Month: February 2024

This Dieting Mistake Increased Overeating By 133%! 

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The diet and fitness industry has been misleading you for too long. While they emphasize diet, exercise, and weight loss supplements, much of their advice can actually undermine your success. For instance, studies show restricting certain foods to lose weight may lead to overeating by 133%.

However, there are 7 things you can do to lose weight before you start dieting and exercising. I want to help you break free from the diet and fitness industries mind games. Visit

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What Losing 20 Lbs. Does To The Brain!

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This is Holly, who has recently lost 20 lbs. Let's take a look at her brain. Holly suffered from anxiety and depression, and you can observe the changes in her brain.

NBC News reported that being overweight shrinks the areas of the brain responsible for learning, memory, and judgment. Obesity can also lead to changes in the brain similar to Alzheimer's.

We face physical and emotional stresses that make the brain toxic, hindering our ability to reach our potential. After losing just 20 lbs, Holly stopped self-sabotaging herself. She achieved her career goals, and the man she had been with for a few years finally proposed to her.

If you listen to financial and business experts like [...], they will advise you to get your finances in order. However, many of you are sabotaging yourselves due to having a toxic brain.

To live up to your potential, it's crucial to prioritize your health. This, in turn, will lead to financial stability and an improved quality of life.

Perhaps changing your appearance and gaining control over your health hasn't provided the motivation to lose weight. But maybe your bank account will give you the motivation you need.

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The diet and fitness industry has been misleading you for too long. While they emphasize diet, exercise, and weight loss supplements, much of their advice can actually undermine your success. For instance, studies show restricting certain foods to lose weight may lead to overeating by 133%.

Imagine a world where you can eat what you want, stay satisfied, and still witness those scale numbers drop. Seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not. Visit, and I’ll provide the evidence to help you break free from the diet and fitness industry’s mind games.

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The Health Risks of Prolonged Sitting and the Importance of a Strong Butt – In Order To Lose Weight!

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Gaining weight can signal underlying health issues, and a sedentary lifestyle is linked to weight gain and numerous health risks, even for those who exercise regularly. A healthy butt plays a crucial role, supporting overall well-being, preventing knee and back pain. For women, it's particularly important for reproductive health. Prolonged sitting, regardless of exercise, poses serious health risks. Breaking up sitting with short breaks can benefit glucose metabolism, especially for postmenopausal women with prediabetes. Prioritizing a healthy butt and reducing sitting time are vital for overall health.

Being Overweight Is A Warning Sign From The Body That Something Is Not Right

From the article "Gaining Weight as a Warning Sign for Underlying Health Issues!" we learn that putting on weight is a signal from the body that something might be wrong.


Now, consider this: What do you think is the unhealthiest habit? Is it drinking alcohol, smoking, consuming too much sugar, or sitting for too long? While we all know that these habits are unhealthy, have you ever thought about the chair you're sitting in?

Sitting too much, also known as a sedentary lifestyle, is linked to weight gain. But why? Studies connect being inactive to being overweight, developing obesity, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and host of other life threatening illnesses. Prolonged sitting is believed to slow down metabolism, impacting the body's ability to regulate blood sugar, blood pressure, and break down body fat.

So, despite all your other efforts, if you sit for too long, you might be undermining your weight loss attempts.

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How Risks Of Not Having A Good Butt

The butt muscles, are not only the largest muscle group but also play a vital role in different athletic and daily activities. These muscles do four main things: extend the hips, swing the leg outward, rotate the leg to the side, and tilt the pelvis backward. By strengthening your butt, you boost your strength and power for activities like sprinting, jumping, squatting, climbing, swinging, and moving sideways.

A more robust buttocks can lead to healthier knees and a lower back and hips without pain. "The glutes pull your thighbone backward during hip extension, keeping the bone centered in the middle of the hip socket instead of sliding forward and causing hip pain. Strong glutes ensure that your thighbones move correctly over your toes when squatting, jumping, and landing. In simple terms, it stops your knees from collapsing toward each other, a significant factor in knee pain and injury."

