Alpha Lifestyle

Explore The Science: How Much Weight Can You Lose With Emerald Green Laser” Los Angeles, California


Greetings, health enthusiasts of Los Angeles! Dr. Marouni here, and today, let's embark on a journey into the world of cutting-edge weight loss with Emerald Green Laser. As we delve into the science and statements from the FDA, we'll explore the transformative potential this technology holds for those seeking to shed unwanted inches and redefine their contours.

Clinical Trial: A Game-Changer in Weight Loss Evaluation

Clinical trials have set a new standard in evaluating aesthetic devices, showcasing the efficacy of the fat loss laser. What makes this trial particularly noteworthy is its absence of diet restrictions, exercise requirements, or any other adjunctive components. This approach has properly illustrated the clinical utility of the Emerald Green Laser, emphasizing its stand-alone effectiveness in the realm of weight loss.

Statements from the FDA: A Stamp of Approval

When it comes to substantiating claims, statements from the FDA carry significant weight. The data for the Emerald Green Laser speaks volumes:

  • Emerald – 6 inches / 15.24 cm Average Reduction: In just one month, participants experienced an average reduction of 6 inches (15.24 cm) in the waist, hips, and upper abdomen. This impressive result is a testament to the precision and efficacy of the Emerald Green Laser in targeted fat reduction.
  • Verjú (Emerald Predecessor) – 11.48 cm Reduction: The predecessor to the Emerald, Verjú, showcased a remarkable 11.48 cm reduction in the waist, hips, and thighs in just two weeks. These results underscore the consistent success of Emerald's technology in delivering tangible outcomes.

Understanding the Clinical Significance:

These clinical trial results are not just numbers; they represent a paradigm shift in the way we approach weight loss. The Emerald Green Laser has demonstrated its ability to produce substantial reductions in key areas without the need for additional lifestyle modifications. This is a game-changer for individuals seeking a non-invasive, effective solution to reshape their bodies.

Personalized Consultation at Bel-Air Weight Loss & Cosmetics:

As we navigate this realm of transformative weight loss, it's important to recognize that individual responses may vary. That's why at Bel-Air Weight Loss & Cosmetics, we prioritize personalized consultations. During these consultations, we discuss your goals, assess your unique needs, and tailor a treatment plan that aligns with your expectations.


In the ever-evolving landscape of weight loss, Emerald Green Laser stands out as a beacon of precision and efficacy. The clinical trial results and statements from the FDA affirm its transformative potential. If you're in Los Angeles and ready to explore the possibilities, reach out to us at Bel-Air Weight Loss & Cosmetics. Let's embark on a journey where inches melt away, contours redefine, and your confidence soars. The science is speaking – are you ready to listen?

How Much Does Emerald Green Laser Cost In Los Angeles?


Greetings, health enthusiasts of the quest for wellness! Dr. Marouni here, and today, let's embark on a journey into the realm of transformative aesthetic treatments with Emerald Laser. One of the common questions on this journey is, "How much does Emerald Laser treatment cost?" Join me as we navigate through the cost range and guide you on finding a provider in your area to explore the specific investment needed for your transformative experience.

Understanding the Investment:

Emerald Laser treatment offers a non-invasive and precision-driven approach to body contouring, making it a sought-after choice for those on the path to aesthetic transformation. The cost of this treatment is an investment in your well-being, confidence, and the journey to unveiling the best version of yourself.

Cost Range: $1,800 – $2,500 for 6 Treatments:

The cost of Emerald Laser treatment typically falls within a range of $1,800 to $2,500 for a package of six treatments. This range allows for flexibility and caters to individual goals and needs. It's important to note that the number of treatments required may vary based on your specific aesthetic objectives.

Explore the Transformative Potential:

Investing in Emerald Laser treatment is not just a financial commitment; it's an investment in the transformative potential that this innovative technology brings to your aesthetic journey. The precision and non-invasive nature of the treatment make it an attractive option for those seeking targeted fat reduction and enhanced body contouring.


As you consider the cost of Emerald Laser treatment, remember that the investment goes beyond the financial aspect – it's an investment in your self-confidence, well-being, and the journey to rediscovering your best self. To get accurate and personalized cost details, take the next step by finding a provider in your area. Schedule a consultation, explore the transformative potential, and embark on a journey where the investment yields not just visible results but a renewed sense of confidence. Your transformation awaits – find your provider and start the journey to a more confident you!

Dieting Without Going Hungry!

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Embark on a wild ride, your guide through the ancient diet secrets hidden in cultures worldwide. Where we'll spills the beans on the Transition Diet, challenging conventional weight loss norms. Forget crash diets; make gradual changes, indulge in treats, and watch the magic unfold. Our Alpha Lifestyle unravels the science of fat burning, hunger suppression, and the body's repair mechanisms. Delve into intermittent fasting, debunk breakfast myths, and explore the superhero-like enzymes aiding health. I shares my personal experiences, sipping sweet tea, defying calorie norms, and thriving in intermittent fasting. Join the fasting revolution endorsed by celebrities and unleash your potential!

An Epidemic Of Obesity 

There is a diet secret that has been used for thousands of years from cultures all around the world. Obesity as an epidemic is only a recent discovery.

Dr. Brian Clement from the Hippocrates Health Institute, in a video entitled 'Foods That Conquer Aging,' explains that once our intellect began to supersede our human nature, because of the arrogance of scientists, things started to go bad for us because they believed they can do a better job than nature."

