Overachievers Wanted Make $300,000+ If you’re average, $75,000 We don’t hire background; we hire producers Young or old, if you have the stuff, we’ll know Age and background are not important We hire personalities

You are here because you want something more for yourself than the average person! You are more financially driven to take care of your loved ones and want to have a greater impact on your community.

According to Gallup, depending on age, 72% of the US population would like to own their own business. However, being a business owner is not in most people’s DNA; most people are not wired that way. But I want to offer you a different opportunity where you get all the perks of owning your own business with none of the downsides.


There is what is called an intrapreneur where you get to earn an income without a typical job. You get to work your own hours, enjoy all the freedom, set your income, and at the same time, get the support and mentorship of business owners of established companies, such as medical offices, real estate agents, restaurants, and other local businesses that provide a real service to your community.

I want to pay you $300,000+ to help local businesses expand.

Being an overachiever, you don’t want to take things at face value because it doesn’t matter what helped certain people become successful; what matters is what will give you the best odds of success.

Many people are ignorant when it comes to the numbers of their business. This is why you have people who promote a certain business or industry. However, unless you understand the numbers, everything else is useless.

One of my favorite quotes from Mark Cuban of Shark Tank is, “If you do not know more than your competition, they are gonna kick your ass.”

So, just as Napoleon Hill’s classic says, to think and grow rich.

Top 5 businesses with the most millionaires are:

  • Real estate
  • Real estate activities
  • Auto dealers
  • Medical offices
  • Restaurant

Part of the reason these industries have the most millionaires is because of the large number of businesses that operate in these sectors. For example, there are over 200,000 restaurant owners, with only 4,471 of them in the top 1%.

Top 5 businesses with the highest percentage of millionaires:

As of 2019, a whopping 43.2% of millionaires had their wealth tied up in real estate. Another 25.2% were involved in real estate-related activities, like being real estate agents or lenders. That’s a total of 68.5% of millionaires diving into the world of real estate. Impressive, huh?

  • 20.8% auto dealers
  • 18.5% financial services
  • 12.5% performers, artists, writers
  • 10.6 professional services – that would also include what we’re doing here
  • 10.0 wholesalers

Top 5 businesses one-person businesses with the most millionaires:

  • E-commerce
  • Real estate
  • Personal & professional service – which also includes Info Marketing
  • Manufacturing

Their average millionaire has seven streams of income. The reason why already established companies want to work with us is that we can add an additional income stream, and with your help, together we can drive the traffic they need to expand without having to rely on paid advertising; instead, they pay that money to you.

Arnold Schwarzenegger went from a broke bodybuilder to a millionaire, not from movies because he was already a millionaire. He only made $750 from winning Mr. Olympia.

As a personal trainer, Arnold saw the struggles people went through trying to break into the entertainment industry, so he decided to get the money game out of the way by capitalizing on multiple income streams. He was a performer, then from the mentorship of Joel Wielder, he started selling body books and seminars. He then took that money, invested it into real estate, which is how he became a millionaire from real estate, and then started trying to get into movies.

I want to open up the opportunity to you if you have a business to turn your competitors into your business partners by capitalizing on the industries with the best odds of becoming a millionaire.

From one of our previous videos in this series, you have a base understanding of how this works. Many smaller companies are tired of wasting money on oversaturated ad networks like Facebook, IG, TikTok. In fact, 62% of small business owners say FB ads don’t work.


Many smaller companies go after one customer at a time. We, on the other hand, use what is known as joint ventures or group marketing, where you land a customer, and that customer may bring you hundreds, thousands, or depending on the size of the deal, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of new customers.

Let me give you an oversimplified explanation of how this works. This is you, and you have company A and company B. Company A refers their customers to company B, and company B refers their customers to company A or a variation of this.

Now imagine doing this with hundreds of companies.

So, since you put these two businesses together, you get paid on everything they do.

John Reese went from $6,500 the previous year to using joint ventures and doing $100,000 in just 7 days, then launching another joint venture project, this time doing a million dollars in 24 hours, and closing out the year with nearly $7 million dollars.

We have a step-by-step breakdown of exactly how he did this at >> http://milliondollarday.alphalifestyleacademy.com

People love the idea of being able to build an income helping local businesses expand by using someone else’s following, but going from idea to reality is too much to ask for from so many people because you already have so many issues you have to handle. That’s why we have software that will do most of the work for you.

We use a similar software that some of the biggest experts in their field use, including Dean Graziosi, Grant Cardone, Tai Lopez, and many others, spending $100,000 that earned them hundreds of millions of dollars. A major investment firm acquired it from LearnVest for 250 million dollars, and we call it an auto sales closing system that will:

  1. Generate interest
  2. Capture your leads
  3. Present your products to your prospects
  4. Close them right there on the spot, and if they don’t buy, it follows up with them and closes them at a later point by capitalizing on 9 different categories of income streams.

It would be an impossible job for you to understand exactly what we’re going to do for you in just these few minutes. I want to invite you to Iwanttopayyou.com because I want to pay you to help local businesses like medical offices, real estate agents, restaurants, and other local companies grow.

Many of you already have a large enough following on social media to make your first 100,000.

That’s Iwanttopayyou.com.

One more thing, stay healthy, have a great day, and I’m glad I could help you.