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Having A Healthy Butt Is Even More Important For Women

Beyond just looking good, it's important for women to have a healthy buttocks. Research shows, women with lower waist-to-hip ratios experience fewer irregular menstrual cycles and ovulate more frequently.

Since your hip measurement considers the widest point (including your buttocks), it's reasonable to assume that enhancing the gluteus through strength training could offer more than just aesthetic benefits – it might also contribute to positive health indicators during your doctor's visits.

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Health Risks For Sitting To Long

In a study by the American Cancer Society in 2010, they looked at 123,216 people from 1993 to 2016. The results showed that those who were inactive and sat for more than 6 hours a day were 94% more likely to die during that time compared to active individuals who sat less than 3 hours a day. Even those who exercised regularly had a higher risk of dying if they spent at least 6 hours a day sitting. This highlights that simply exercising may not fully offset the negative effects of sitting for extended periods.

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How Many Hours Is Siting To Long

Low risk: Sitting for less than 4 hours per day. 
Medium risk: Sitting for 4–8 hours per day. 
High risk: Sitting for 8–11 hours per day.

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Break Up Your Sitting With This Cool Trick

A recent study published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, suggests that interrupting prolonged sitting with 5 minutes of standing every half hour can be as effective as 5-minute walking breaks in improving post-meal glucose metabolism. This finding is particularly relevant for overweight, postmenopausal women with prediabetes.

Dr. Henson, the lead researcher, highlighted that previous studies have also shown benefits of breaking up sitting time in overweight and obese adults, indicating that similar positive effects could be observed in other populations, not just postmenopausal women with prediabetes.


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Try not sit more than 3 hours a day
Take a 5 min rest from sitting every 30 min.


The diet and fitness industry has been misleading you for too long. While they emphasize diet, exercise, and weight loss supplements, much of their advice can actually undermine your success. For instance, studies show restricting certain foods to lose weight may lead to overeating by 133%.

Imagine a world where you can eat what you want, stay satisfied, and still witness those scale numbers drop. Seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not. Visit, and I’ll provide the evidence to help you break free from the diet and fitness industry’s mind games.

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Build Muscle To Lose Weight!

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To achieve peak fitness, building muscle is key. While many focus on cardio for burning fat, the timing of exercise is often ignored. Signs like crow’s feet could signal adrenal fatigue, connected to high cortisol levels and abdominal fat. Muscle building not only lowers diabetes risk but also boosts metabolism, leading to calorie burning even at rest. Instead of quick fixes, sustainable results stem from steady muscle-building efforts and gradual changes, prioritizing health over extreme methods.

Cardio vs Building Muscle 

The diet and fitness industry hasn’t done a great job helping us achieve our body goals. We all know we should exercise, but many of us can overdo it initially. Knowing how to work out for maximum benefits is crucial for reaching fitness goals.

At this point, you are fasting by eating during the right digestion stage. Start moving, include micro-movements, and ensure proper nutrition by drinking green smoothies.

Cardio is often chosen at the beginning, thinking it helps burn more fat by getting the heart pumping. However, much of the advice doesn’t work for many because of exercising in the wrong digestion stage, only burning recently eaten food.

Effectively using exercise can make people stronger and healthier. Focusing on overall health and living the way nature intended helps us live our best lives.

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Warning Sign From The Body Something Is Not Right 

Every creak and blemish serves as a warning sign from the body about an underlying health problem. What we commonly label as natural aging is actually a signal that something is amiss.

If you have crow’s feet, those lines at the sides of your eyes, it’s a warning that your adrenals are burnt out. Engaging in activities like running can overtax the adrenals, stressing your system and increasing cortisol, a stress hormone.

While cortisol is healthy as a warning signal, in cases of burned-out adrenal glands due to lifestyle, prolonged stress can make you retain more fat. Cortisol promotes belly fat, and extended elevated levels are so concerning that some scientists refer to it as the death hormone. It leads to life-threatening illnesses like diabetes.

Understanding your health status is crucial for optimizing your body to lose weight. Crow’s feet may indicate a need to improve your health to efficiently shed those extra pounds.


