fire and they are able to sell for a billion dollars. For example, when Facebook bought Instagram for a billion dollars, however, when smaller companies use the billion dollar blueprint they are able to double or triple their income, and sometimes quadruple their income even without an advertising budget.

So I’ve taken what I learned from these companies and created a shortcut for you.  

Just imagine how much easier it would be to reach your financial goals by using the contacts of those who are already successful.

People love the idea of leveraging someone else's following to build their customer base but going from the idea to putting it into action is too much to ask for small businesses. Because you, as a small business owner, already have many issues you have to handle. This is why I want to invite you to partner up with us and work together as a team. We created a shortcut to make it as easy as possible to take advantage of this opportunity to work together as a team.

I want to invite you to visit

I have had a blast recording today’s episode, I’m glad I could help you, stay healthy, and have a great day!

The Fastest Way To Grow Your Company When You Don’t Have A Marketing Budget! 

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When someone has sent the time to build a large enough customer base or following (like what people do on social media) that you can send out a message to that following you only need a small percentage of that following to respond to make a $100,000.

However, instead of you having to put in the effort to build this following wouldn’t be easier to find someone who is already successful to send out a message enduring you and what you have to offer.

Let me give you an oversimplified explanation of how this works. You got company A and customer B, customer A refers their customers to company B and company B to company A.

The very first time I did this, I had a one hour phone call with Joel Broughton who send out an email to his customer base and over the next 6 hours after sending out that email that turned into $14,100 in the first 24 hours in business. 

The next deal I was apart of I made a deal with Al Nin where we made a deal with his dentist and contact several beauty salons in the area and provided them with marketing material and within the very first 90 days that turned into 3,200 new customer at an average of $2,000 a piece for a total of $6.5 million dollars over the next 12 months.

Just like the TV Undercover Billionaire where in season #1 Ben Sterns, and season #2 Grant Cardone was dropped off in the middle of nowhere, with just $100, no contact, just their skills and built a million dollar enterprise in just 90 days.

What skills did they have to make a million dollars in the first 90 days? 

Most companies go after 1 customer at a time. On the other hand, we land partnerships that may bring you 100s,  1,000s, or depending on the size of the deal 10s of 1,000s or 100s of 1,000s of new customers.

People love the idea of leveraging someone else following to build their customer base but going from the idea to putting it into action is to much to ask for small businesses because you as a small business owner already have many issues you have to handle this is why I want to invite you to partner up with us and work together as a team because we created a short cut to make it as easy as possible to take advantage of this opportunity working together as a team.

I want to invite you to visit

I have a blast recording today's episode, I’m glad I could help you, stay healthy, and have a great day!

How To Create Advertising That Sells! | Mass Marketable Offer

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Advertising is not letting people know what it is that you do. Adverting is understanding how using the proper combination of words, shapes, and colors will motivate a person to buy from you over your competitors. In advertising, you need to show how your products will solve a person's money, health, or relationship issues. This may sound strange to those who are unfamiliar with advertising because the marketplace is filled with amateurs.

There are 3 mega markets that your products must fill wealth, health, and relationships are what we call as mass marketable offers. In other words, something that the vast majority of the population would be interested in.

You must show how your products help people save money or make money, how your products improve you health or long-levity, and how your products help you be more lovable.

Subway used Jared for about 15 years when they turned their sandwich into a diet product. Subway used all the traditional weight loss marketing including before and after pictures.

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What problem does your product solve? A) Wealth B) Health C) Relationships. What sub-categories does your product solve? Can you narrow down your solution into an even smaller market?

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Gillet shavers and Axe body spray for men have marketed themselves as a way to become more attractive to women.

Look at all the companies that market themselves as a way to save money. Unless you are doing something different this market is overly competitive so you will have to narrow down your market. So in the case of either helping people make money or saving money you will need to narrow down your target.

Let's look at the target of wealth, if we go down a level we have sales, down another level perhaps make money online, narrow it down even further we have joint ventures.

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What problem does your product solve? A) Wealth B) Health C) Relationships. What sub-categories does your product solve? Can you narrow down your solution into an even smaller market?

When We Suffer We Seek Pleasure, Not Happiness!

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Dr, Gabor Mate suggests that addiction is something that we use to escape pain in the moment but we regret almost instantly but we repeat over and over again no matter how bad it makes us feel.

We are in pain and so we seek dopamine boosting activities however, the problem as Dr. Lustig explains the more we boost our levels of dopamine. Chronic over activity of certain neurons will kill the cell. So what does the brain do?