3,000+ Year Old Diet Secret

Hey there, you unsuspecting victims of diet madness! Alpha's got a secret, and it's been buried for 3,000 years – eat what you want, never go hungry, and still drop those pesky pounds! The diet industry's major screw-up? Forcing you into drastic changes that turn your brain into mush, sending you running back to the loving arms of your bad habits.

Enter the Transition Diet. Make tiny changes over time, and bam, watch the magic happen. No need to swear off your junk food obsessions just yet. Studies say those crash diets lead to epic binge sessions, up by a whopping 133%.

Now, here's a pro tip: push back that mealtime, drown your cravings in liquids, 'cause fat's the efficient fuel you need. Most folks are gobbling non-stop, never letting their bodies catch a break. Time to give your gut some R&R, folks!

See, 330 billion cells kick the bucket daily, and they need replacing. Screw it up, and you're headed for a one-way ticket to Sicknessville. According to the eggheads at Scientific American, every 80-100 days, your cells do the cha-cha – die, get replaced. It's like a cell tango. So, let your body do its thing, maybe call it intermittent fasting if you're feeling fancy. – keeping you alive and kicking, kinda.

How To Burn Fat

Listen up, 'cause what you do in those crucial first hours after stuffing your face matters. If you're hitting the gym right away, guess what? You're burning the recent feast – the food and sugars, not your excess love handles.

Now, the Mayo Clinic's got the skinny on weight loss. To shed just one pound, you gotta torch 3,500 more calories than you shovel in. It's like trying to outrun a herd of stampeding unicorns. And here's the kicker – not all calories are created equal. Some are like lazy freeloaders, taking more effort to burn.

But fear not, my fellow food enthusiasts! Timing is everything. Eat in sync with your digestion cycle, and voila, results in a week. It's like giving your body a high-five and saying, "Hey, let's burn this fat together!" Deadpool-approved advice for the win!

How To Suppress Your Hunger

Hold onto your chimichangas, peeps, 'cause Alpha's spilling the beans on how to eat whatever the heck you want, never starve, and still rock that superhero physique. Step one? Delay the feast as long as possible and drown your hunger in liquids. Greg Gallagher from Kinobody swears by coffee – apparently, it's the superhero of appetite suppression.

Now, I'm not much of a coffee guy, so every morning, you'd find me at McDonald's, sipping on a gallon of sweet tea while I did my online computer wizardry. A few refills later, and I was good till 8 pm – dinner time, baby!

I can hear you panicking about postponing meals. But chill, it's not as scary as you think. Most of what you call hunger is just thirst playing dress-up. Trust me, if you wait until you're thirsty, you're already a human raisin.

Now, let's talk about the breakfast myth. You know, the one that says it's the most important meal of the day? That's a load of bull straight from a 1920s marketing campaign selling pork products. They fooled us into thinking skipping meals is a sin.

This magical eating style is called intermittent fasting. Skip breakfast, delay that first meal, and give your body the spa day it deserves – repair time!

Oh, and skipping breakfast won't turn you into a hangry monster. Blame those blood sugar-spiking bread and pasta for that. Back in the day, we didn't have food on speed dial. We had to hunt and gather like real champs. So, grab your liquid courage, delay that meal, and let your body do its thing.

Science Behind How This Works

So, we've got these cool enzymes in our bods, right? They're like the cleanup crew after your epic mealtime shenanigans. But here's the kicker – when there's no food to break down, these guys clock in for a shift as the repair squad. It's like a superhero double feature!

Now, pay attention, 'cause if you don't give your body the spa day it deserves, things can get real nasty – cancer, illnesses, you name it. It's like neglecting your favorite superhero costume – sooner or later, it's gonna fall apart.

Enter the documentary "Eat, Fast & Live Longer." It's not just a bunch of random folks spouting off; it's got centuries of proof and fancy new science to back it up. Eating this way is like a secret handshake to a long, healthy life, plus a bunch of other cool health perks. Check it out on the BBC, it's like Netflix for the brain.

But wait, there's more! Upton Sinclair, the dude who interviewed over 200 people, spilled the beans in what he called the "Fasting Cure." It's like the holy grail of health secrets – how to reverse your issues through the magic of fasting. So, give your body a break, let those enzymes repair like the rockstars they are, and maybe you'll live long enough to see the next superhero movie.

My Experience

Alright, gather 'round, folks, 'cause I'm gonna spill the beans on his not-so-secret superpower – sweet tea with a side of GMOs and sugary sodas. Yeah, you heard it right, the Deadpool diet doesn't involve swearing off the good stuff. These enzymes in my bod are chill, not busy digesting, which means I don't need to join the diet cult and still shed those pounds. It's like having your chimichanga and eating it too!

Now, the experts say to keep the calorie intake under 50 during intermittent fasting. But guess what? Today, I roll with that recommendation like a pro. Back in the early days of my journey, I was flying blind and didn't know any better. Still, in just 30 days, I noticed a difference – proof that even Deadpool can stumble into success. So, keep sipping that sweet tea, break the rules a little, and let those enzymes do their thing.

The Journey Of Intermittent Fasting

Hey, you beautiful bunch of potential intermittent fasters! If the A-listers, fitness buffs, and the healthiest folks around are jumping on the intermittent fasting bandwagon, why the heck aren't you giving it a shot?