Build Muscle To Get A Flat Stomach 

A Mayo Clinic study revealed that moderate strength training and increased muscle mass can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 32%.


Muscle can lower your diabetes risk, according to a Harvard study. People who lifted weights for 20 minutes or more daily had less belly fat compared to those who did the same amount or more of cardio.


In a comparison between running for 20 minutes and lifting weights for the same duration, those who lifted weights had less belly fat due to reduced cortisol levels.

If you visit our website and use the workbook instead of relying on the auto feature, you’ll find a picture of Nikki Blackletter, a fitness YouTuber. In both pictures, she claims to weigh the same, but she looks much better after gaining muscle. This led to a drop in her BMI and increased firmness.

Burn More Fat While You Sleep, Relax, Or Sit At Your Desk At Work

According to an article on WebMD, having more muscle increases your metabolism. Building muscle boosts your resting metabolism, causing your body to burn more calories even when you’re asleep, watching TV, relaxing, or working at your computer.

By developing muscle, we make our bodies more efficient in burning calories throughout the day. This means we continue to burn calories even when we are sleeping, watching TV, relaxing, or working at our computers.


You don’t necessarily need the gym to build muscle. Some people may injure themselves by pushing too hard. Dr. Ken, who realigns his patients’ skeletal systems, warns that lifting heavy weights at the gym can misalign your body, causing problems for internal organs. Using your own body weight is a healthier way to build muscle.

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What The Diet & Fitness Industry Does Not Tell You About Working Out

The issue with the diet and fitness industry lies in the large commitments they demand for lasting results. While their advice may show initial results, they tend to be short-lived, as old habits quickly resurface.

Our suggestion is to make gradual changes over time, leading to the desired results. Similarly, building muscle doesn’t necessarily require a gym membership; you can do it at home to avoid the risk of quitting due to an overly aggressive fitness plan.

Begin with small steps and gradually progress. Determine how many push-ups you can do in a set without overdoing it. If it’s only 5, then start with 5. The number isn’t crucial; consistency is.

For instance, start with 10 sets of 5 push-ups per set for a total of 50 push-ups. Focus on consistency rather than the quantity. Each week, add one more push-up. If there are days when you do 8 sets of 6 push-ups, don’t worry; the key is consistency.

When starting, spread your exercises throughout the day, setting alarms or placing reminders in your workspace. Track your progress for all exercises in your program.

Investing time in building muscle rather than intensive cardio can burn more fat. Greg Gallagher of Keno Body recommends focusing on muscle-building exercises and suggests only walking for cardio, as intense cardio elevates cortisol, leading to belly fat.

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The diet and fitness industry has been misleading you for too long. While they emphasize diet, exercise, and weight loss supplements, much of their advice can actually undermine your success. For instance, studies show restricting certain foods to lose weight may lead to overeating by 133%.

Imagine a world where you can eat what you want, stay satisfied, and still witness those scale numbers drop. Seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not. Visit, and I’ll provide the evidence to help you break free from the diet and fitness industry’s mind games.

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How To Burn Fat If You Are Out Of Shape? Burn Fat With This One Simple Movement!

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The articles explore leveraging micro-movements, for weight loss and metabolic health. Jittery individuals, like those with ADHD, naturally burn more calories, aiding in staying thin. Incorporating simple movement to enhances metabolism and glucose regulation, making it beneficial for both the metabolically healthy and those seeking fitness, despite its low energy expenditure.

Burn Fat While Siting With This One Simple Movement

We all have certain advantages and disadvantages. Figity people, such as those with ADHD, may be perceived as less stable. However, this extra energy comes with a specific advantage – it benefits them in staying thin.

You may not possess this advantage concerning your health. Nonetheless, we can adopt some of these habits into our lifestyle to gain some benefits.

There is one muscle that, considering the effort you put in, will burn half as many calories as walking does. So, if you are starting to walk for 30 minutes a day but would prefer watching TV instead, you can perform a simple movement while sitting for an hour and achieve similar results to walking for 30 minutes.