There are nature sources of dopamine and synthetic sources of dopamine. It is the synthetic sources of dopamine that can really get ourselves into trouble.

Synthetic sources are sugar, caffeine, social media, drugs, alcohol, and porn.

To get the same level of dopamine we need more intense levels of dopamine. So what one brownie did for us before we now need two, what 1 hit of cocaine did for us before, we now need 2 hit, what romantic porn did for us before, we now need hard core porn.

Which can lead to over dosing, and relationship and legal troubles.  

There is also a balancing factor! The higher our levels of dopamine are the lower our levels of serotonin which is the brain chemical of happiness. So the lower and lower we push our serotonin levels seeking pleasure. The more dopamine we need.

So as you can see how easy it can be to become addicted to these dopamine boosting activities. We need dopamine to survive! If you have ever felt to lazy to get out of bed, or do house work. This is because of a lack of dopamine. (That is for another discussion)

But we are here addressing “How To Build A Happy Life” and you must understand how to have a balance of dopamine and serotonin. 

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How To Be Happy Even If Your Life Has Fallen Apart! 

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Author C Brooks of Harvard Business School studies happiness! Why does

Research found that nearly 50% of your happiness comes from your genetics and your upbringing. There are certain personality traits that make you more predisposed to negative, or positive emotions. 

Anxiety and depression is a warning sign from the body that something is not working right! On the other hand, some say I’ll be happy once I get married, or once I become a millionaire, or some other life goal. 

Once you achieve some major life goal, this only makes you happier for about 6 months then your mood returns to your baseline level of happiness.

We know that your circumstances only impacts about 25% of your happiness. The research shows that you are in control of the remaining 25% of your happiness.

You lose your retirement in the stock market! It sucks but it does not have to define you because you are in control of 25% of your happiness. In the 1929 Great Depression it was reported the stock brokers who lost everything jumped out of the skyscraper killing themselves. says that 10 men a day end their life after a divorce which is 3x higher than divorced women. 


People give up and end their lives because there is an equation for happiness these individuals do not understand how to control the part of the happiness they are in control of. 

Professor Dan Gilbert that our circumstances only have a limited impact on your overall happiness. The research looked at a group of people who got into an accident and were put into a wheel because they could not walk on their own anymore, and then they looked at a group of lottery winners. Who do you think is happier?

We have a baseline of happiness so when something goes really bad in life like losing the ability to walk we may get really depressed, or if things go really good for us like winning the lottery we get really excited however, our circumstances only impact our happiness for about 6 months in most cases. This study found that after 1 year the lottery winner and those who lost the ability were just as happy as each other which shows in most cases, no matter what happens to us we will return to the same level of happiness.

There are four things that have the biggest impact on your overall happiness. They are 1) Faith 2) Family 3) Community and 4) Work! People waste their time on dopamine-boosting activities trying to chase happiness but these things do not give you fulfillment. 

Research shows that when we focus on the 4 areas of our life that we have control over. We gain greater control of our overall life and have greater control of our circumstances and end up in control of 40% of our overall happiness.

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What Is Happiness and How Can You Find It?

What Is Happiness And How Can You Find It?

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Stress, anxiety, and depression are warning signs from the body that something is not right! When people suffer most people try to escape their problems through please.

Most people confuse pleasure with happiness in the book” The Hacking Of The American Mind” Dr. Robert Lustig explains there are 7 differences between please and happiness.

If you do not not understand these difference you will feel lost in life. 

1) Pleasure: Is short-term. (Like a junk food, and alcohol)
Happiness: Is long-term (Like a lifetime)

2)Please: Is felt in your body
Happiness: You feel it above the neck

3)Pleasure: Is taking (like steeling, and manipulation)
Happiness: Is giving (more happiness is giving than in receiving) 

4)Pleasure: Is achieved alone
Happiness: Is achieved in social groups

5)Pleasure : Is achieved with substances (Like drugs, and alcohol)  
Happiness: Isa not achieved with substances

6)Pleasure: Is achieved with certain behaviors (Drug, social media, or porn)
Happiness: Is achieved with certain activities (Like a hug) 

7)Pleasure: Is anything that boosts dopamine
Happiness: is anything that boosts serotonin  

We can be addicted to pleasure and can become an aholic. You cannot have too much happiness.

We are a cocktail of different brain chemicals the things that boost dopamine will also bring down our levels of serotonin. A thing that has become very popular is what they call dopamine fast where a person will avoid the things that boost dopamine.

There have been studies that show it only takes about 3 weeks to reset our dopamine receptors

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