Take a peek into the lives of the stars like Ariana Grande – yup, she's on the intermittent fasting train, and rumor has it she's loving the ride. Even the fitness legends like Buff Bunny, aka Heidi Somers, and Laura, the Fitness Muffin from YouTube, are rocking the intermittent fasting lifestyle. And don't forget Anllela Sagara from Colombia, who's dominating Snapchat, Instagram, and YouTube.

Millions of people, including yours truly, are flipping the script on their eating habits. It's not just about looking good; it's about feeling awesome, living longer, having more energy, and maybe even raking in more cash by giving your brain the fuel it craves. So, join the party, be the cool kid on the block, and let the fasting revolution begin!


Ah, hold the phone, folks, ’cause the diet and fitness industry has been pulling the wool over your eyes for far too long. They’ve been giving you the ol’ runaround, ignoring the real deal behind your weight gain and your frustrating battle with those extra pounds. Their answer? It’s always the same old song and dance – including restricting certain foods as a way to lose weight however, studies show those who follow this advice over eat by 133%.  

But wait, there’s a new sheriff in town, I’m here to spill the beans and introduce you to a whole new way of dropping those pounds.

Picture this: a world where you can eat what you want, never go hungry, and still see those numbers on the scale drop like it’s hot. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, it’s not. Just head on over to and let’s break free from the diet and fitness industry’s mind games.

It’s time to reclaim your natural state and kick those dieting woes to the curb. It’s time to change the game, getting you the results you deserve.

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Why You Should Stop Listening To Money Making & Business Experts!

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Should You Stop Listening To Money Making Experts?

Well, well, well, look who's stumbled into the chaotic circus of life! It's none other than your charming pal, at Alpha Lifestyle, here to spill the beans, and today we're gonna chat about something that's been bothering me – those so-called money-making gurus. Yeah, you heard me right, the ones who promise you the moon, the stars, and a lifetime supply of chimichangas if you just follow their secret formula. 

Now, don't get me wrong. Learning is cool, but when you're drowning in a sea of self-help information, it's time to ask yourself, "Am I actually doing anything, or am I just addicted to it because it make me feel like I'm doing something?" Trust me, I've been there. It's like a never-ending quest for the next big thing that'll magically transform you into the superhero of success.

Sure, MJ didn't become a basketball legend by watching YouTube videos on fancy slam dunks. Nope, he started with the basics – the fundamentals. And you, my friend, should take a page from his playbook. Before you try to dunk, learn how to pass thebusiness ball!

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So, you're soaking up the latest marketing strategies, but have you even used the old ones? It's like trying to learn to salsa dance when you haven't even mastered the cha-cha. Slow down, my ambitious friend. Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a successful business.

Let me drop some wisdom on you – you already know what it takes to be a badass. Deep down, it's in your DNA. But for some reason, you're drowning your confidence in a sea of online courses, hoping that maybe this time it'll be different. Spoiler alert: It won't be.

Let's talk about John Assaraf (from the "Secret"). His first year in real estate wasn't about fancy marketing jargon or sales tactics. Nah, his mentor taught him how to win. Winning isn't about memorizing the latest Instagram algorithm; it's about developing the personality traits of a freakin' winner.

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Sure, marketing strategies are important, but they're like the side dish. The main course? Learning how to win. So, put down that guru manual, take a deep breath, and realize that you've got what it takes. You're the hero of your own story, just keep to the basic until you master winning.

So, my friend, step away from the noise, focus on the basics, and let your inner superhero shine. And remember, I'm always here if you need a sarcastic pep talk or a chimichanga recipe.

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Revolutionary Approach to Weight Loss In Los Angeles Presents New Cutting-Edge Technology: Emerald Green Laser!

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Hello, health enthusiasts of Los Angeles! This is Dr. Marouni and I'm thrilled to share some groundbreaking news from the forefront of wellness. At Bel-Ai Weight Loss and Cosmetics, we are proud to be among the first in Los Angeles to introduce the cutting-edge Erchonia Emerald Green Laser for weight loss. Join us as we delve into the revolutionary potential of this technology and how it's set to redefine the landscape of healthy, sustainable weight loss.

Precision in Targeting Stubborn Fat:

When it comes to weight loss, precision is key. The Erchonia Emerald Green Laser takes aim at stubborn fat deposits with unparalleled accuracy. This non-invasive technology allows us to target specific areas, facilitating a more effective and tailored approach to body contouring. Say goodbye to the one-size-fits-all approach – with this laser, we customize the treatment to address your unique weight loss goals.

Stimulating Cellular Metabolism:

Weight loss isn't just about shedding pounds; it's about optimizing your body's natural processes. The Erchonia Emerald Green Laser stimulates cellular metabolism, promoting the breakdown of fat cells and enhancing the body's ability to metabolize stored fat. This innovative approach goes beyond conventional weight loss methods, offering a comprehensive solution for those looking to achieve sustainable results.

No Surgery, No Downtime:

In a city that thrives on innovation, we understand the importance of non-invasive procedures. The Erchonia Emerald Green Laser aligns with our commitment to providing our clients with effective solutions without the need for surgery or downtime. Walk in, experience the treatment, and walk out with renewed confidence – it's that simple.