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Adopt This ADHD Habit To Lose Weight

ndividuals with ADHD are typically high-energy and have a biological need to expend this extra energy. According to an article by The New York Times, these individuals burn an additional 350 calories per day, leading to a weight loss of 30-40 pounds per year.


On the contrary, the same article reveals that overweight people tend to seek ways to conserve energy, often sitting more and relaxing. However, there is a muscle that can be maximized while sitting through a micro-exercise.

While someone with ADHD may display jittery movements, like moving their hands, fingers, or bouncing their leg, you can achieve similar results with just one muscle. This muscle is designed to be used constantly, making it challenging to get tired, even for those who are out of shape. Many people engage in this activity while sitting and watching TV or even while at their desk at work.

There is a study titled "A potent physiological method to magnify and sustain soleus oxidative metabolism improves glucose and lipid regulation."


This exercise is known as the soleus push-up or "calf raises," as mentioned in the study. It was found to enhance metabolic health even while sitting, improving the body's ability to convert fat into energy.

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How To Turn Fat Into Energy

Keep in mind that fat is a highly efficient energy source. When you exercise during the right stage of digestion, you burn fat, not just the food you recently ate. Pairing this with soleus push-ups helps your body convert fat into energy.

According to the study, blood sugar dropped by 52% after a meal with the incorporation of soleus push-ups. Even two hours after eating, there was a significant improvement.

Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels is crucial for everyone, whether diabetic or not. It plays a vital role in our metabolic health. As mentioned in other articles, only about 12% of the US population is metabolically healthy. Being metabolically healthy was a significant factor in how individuals fared during the COVID pandemic. If you were not metabolically healthy, you might not have done well.

If you're out of shape, this exercise is an excellent way to reintroduce activity into your lifestyle. It doesn't replace your current workout routine if you're already walking or exercising regularly. Instead, it supplements high-intensity workouts with micro-exercises.

Despite the relatively low energy expenditure of the soleus push-up, using a muscle that makes up only 1% of your total body mass and burns half as many calories per minute as walking, researchers were impressed by its ability to boost metabolism and improve glucose regulation.

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What Is Soleus Push-Up

Your calf comprises two major muscles: the soleus and the gastrocnemius, with the soleus being the smaller one. Jenna Moore, a certified strength and conditioning coach and Programming Specialist at Tonal, explains that the gastrocnemius, primarily made up of fast-twitch muscle fibers, aids in explosive movements like sprinting, jumping, and plyometrics. On the other hand, the soleus is composed of fatigue-resistant, slow-twitch muscle fibers that support standing, walking, and running for extended periods.

While standing calf raises target the gastrocnemius, seated calf raises, or soleus pushups, are more effective at isolating the soleus.

Here's how to do a soleus pushup: Sit in a chair with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Push your toes into the ground as you raise your heels. Lower your heels and repeat.

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The diet and fitness industry has been misleading you for too long. While they emphasize diet, exercise, and weight loss supplements, much of their advice can actually undermine your success. For instance, studies show restricting certain foods to lose weight may lead to overeating by 133%.

Imagine a world where you can eat what you want, stay satisfied, and still witness those scale numbers drop. Seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not. Visit, and I’ll provide the evidence to help you break free from the diet and fitness industry’s mind games.

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The Most Effiect Way To Burn Fat

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Ensure efficient fat burning by timing your exercise correctly. Exercise doesn't require intense sweating; it's advised to wait for the 3rd digestion stage for effective fat burning. For beginners, start by moving and avoid prolonged TV time. Instead, take a walk with your spouse or dog to burn calories. High-impact cardio, like running, may surprise you—consider the P90x Beachbody Workout Videos, which, despite their age, remain effective. They claim to burn 700 calories per hour, and for some, walking may burn 500 calories. Avoid excessive high-intensity workouts that trigger cortisol production, leading to belly fat. Experts recommend 10,000 steps daily, easily tracked through apps or smartwatches.

