Month: November 2018

How To Go From Loser To Legend

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We all love an underdog story; someone down and out who overcomes unseeminable odds and climbs his way to the top and gets the prize.

Star Wars is one of these stories. the reason we love the Star Wars saga so much is because it is an ancient story that has been told over and over again through the centuries with different characters and plot lines called “The Hero’s Journey”.

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You are the hero of your story. Most people who find success in business of any sort whether that be in entertainment like a comedian or actor, or even home based business like a MLM company and even local business in your community, do so after going from one business to another.

We look at people who have it so easy. Those who made $10,000 their first month in business and went on to earn millions over the next 18 months, however, this is not your story.

Your story is much more interesting because you are up against the odds. You are the underdog of your story.

Your story may be like mine. I struggled with a learning disability dyslexia, where I struggled to find and keep a job. After fighting for years trying to keep my marriage together and enduring years of emotional abuse after my wife left me I felt empty and went homeless.

In every myth including Star Wars, the hero finds a mentor. In Star Wars it is Ben Kenobi.

I am the mentor in your story. Let me show you how I overcame my obstacles.

You have gone through some sort of trauma that has caused you to self-sabotage yourself and not reach your full potential. (See the article: Personality Traits That Ruin Your Chance Of Success)

Take for instance Rick Engstrom who has an highly agreeable personality.

He first spent around $9,000 that he did not have on a credit card to hire a business coach to help him start an internet business.

Around that time he joined several network marketing business, he sent $500 buying leads in which he never called a single one of his leads, later he spent another $500 on a solo ads in which he would not have had to talk to anyone because his website would have done the selling for him however, he spent the $500 but he never finished setting up his ad to launch his ad campaing and never contacted support to get his money back.

He then spent another $3,000 and about another $10,000 from a life insurance policy that he turned in, however, he never did anything with any of these businesses either because he let decades of emotional abuse from his wife and mother-in-law to get the best of him. 

Because of not standing up for himself he lost the respect of his children. 

At the beginning Rick had credit, however, after spending money he did not have and no way to earn the money to pay back his debts because of not having the mental toughness to work his business he ruined his credit.

Dr. Jordan Peterson in his book the “12 Rules For Life” explains what happened to Rick.

When something bad happens to you your brain keeps a record of it an creates an algorithm which creates a pattern of self-sabotage.

The emotional abuse Rick endured led him to self-sabotage himself and the more he fails, he shrinks back and if we stay in the state of mind for long enough then failing becomes a habit in which more bad thing can and will happen thus, creating the hormones of stress. Cortisol is just one of the hormones of stress. Cortisol is known by scientist as the death hormone because it leads to so many life threating illnesses.

(See article: Personality Traits That Create Disease)

In Dr. Jordan Peterson book the "12 Rules For Life" in which he explains when you are successful the brain produces a chemical called “Serotonin” which is also called the happiness hormone and the more you succeed the more Serotonin the body produces, however, once successful does not always mean you will remain successful because once you have a traumatic failure you body produces another chemical that you may never recover from.

So the decades of emotional abuse released a chemical in his body that caused his to self-sabotage himself and in 2012 he had a 2 year battle of cancer.

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Companies spend billions trying to find serotonin-producing high performing employees. Many of these companies hired Dr. Joran Peterson to do a phycological profile to find these type of employees.

However, many of these same companies came back to him and asked what they could do for their current underperforming employees?

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Dr. Jordan Peterson created a program based upon Dr. James W. Pennebakers research.

Dr. Pennebaker studied the phycological impact traumatic experience had on a person physical health. He found that people who experienced a trauma from abuse, the death of a parent, divorce, and the loss of a job were more likely to get sick than those who had not.

He also found that those who keep their feelings bound up and did not talk about there experiences were more likely to get sick than those who talked about it.

However, looniness is a big issue today. You may not have anyone to share your experience with, or you may be too ashamed, and people may not be able to devote an adequate enough time for you to ease your pain and suffering.

But he found when people write about their experiences sickness drop by 50% within 6 weeks and blood test reveals writing enhanced their immune system.

Dr. Jordan Peterson designed a writing program for his University students called the “Past Authoring Program” and the “Future Authoring Program” based upon Dr. Pennebaker's research.

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Because as Dr. Jordan Peterson explains in the following video if your following along with us in the online version that writing teaches critical thinking.

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You could talk with a friend or mentor, you could even record it, however, you will not get the effects you could writing because with writing you really think and ponder about the problem and find a solution.

Future Authoring Program
You are gonna write about what life could be like in 3-5 years if you live up to your potential on your:

- Intimate relationships
- Friendships
- Family
- Career
- Education
- Time Spent Outside Of Work
- Your relationship with drug and alcohol

Past Authoring Program
You will write about where your bad habits can lead you in 3-5 years.

Dr. Jordan Peterson is a University professor who has put over 7,000 students through this program. The average student increased their GPA by 20%, and class dropout rate decreased by 25%, and 50% at the end of the first semester

This writing program brings you face -to- face with your future. People can procrastinate because there is always tomorrow, however, there are only so many tomorrows.

This writing exercise makes you deal with what you are doing or not doing with head-on.

In my research though I have found out that writing about your past and your future is not allways enough to cause you enough pain to change.
Let's say you got the same results that Dr. Jordan Peterson got with his students.

You need to write about you past, an optimistic future, but you also need to write about your current life to make you feel optimisic about your future by seeing how far you have come but you also want to feel enough pain to keep you motivated to continue moving forward towards your goal.

For those of you in network marketing or MLM imagine if you could increase the retention of your team by 50%. Just imagine how well you would be doing then.

So if you combine this with what Grant Cardone says in his book the "10X Rule" in which he writes out his goals each day. In order to stay focused.

As many of you have noticed I write about the trauma and issues I have faced in my life through this website, however, there is no need for you to start your own website because we have created an option for you to create an account and write your articles on this website.

We have also included a feature that allows you to keep your articles private because we understand the emotions you may feel, however, if you are willing to make your articles published there is an option for you to make money.

Set Up Your Account >>

Or you can watch the following video from Dr. Jordan Peterson in which he explains the self-authoring program in more details.

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