The Personalized Weight Loss Journey:

At Bel-Air Weight Loss and Cosmetics, we recognize that every individual's weight loss journey is unique. The Erchonia Emerald Green Laser allows us to tailor our approach to meet your specific needs. Whether you're targeting specific trouble areas or seeking an overall transformation, this technology empowers us to create a personalized weight loss plan that works for you.


As we usher in a new era of weight loss solutions, Bel-Air Weight Loss & Cosmetics invites you to be among the first in Los Angeles to experience the transformative power of the Erchonia Emerald Green Laser. It's not just about losing weight; it's about sculpting the best version of yourself. Visit us at Bel-Ai Weight Loss and Cosmetics and embark on a weight loss journey that is precise, effective, and tailored to your individual goals. The future of weight loss is here, and it's radiant with the green glow of innovation.

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How To Reduce Your Appetite?

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Hey there, party people! We're like a wild mix of brain chemicals, controlling our vibes, personalities, and even our munchie habits. Now, I won't bore you with the nitty-gritty brain stuff – we're here for the real deal on getting the results you crave. If you're a science geek, we've got the resources for that, but let's cut to the chase!

Why We Over Eat

We're a bunch of sad, malnourished souls, stuffing our faces without a clue. It's not about filling up; it's a desperate quest for the right neutron—wait, I meant nutrient. Once we hit that nutrient jackpot, our bodies scream, "No mas, I'm good!"

Now, for the heavyweight champs in the room—those folks tipping the scales like it's a carnival game. They're not scarfing down grub 'cause diets are a dud; it's 'cause they missed the memo on eating to tame the hunger beast. The diet and fitness big shots are playing keep-away with this intel.

Big folks think diets are the enemy. Well, guess what? Diets and these folks never learned the tango of eating to satisfy the roaring belly beast. When we've had our fill, the brain's supposed to hit us with the "full" signal. But guess what? Sneaky foods play goalie, blocking that signal, and we end up on an endless joyride with processed junk. It's like a carnival of destruction for our bodies.

We're on a mission for the perfect trio – fatty acids, amino acids, and sugar. We will eat until we get enough of these beauties into our system.

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The Joys Of Eating

Some folks revel in the art of eating – it's not just about silencing the hunger growls; it's a full-blown performance. Picture this: the sensual motion, the tantalizing feel of food caressing your taste buds. It's a culinary symphony, and some people are the maestros.

Now, there's a breed of connoisseurs who get a kick out of chewy delights, maybe even indulge in the exotic chewiness of sea argents. It's a whole vibe, and these aficionados can out-chow the average Joe. If your idea of bliss is crunching on celery, no harm done. But, my friends, if your taste buds are singing the praises of unhealthy junk, Houston, we've got a problem.

Indulging in the guilty pleasures of greasy, sugary wonders? It's time for a reality check. You might need to embark on a quest for a healthier version of your chewy obsession. It's like finding the holy grail of tasty satisfaction without the dietary sins.

So, if you're dancing on the dark side of indulgence, swap those culinary vices for virtuous versions. Your taste buds will thank you, and who knows, you might even become the virtuoso of healthy munching. Stay crunchy, my friends! 🍽️🎭🕺

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Suppress Your Eating

We're a wild concoction of brain chemicals, and let me tell you, it's a party up there. Some of these brain buddies are the troublemakers responsible for making our stomachs throw a hunger tantrum. Picture this: scientists playing puppet master in a lab, unleashing these hunger chemicals to such a degree that not even an all-you-can-eat buffet can satisfy the beast. It's like an epic food showdown where they could eat 'til they're on the brink of spontaneous combustion.

But hold your horses, there's a yin to this hunger yang. Enter "MSH," the superhero hormone that's like the Wolverine of appetite control. Now, here's the plot twist – you can inject this bad boy, but I wouldn't recommend it. Why? Because it comes with side effects that make tan lines seem like child's play. We're talking hypersexuality cranked up to eleven and chronic erections that might break records, and not in a good way.

But fear not, my sun-worshipping amigos! There's a natural way to unleash the mighty MSH, and it involves soaking up that glorious UV light from the sun. It's not just about getting that golden glow; it's a whole package deal. Catch those rays early in the morning, before the clock strikes 11 am, and you'll be riding the MSH wave, boosting alertness, and even getting a ticket to the land of sweet dreams at night.

The Hunger Clock In Your Liver

Alright, gather 'round, health rebels, because we're diving into the mysterious world of blood sugar and liver messages. Brace yourselves, it's like decoding a secret agent's playbook.

So, when your blood sugar takes a nosedive, your liver shoots a message to your brain, triggering a chemical release that makes you crave specific foods. It's like your liver's got a schedule, a clock ticking away to ensure you hit the snack bar at the same time daily.

Now, let's talk digestion strategy. Are you letting your body waltz through the proper stages of digestion? Most of us have been duped into thinking we're obligated to stuff our faces three times a day – a little marketing ploy, courtesy of the puppet masters. Dr. Michael Gregor spills the beans – this constant chomping is a cash grab, not a health strategy.

Enter the hero of the story – intermittent fasting. Skip a meal or two, and suddenly, your body has a spa day to repair and heal from the havoc we unknowingly wreak upon it. It's like giving your internal repair crew a chance to fix things up.