Are You Burning Food Or Fat

If you're following the steps, you're filling up on liquids to delay your eating time, ensuring you eat during the proper digestion stage. Now, let's take the next step.

Many people exercise too intensely to burn fat. Working out 5-8 hours after eating burns the consumed food, but for efficient fat burning, wait 8 hours after eating to exercise. Here's a breakdown:

  1. Within the first 5 hours after eating, even during sleep, burn calories with low-intensity activities like walking or jogging.
  2. 6-8 hours after eating, burn off sugars with appropriate activities.
  3. 7-8 hours after eating, tap into the pure and efficient energy source of fat.

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You Don't Need To Sweat To Burn Fat

Now you can exercise to burn off the recently consumed food. However, fat burns most efficiently. It's recommended to wait until you reach the 3rd stage of digestion, where fat burning is active, before engaging in intensive exercise.

If you're new to a healthy lifestyle, start by just moving—no need for structured exercise. Avoid excessive TV time; instead, go for a walk with your spouse or take the dog for a walk. The key is to get your body moving to burn calories.

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The Wrong Exercises Can Make You Fat

Consider the P90x Beachbody Workout Videos, a well-known program despite being released years ago. Online sources suggest an average person can burn 700 calories per hour, but depending on factors, some might burn 500 calories just by walking.

Surprisingly, high-impact cardio, like running, might contribute to weight gain. Intense workouts produce cortisol, leading to belly fat. For now, pause your activities and take a walk. Experts recommend 10,000 steps daily. There are apps on your phone, and smart watches that you can use to track how many steps you take per day. 

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The diet and fitness industry has been misleading you for too long. While they emphasize diet, exercise, and weight loss supplements, much of their advice can actually undermine your success. For instance, studies show restricting certain foods to lose weight may lead to overeating by 133%.

Imagine a world where you can eat what you want, stay satisfied, and still witness those scale numbers drop. Seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not. Visit, and I’ll provide the evidence to help you break free from the diet and fitness industry’s mind games.

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How To Kill Your Junk Food Cravings!

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To overcome junk food cravings and improve health, gradual changes are crucial. Dr. Joel Furhman M.D recommends nutrient-rich, low-calorie foods, emphasizing cruciferous veggies, nuts, beans, and avoiding sugars and processed items. Rather than abrupt shifts, slowly eliminate junk food, opting for high-quality meals. Adequate chewing enhances nutrition absorption. Choose vegetable smoothies over juices for fiber retention, aiding in sugar regulation. Balance is key; enjoy your smoothies to maintain the habit. Start with liquids, then transition to vegetable smoothies, gradually reducing fruit. Incorporate a variety of fruits and veggies for optimal nutrition and meet daily vitamin needs.

Give Your Body What It Needs To Stop Craving Junk Food

People often struggle to lose weight or get healthy because they believe they can instantly change their habits without realizing that adapting to these changes takes time. The key lies in reducing cravings.

Despite eating enough, many are malnourished due to consuming low-quality, nutrition-lacking foods. Without proper nutrition, we tend to overeat, snacking on foods that spike blood sugar every few hours.

In Dr. Joel Furhman M.D's video, "The End of Dieting – How to prevent disease," he suggests nutrient-rich, low-calorie foods. His recommended daily diet includes cruciferous vegetables (e.g., broccoli, spinach), raw nuts, 1/2 cup beans, legumes, steamed greens, and strictly excludes sugars, salts, and highly processed foods.

ATTENTION! The following video is provided by a 3rd party vender. If the video is no longer available it is because the owner of the video or Youtube removed the video from their servers. we apologize for any inconvenience.

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Slowly Get Junk Food Out Of Your Life

Making a big leap to eating foods like broccoli and kale can be challenging for most, as these may not be exciting options. That's why people often resort to what we term as fake health food—items marketed as healthy but may not be. Consuming too much of this fake health food can lead to potential long-term health issues.

Rather than succumbing to junk food cravings, a better approach is to include high-quality food in our meals. Another crucial aspect of weight loss is ensuring we chew our food adequately. Often, we overcook our meals, stripping them of nutritional value. Additionally, merely chewing a few times before swallowing limits the nutritional benefits. To maximize nutritional value, it's essential to chew food thoroughly until it reaches a soft consistency.