Now, I get it – breaking up with the sacred three-meal routine is like divorcing your favorite snack times. Your liver's probably sending urgent memos to your brain – "Feed me, Seymour!" But fear not, my friends, we're gonna train that liver of yours. Start by pushing back your meal times by a mere 45 minutes. Do this dance for a few days, then push it back another 45 until your body's doing the tango at your desired mealtime.

It's a liver-bootcamp, a rebellion against the three-meal propaganda. Train that liver, show it who's boss, and maximize those desired results. Go forth, mealtime mavericks! 🍽️⏰🕵️‍♂️

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Eat To Kill Hunger And Junk Food Cravings

Alright, listen up, snackaholics! Highly processed foods are like the Pied Piper of junk cravings – the more you munch, the louder that junk food siren wails. Now, when someone's hooked on, say, the hard stuff, we rally the troops to tackle the problem. But if it's processed food? Crickets. Why's that? It's like we've turned a blind eye to the villainous snacks wreaking havoc.

Let's lay it out straight – processed foods are the puppet masters pulling the strings behind every major health villain. Your ticket to the afterlife? It's probably got "Made with Processed Goodies" stamped on it. Now, I'm not saying you're kicking the bucket today, but we gotta talk about this processed food addiction before it's game over.

So, how do we kick this junk food habit? It's time to break free from the chains of processed indulgence. But hey, I get it – the morning junk food cravings are like ninja assassins, sneaking up on you. Fear not, my friends, because I've got a trick up my spandex sleeve. Start your day with fiber – it's the secret weapon against hunger and the ultimate junk food slayer.

We're not talking about drastic measures here; just swap that sugary cereal for something fiber-packed, and you'll be dodging junk food cravings like a ninja in no time. So, rise and shine, breakfast warriors – let fiber be your sidekick in this battle against processed evil! 🍔🥦🦸‍♂️

Stable & Unstable Blood Sugar 

Processed foods are the villains behind junk food cravings. They're as addictive as a Marvel movie marathon, but way less cool. Break the chains! Start your day with fiber – it's the superhero that beats hunger and smashes those junk food cravings.

Weight gain's a warning sign – your body's yelling, "Houston, we've got a problem!" Unstable blood sugar is the bad guy, and 94% of Americans are facing it. Don't let it sneak up on you.

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Fight Hunger by Managing Your Blood Sugar

Alright, strap in, health rebels! Here's a nugget of wisdom – to wrangle that unruly blood sugar, throw on your sneakers and take a stroll after chowing down. Now, I know, the idea of a post-meal walk might sound about as appealing as a date with a porcupine, but trust me, it's the secret sauce.

Picture this: you can strut your stuff pre-meal, mid-meal, or even turn your dining room into a runway – walk while you eat. But, I get it – most folks want to park their butts and kick back during mealtime. However, if you're aiming for maximum blood sugar control, throw in a short walk before, during, and after your feast.

And here's the magic number – three brisk 15-minute walks. Not only does it give you that action movie hero vibe, but it's also a blood sugar buster throughout the day. Make it a post-meal family ritual because, let's face it, most of the chaos happens after the eating fiesta.

Now, here's the scoop on why those legs need to be in motion. Your leg muscles, the unsung heroes, can go rogue if you neglect them. They're like the first line of defense against the sugar invasion – 80% of that post-meal sugar shindig ends up there. If your leg muscles are throwing a tantrum, it's not just about skipping leg day; it might be a red flag for insulin resistance and those pesky high A1C levels.

So, lace up those sneakers, assemble your post-meal posse, and let's kick some blood sugar butt! 🚶‍♂️🍽️💪

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Ah, hold the phone, folks, ’cause the diet and fitness industry has been pulling the wool over your eyes for far too long. They’ve been giving you the ol’ runaround, ignoring the real deal behind your weight gain and your frustrating battle with those extra pounds. Their answer? It’s always the same old song and dance – including restricting certain foods as a way to lose weight however, studies show those who follow this advice over eat by 133%.  

But wait, there’s a new sheriff in town, I’m here to spill the beans and introduce you to a whole new way of dropping those pounds.

Picture this: a world where you can eat what you want, never go hungry, and still see those numbers on the scale drop like it’s hot. Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, it’s not. Just head on over to and let’s break free from the diet and fitness industry’s mind games.

It’s time to reclaim your natural state and kick those dieting woes to the curb. It’s time to change the game, getting you the results you deserve.

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How Einstein Went From Loser To Genius Millionaire! Business Lesson(s) For Every Entrepreneur!

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Hey there, you financial brainiacs! So, today we're diving into the genius pool and snagging some wisdom from Albert Einstein. Now, don't go thinking he was born with a brain that could outsmart a Rubik's Cube. Nah, he built that brain like a Lego set on steroids.

Success ain't just about knowing what to do. Life throws all sorts of crap at us—environmental junk, emotional chaos, and physical beatdowns—that turns our brains into a toxic playground. It's like a frat party in there, but with fewer keg stands and more stress.

Einstein, believe it or not, was tagged as a loser for a good chunk of his life. But did he sit around, sipping tea and whining about it? Hell no! He hit the brain gym six days a week and juiced up that magnificent noggin. Fast forward to 1905, aka the Einstein miracle year. Boom! He drops groundbreaking ideas that flip the world on its head.

Listen up, champs! No matter if you're collecting Social Security or still figuring out how to adult, the next 12 months could be your own miracle year. Past fails? Forget 'em! Time to rock the world and unleash the genius within. Let's make Einstein proud, people! 🚀✨

Build Your Brain To Perform 

Dr. Daniel Amen, the brain guru from the Amen Clinic, has scanned more brains than Netflix has shows. In his Ted Talks, he spilled the beans: Healthy brains equal a VIP pass to the good life—more health, more happiness, more moolah, more wisdom, and a creativity level that's off the charts.

Now, picture this: Einstein, the granddaddy of genius, was once the king of the losers. In a 2014 documentary, we learned he got a rejection letter for every job he tossed his hat into. Even his own pops couldn't hook him up with a gig. Yeah, even Einstein's résumé had a rough start.

The dude was so bummed that he penned a letter to the fam, basically saying, "Life sucks, wish I wasn't here." Depression, my friends, is like the villain in your superhero movie, shrinking your brain and messing with its VIP performance.

But wait, there's a plot twist! Einstein's buddy finally throws him a bone—a gig as the lowest-ranking peon in the job hierarchy. Fast forward to 1998, when brain scientists drop the bomb about neuroplasticity.

Newsflash: Einstein didn't pop out of the womb with a superbrain. No, sir! He crafted that bad boy like a DIY project gone wild. So, remember, even when life throws rejection letters and existential crises your way, you've got the power to build a brain that's the envy of the entire cosmos! 🧠✨

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Your Miracle Year

So, I was just checking out Dr. Joe Dispenza's TED TALKS, and guess what? Your brain's like Play-Doh on steroids. Every thought you have is like molding that bad boy into a masterpiece, building connections and flexing those thinking muscles.

Now, picture Einstein, the OG brain sculptor. Dude worked his noggin six days a week, diving into patient reviews like it was an Olympic sport. He turned brains into mathematical puzzles, optimizing his own brain to superhero levels. Cue 1905, aka "Einstein's Miracle Year," where he drops the theory of relativity, E=MC^2, and other mind-bending discoveries that flipped our worldview upside down.

And guess what? This could be your own miracle year! Doesn't matter if you've belly-flopped in the past or if some Debbie Downer says, "You've tried before." Screw that noise. This could be your time to shine.

Just like Einstein, I grappled with ADHD, Dyslexia, and the whole learning disabilities circus. But hey, I fine-tuned my brain to beast mode, landed a gig as a business strategist for a $400 MILLION DOLLAR marketing powerhouse. Rubbed shoulders with big shots from Crete Trucking, P&G, Victoria's Secret—you name it.

But, real talk, life hurls environmental, emotional, and physical stress grenades at our brains, turning them into toxic playgrounds. Time to detox and unleash the brain beast within. Your brain's got potential—let's make it a freakin' superhero! 🦸‍♂️💥

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Detox Your Brain To Perform

Hey there, brain hustlers! So, you want to crank up the cash flow, right? Well, buckle up, because the Amen clinic's been playing Sherlock with over 83,000 brain scans, and we've cooked up a plan to turn your brain into a money-making machine. And no, it doesn't involve robbing a bank.

Step 1: Let's detox that brain of yours. Think of it like a spa day for your noggin. Proper nutrition, a bit of mental flossing—you know, the works.

Step 2: Now, we're diving into the chemistry of success. We're a walking cocktail of brain chemicals that pull the strings on our emotions and personality. But here's the kicker: you can't let these chemicals boss you around. Time to hack your own brain, my friends.

Step 3: Psychology's got these "Big 5" personality traits, but we're only interested in the dynamic duo—the two traits that predict wealth like a card counter at a Blackjack table. Take our performance-based personality test at It's like Tinder for your success potential.

Step 4: Hold up, we're not done. We've got not one, not two, but three extra personality tests. Why? Because we're not fans of the one-size-fits-all approach. We want to know your strengths and weaknesses, so we can turn your gifts into gold.

Step 5: Childhood, my friend. That playground of memories might be holding you back. Let's dig into how your past shaped your future. Break those self-destructive patterns, because even if you're a genius, success won't play nice if you're stuck in a loop of failure.

So, strap in, take the tests, and let's turn that brain into a cash-printing factory! 💸🧠

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Hey, you aspiring ballers! Guess what? There are two personality traits that practically scream, "I'm gonna swim in money." Some folks luck out and are born with them, but for the rest of us—yeah, the regular Joes—we gotta build 'em like Lego castles.

So here's the deal: I'm throwing you an invite to take the performance-based personality test and see if you've got those golden traits. And if you don't, don't sweat it. Yours truly wasn't born with 'em either. We're in the same boat.

Join me on this wild journey at It's like a rollercoaster, but with more dollar signs and fewer safety instructions.

Oh, and a little bonus advice: stay healthy, have a kickass day, and remember, I'm here to sprinkle a bit of Alphastyle wisdom on your journey to financial awesomeness. 🤘💰

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Find A Job / Career That Is Best For You Based On Your Personality!

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Alright, you cheeky devils, listen up! We're diving deep into the mind, the psychology, the whole shebang. You know, that messy mix of nature and nurture that makes us who we are. Ever heard of the Big 5 Personality Traits? No? Well, grab your chimichangas, and let's talk about it.

So, about half of your personality is inherited, and the other half comes from your environment. It's like a cocktail, shaken, not stirred. But here's the kicker – learning something new won't change your life unless you've got the right combo of traits to take action. It's not enough to know; you gotta put on the new personality, like a superhero suit.