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Make Healthy Food That You Enjoy

One effective method is to consume vegetable smoothies instead of juices. Juicing removes fiber from the juice, and drinking fruit juice is similar to consuming soda, lacking the necessary fiber. Fiber is crucial for satiety and preventing direct sugar absorption into our organs. In contrast, smoothies retain the fiber needed, slowing sugar absorption in our bodies. Vegetable smoothies provide essential nutrients for optimal bodily function.

Achieving balance is key! While including kale and other greens for necessary nutrition, it's crucial to make your smoothie enjoyable. If it's not enjoyable, sustaining the habit becomes challenging. Make your smoothies tasty enough to turn them into a regular habit.

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Get Started

Initially, I prioritized liquids, postponing meals until later in the day and consuming only 1-2 meals. Eventually, I shifted from liquids to incorporating vegetable smoothies into my routine.

As you continue, you can gradually reduce the amount of fruit in your smoothies, and it's important not to overdo it on fruits. Just because fruit is natural doesn't always mean it's healthy. Remember, fiber is crucial for slowing down sugar absorption, but sugar is still sugar.

For those new to drinking smoothies, determining the right portion sizes for optimal nutrition and taste may be unfamiliar. Here's a sample for you to consider.

Transitioning to vegetable smoothies is easy, as adding fruit can make them tasty. While you might have heard advice against adding fruit, it's only partially true. Including greens like kale is essential, providing abundant nutrition, nearly 15 grams of protein, and excellent Vitamins A and C. By incorporating a variety of fruits and vegetables, you can meet your daily vitamin recommendations.

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Step 1 | Pick one (unsweetened) liquid (1.5 cups

  • Almond Milk
  • Soy Milk
  • Hemp Milk
  • Coconut Milk
  • Coconut Water
  • Drinking Water – prefer water

Step 2 | Choose your greens (1/3 of your cup should be greens)

  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Beet Greens
  • Collards
  • Swiss Chard
  • Other Bitter Greens

Step 3 | Choose your fruit (1-2 cups, fresh or frozen)

  • Banana
  • Apple
  • Melon
  • Strawberries
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries
  • Mango
  • Pear
  • Peach

Step 4 | Charge it (add as many as you like!)

  • 1 tbsp Chia Seeds
  • 1 tbsp Ground Flaxseed
  • 1 tbsp Sesame Seeds
  • 2 tbsp Avocado
  • 1 tbsp Hemp Seeds
  • 1 tsp – 1 tbsp Coconut Oil, Hemp Oil, or Flax Oil
  • 1 tbsp Nut Butter (Peanut Butter, Almond Butter, etc.)
  • 1 tbsp Raw Cacao
  • 1 tbsp Bee Pollen
  • 1-2 tsp Cinnamon
  • 1 tsp Ginger
  • 1-2 tsp Vanilla Extract (or Any Other Extract)

Step 5 | Blend it up (using a high-speed blender)


1) Intermittent fasting
2) Skip breakfast – Do not eat before 11 am
3) You are now getting the proper nutrition you need by drinking green smoothies

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The diet and fitness industry has been misleading you for too long. While they emphasize diet, exercise, and weight loss supplements, much of their advice can actually undermine your success. For instance, studies show restricting certain foods to lose weight may lead to overeating by 133%.

Imagine a world where you can eat what you want, stay satisfied, and still witness those scale numbers drop. Seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not. Visit, and I’ll provide the evidence to help you break free from the diet and fitness industry’s mind games.

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What Time Of The Day Do You Burn The Most Fat?

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The article emphasizes eating during the proper stage of digestion as a key to fat burning. It recommends delaying or skipping breakfast, focusing on liquids, and gradually transitioning to healthier habits. The author shares a personal experience of losing 21 lb. in two months by adopting this approach. The article introduces a shortcut to weight loss, outlining strategies like postponing the time you eat and working out in the proper stage of your digestion to burn fat.