The Big 5 Of Personality Traits

Now, let's get to the Big 5, or as I like to call them, the Fab Five:

  1. Openness
  2. Conscientiousness
  3. Extraversion
  4. Agreeableness
  5. Neuroticism

If you haven't taken your performance-based personality test yet, Here is a link!

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CEOs and Marketing Experts

Those high-fliers are loaded with "Openness." They're creative, have IQs of 115+, liberal political views, and are likable. But here's the twist: they're poor at organizing stuff, high in negative emotions, and hate schedules but need them. Classic.

Then there's us, the rebels with ADHD and Dyslexia, swimming in the "Openness" pool. Dyslexics are 400% more likely to be millionaires. Elon Musk, Walt Disney, Sir Richard Branson – they're our tribe.

Sales People

Well, they're the extroverted, assertive, and emotionally stable bunch. If you're one, take the personality test at to unlock your selling superpowers.


They're conscientious, diligent, and low in negative emotions. They don't care if you like them; they just want the job done.

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Customer Service

They're agreeable, softhearted, conscious, optimistic, and extraverted. They're the real MVPs.

General Employees

With an average IQ of 100, are diligent, orderly, and low in negative emotions.

Know Your Strength

Now, here's the real deal – once you know your strengths, it's time to hustle. Even billionaires with all that "Openness" have emotional issues. That's where we come in. The two winning traits for career success are conscientiousness and entrepreneurial success is a cocktail of "Openness" and high IQ.

So, why not partner up with us? Forget the gurus; you need brains and savvy. Take action because clinical psychologists say you need at least 115+ IQ to tackle the internet's complexity. And hey, I'm a prime example – high in "Openness" but had to level up my conscientiousness game.

Highly agreeable people struggle in the workplace; they're not willing to fight for themselves. It's like being a doormat – toxic for your body. Take stock of your strengths, and let's get down to business.

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Listen up, my aspiring moguls! There are two personality traits that are like the golden ticket to wealth. Now, some lucky ducks are born with them, but for the rest of us, it's all about cultivating.

So, here's the deal – I want to personally invite you to take the performance-based personality test. Let's see if you've got those magic traits or if we need to do a little personality gardening. No stress if you don't have them naturally; neither did I. But guess what? We can grow them.

Join me on this adventure at Let's uncover those traits, polish them, and set you on the path to financial glory.

And hey, one more thing – stay healthy, have an awesome day, and I'm pumped I could be of help!

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Overachievers Wanted $300,000+

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Overachievers Wanted Make $300,000+ If you're average, $75,000 We don't hire background; we hire producers Young or old, if you have the stuff, we'll know Age and background are not important We hire personalities

You are here because you want something more for yourself than the average person! You are more financially driven to take care of your loved ones and want to have a greater impact on your community.

According to Gallup, depending on age, 72% of the US population would like to own their own business. However, being a business owner is not in most people's DNA; most people are not wired that way. But I want to offer you a different opportunity where you get all the perks of owning your own business with none of the downsides.,their%20own%20boss%20(40%25)

There is what is called an intrapreneur where you get to earn an income without a typical job. You get to work your own hours, enjoy all the freedom, set your income, and at the same time, get the support and mentorship of business owners of established companies, such as medical offices, real estate agents, restaurants, and other local businesses that provide a real service to your community.

I want to pay you $300,000+ to help local businesses expand.

Being an overachiever, you don't want to take things at face value because it doesn't matter what helped certain people become successful; what matters is what will give you the best odds of success.

Many people are ignorant when it comes to the numbers of their business. This is why you have people who promote a certain business or industry. However, unless you understand the numbers, everything else is useless.

One of my favorite quotes from Mark Cuban of Shark Tank is, "If you do not know more than your competition, they are gonna kick your ass."

So, just as Napoleon Hill's classic says, to think and grow rich.

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Top 5 businesses with the most millionaires are:

  • Real estate
  • Real estate activities
  • Auto dealers
  • Medical offices
  • Restaurant

Part of the reason these industries have the most millionaires is because of the large number of businesses that operate in these sectors. For example, there are over 200,000 restaurant owners, with only 4,471 of them in the top 1%.

Top 5 businesses with the highest percentage of millionaires:

As of 2019, a whopping 43.2% of millionaires had their wealth tied up in real estate. Another 25.2% were involved in real estate-related activities, like being real estate agents or lenders. That’s a total of 68.5% of millionaires diving into the world of real estate. Impressive, huh?

  • 20.8% auto dealers
  • 18.5% financial services
  • 12.5% performers, artists, writers
  • 10.6 professional services - that would also include what we're doing here
  • 10.0 wholesalers

Top 5 businesses one-person businesses with the most millionaires:

  • E-commerce
  • Real estate
  • Personal & professional service - which also includes Info Marketing
  • Manufacturing

Their average millionaire has seven streams of income. The reason why already established companies want to work with us is that we can add an additional income stream, and with your help, together we can drive the traffic they need to expand without having to rely on paid advertising; instead, they pay that money to you.

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Arnold Schwarzenegger went from a broke bodybuilder to a millionaire, not from movies because he was already a millionaire. He only made $750 from winning Mr. Olympia.

As a personal trainer, Arnold saw the struggles people went through trying to break into the entertainment industry, so he decided to get the money game out of the way by capitalizing on multiple income streams. He was a performer, then from the mentorship of Joel Wielder, he started selling body books and seminars. He then took that money, invested it into real estate, which is how he became a millionaire from real estate, and then started trying to get into movies.

I want to open up the opportunity to you if you have a business to turn your competitors into your business partners by capitalizing on the industries with the best odds of becoming a millionaire.

From one of our previous videos in this series, you have a base understanding of how this works. Many smaller companies are tired of wasting money on oversaturated ad networks like Facebook, IG, TikTok. In fact, 62% of small business owners say FB ads don't work.

Many smaller companies go after one customer at a time. We, on the other hand, use what is known as joint ventures or group marketing, where you land a customer, and that customer may bring you hundreds, thousands, or depending on the size of the deal, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of new customers.

Let me give you an oversimplified explanation of how this works. This is you, and you have company A and company B. Company A refers their customers to company B, and company B refers their customers to company A or a variation of this.

Now imagine doing this with hundreds of companies.

So, since you put these two businesses together, you get paid on everything they do.

John Reese went from $6,500 the previous year to using joint ventures and doing $100,000 in just 7 days, then launching another joint venture project, this time doing a million dollars in 24 hours, and closing out the year with nearly $7 million dollars.

We have a step-by-step breakdown of exactly how he did this at >>

People love the idea of being able to build an income helping local businesses expand by using someone else's following, but going from idea to reality is too much to ask for from so many people because you already have so many issues you have to handle. That's why we have software that will do most of the work for you.

We use a similar software that some of the biggest experts in their field use, including Dean Graziosi, Grant Cardone, Tai Lopez, and many others, spending $100,000 that earned them hundreds of millions of dollars. A major investment firm acquired it from LearnVest for 250 million dollars, and we call it an auto sales closing system that will:

  1. Generate interest
  2. Capture your leads
  3. Present your products to your prospects
  4. Close them right there on the spot, and if they don't buy, it follows up with them and closes them at a later point by capitalizing on 9 different categories of income streams.

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It would be an impossible job for you to understand exactly what we're going to do for you in just these few minutes. I want to invite you to because I want to pay you to help local businesses like medical offices, real estate agents, restaurants, and other local companies grow.

Many of you already have a large enough following on social media to make your first 100,000.


One more thing, stay healthy, have a great day, and I'm glad I could help you.

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Turn 1000 Social Media Followers Into A $100,000 Per Month Income!

The Purpose Of Advertising

Many people overcomplicate social media. They think they have to build a following of hundreds of thousands of followers. However, you can build a million-dollar income from just 1,000 followers.

The purpose of advertising is, once you have built a large enough following, you can send a message. You only need a small percentage of that following to reach your income goal.

What is 1,000 x 1,000? It's a million, correct! Making money has always been about relationships.

You can't build a relationship with a million people, but you can build a relationship online with 1,000 of your followers multiplied by 1,000 of their followers, resulting in a network of a million people. You are just one person away from a million followers and two people away from a billion.

Don't Forget About The "Social" Part Of Social Media

On social media, it's not about the number of followers you have but the relationship you have with your followers.

Because of the overabundance of content on social media, CHI published a report stating that people need to see your content about 500 times before they will remember you. Due to the algorithms that many social media platforms use, only 2-5% of your followers will see your posts. However, if you regularly like, comment on someone's posts, send messages to them, and post your content when you do, you are more likely to be noticed, and people will take action on your content.

Only 2% of sales are done on the first contact, so if you make a second attempt, you are doing better than 73% of your competitors. However, 80% of sales are done between the 5th and 12th contact.

Most people treat social media the same way as companies did with TV by blasting out a message to their audiences. However, for this to work, you have to have audiences of at least hundreds of thousands of people. Marketing data shows that one-on-one relationships have the highest closing rates.

One On One Marketing

This is how people like Brian Tracy, Chet Holmes, Jordan Belfort, and Grant Cardone built names for themselves, selling over the phone. However, people like Gary Vaynerchuk built his $100 million a year empire starting out using social media the same way that people used the telephone, by building one-on-one relationships.

If you have 200,000 followers on social media, it is not that building a large social media following does not work, but rather, if you are starting out by working together as a team, you can build a million-dollar income through social media with just 1,000 followers.

We use this knowledge to help you assist medical offices, real estate agents, restaurants, and other local companies in their growth efforts.

Build A $100,000 Per Month Income

In the worst-case scenario, you will only need to send 10,000 requests to build a following of 1,000 people. Then, out of those followers, 100 will buy your product. However, there is a referral strategy we use where those 100 customers will bring in an average of 200 new customers per year. The breakdown is as follows: 1/3 will do nothing, 1/3 will bring in some referrals, 1/3 will do even more, but you'll have about 5-6 where you'll make the majority of your money.

It would be impossible for you to fully understand how this works in just a few minutes. So, I've provided you with some additional resources below this video.


It would be an impossible task for you to fully understand what we're going to do for you in just a few minutes.

I'd like to extend an invitation to visit because I want to pay you to help local businesses such as medical offices, real estate agents, restaurants, and other local companies grow.

Many of you already have a sufficiently large following on social media to reach your first 100,000. Find out more at

One more thing, stay healthy, have a great day, and I'm glad I could assist you."