Eat In The Proper Stage Of Your Digestion

Hopefully, you've started delaying your first meal by filling up liquids to push back your eating time. Now, it's crucial to eat during the right stage of digestion – the key to burning fat! Making wise food choices is beneficial, but it might require a lot of mental energy and willpower. To avoid feeling overwhelmed and giving up, we suggest a transition diet, making gradual changes over time for significant results. This way, you won't need to make too many quick changes, ensuring a smoother journey to a healthier you.

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My Experience

What worked well for me was getting a large sweet tea from McDonald's every morning. I filled four cups with ice and kept refilling them with the sweet tea during the breakfast hours. This kept me satisfied until 7:00 or 8:00 at night, and during this time, I continued to eat the same junk food as before.

I followed this routine for several weeks, eating during the proper stage of digestion without specifically focusing on my weight. After some time, I noticed my clothes felt looser, but I wasn't regularly checking my weight. One Monday, while at my friend's timeshare, I saw myself in a large mirror and was shocked by the weight loss around my midsection. When I weighed myself at home, I had lost 21 lbs in two months without "dieting."

According to an article on, generally, to lose 1 1/2 pounds a week, you should cut 500 to 750 calories daily. However, eating during the proper stage of digestion can expedite this process. The same article indicates that burning 3,500 more calories than you consume is needed to lose 1 lb.

That's a lot of work for just 1 lb. however, there is a short-cut.

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The Short-Cut To Losing Weight

How did I manage to average 10 lbs. in the same time frame when most people lose 4lbs.? I understood the timing and methods of eating to maximize fat burning.

Here are the strategies:

  1. 5 to 6 hours after eating: If you engage in strenuous activity within this time frame, you're burning the calories from the food you just ate, not stored fat.
  2. 6 to 8 hours after eating: When you work out, the earlier consumed food is digested, and you start burning glycogen (sugar).
  3. 8 to 12 hours after eating: This is the stage of burning fat, even during rest you are burning fat. Understanding body mechanics allows you to tap into this power without altering your diet or exercise routine. However, as part of the transition diet, we recommend gradually adopting healthier habits over time.

As mentioned earlier, our digestion has 3 stages, and delaying eating hours in the day increases the benefits. Initially, skipping breakfast may suffice, and with improved willpower, you can eventually delay eating until the typical dinner hours. Over time, you'll be able to extend the hours you postpone eating.

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Eating In The Proper Stage Of Your Digestion = Intermiten Fasting

When you delay the time you eat by eating in the proper stage of your digestion, it's called intermittent fasting. While you sleep, you naturally go through the longest period of the day without eating or drinking. Upon waking up, many of you have the habit of breaking this fast with breakfast.

The term "breakfast" comes from the moment you break your fast, as explained in Dr. Eric Berg's video, "What Really Happens When We Fast":

ATTENTION! The following video is provided by a 3rd party vender. If the video is no longer available it is because the owner of the video or Youtube removed the video from their servers. we apologize for any inconvenience.

During fasting, it's advisable to postpone eating for 12, 18, or at most 24 hours. Periodically, you might consider extended fasting for 24, 48, or 72 hours. After 24 hours, growth hormones spike, aiding in fat burning, anti-aging, joint healing, and protein production. Your body enters autophagy, repairing itself and addressing health issues. Beyond 24 hours, your body shifts to using ketones as an alternative fuel, as glycogen is depleted.

Extended fasting may initially be challenging, particularly in the first 24 hours. However, after this point, ketones suppress appetite and reduce junk food cravings. Additional benefits include decreased inflammation, improved digestion, and enhanced heart and brain function due to new brain cell production. The most significant benefits are experienced after 48 and 72 hours of prolonged fasting, recommended periodically.

To start, delay eating until after the third stage of digestion for maximum fat-burning benefits, as fat is the most efficient energy source.

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The diet and fitness industry has been misleading you for too long. While they emphasize diet, exercise, and weight loss supplements, much of their advice can actually undermine your success. For instance, studies show restricting certain foods to lose weight may lead to overeating by 133%.

Imagine a world where you can eat what you want, stay satisfied, and still witness those scale numbers drop. Seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not. Visit, and I’ll provide the evidence to help you break free from the diet and fitness industry’s mind games.

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Dieting Without Going Hungry

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Discover the ancient diet secret, allowing you to eat what you want while shedding pounds. In this module we expose the pitfalls of conventional diets that trigger overeating, we recommend a transition diet for lasting change. Small changes over time that give you drastic results. The constant snacking hindering fat burning, urging a shift in eating habits. We start up by harnessing the power of your metabolism, alongside exercise and proper nutrition.

Eat What You Want, Never Go Hungry, & Still Lose Weight

Unlocking this 3,000-year-old diet that has only recently been rediscovered, that's taking Hollywood by storm, to eat what you want, never go hungry, and still lose weight!

Lots of diets ask you to change everything all at once, and that's hard for your brain. Then you go back to your old habits. We suggest a "transition diet," where you make small changes, over time., that give you drastic results.

Most people are constantly eating and snacking on food that spikes their blood sugar, causing them to get hungry every few hours. This prevents their bodies from digesting their food to start burning fat.

Any activity you do within the first few hours primarily burns the food and sugars you just ate, requiring a lot more energy to burn fat.

According to an article published on, you need to burn 3,500 more calories than you take in to lose 1 pound. This is why it is almost impossible for most people to lose weight due to the types of food they are eating. You will also notice that certain calories take a lot more to burn than others.


Instead of giving up any of your junk food cravings, we suggest that you postpone your meal to later in the day by filling up on liquids because again, fat is the most efficient energy source. The way most people eat, they are only burning the food they just ate. So, again, by postponing the time you eat, you are not just burning calories for energy but for health as well.

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Stage #1 Of Your Digestion

The first step to eating what you want, never going hungry, and still losing weight is to fill up on liquids, which will make you less hungry.

Often, we eat out of habit more than real hunger. Many times, people also mistake thirst for hunger, leading to overeating.

Greg Gallagher of Kinobody recommends coffee because caffeine is an appetite suppressant. If you enjoy coffee, you can still have your morning Starbucks. Personally, I'm not a fan of coffee's taste, so when I got started, I would go to McDonald’s and order a large sweet tea around 7:30 AM while doing my online computer work.

I would have 4 or 5 refills of tea, keeping me full for the day, and sometimes, I wouldn't eat until 8 pm when I got hungry. I don't endorse sugary drinks, but keep in mind, this is a transition diet. Avoiding soda and sugary drinks might be too big of a change for your mind to adapt to. However, even with this small change, you will start to notice changes in your body.

When you eat at the proper stage of your digestion, you will see noticeable results within a week to 10 days.

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How To Look Super Human

When people are in exquisite physical shape, many argue that those people are not normal because many people make excuses for their failures. However, there are so many normal people, just like you and me, who, by changing the way they eat, look superhuman.

Postponing your eating may sound scary to you at first because of what you have been told. Again, what many of you believe is hunger is thirst. Most people confuse hunger for thirst! If you wait until you're thirsty, you are dehydrated.

Skipping breakfast sounds uncomfortable to a lot of people because many of you have been sold on the idea that we need to eat three meals a day, which was an advertising campaign to sell more food to get you to eat more.

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Getting Back To Our Roots

Throughout most of human history, we didn't have food around us 24/7 like we do in American culture today. We had to hunt and gather our food, so we only ate perhaps once a day. Even during the Great Depression, with the lack of food during this time, on average, people were living an additional six years. Postponing the times you eat has many other health advantages, including living a longer life. We have enzymes in our body that digest our food; however, when these enzymes have no food to break down, they can work on repairing our body, giving us advantages in preventing diseases and adding years to our life.

Many people eat close to the same time every day, and there are health benefits to doing so. If it is hard for you not to eat, you can train your body by pushing the time you eat by 45 minutes. Do this for a couple of weeks, giving your body time to adapt, then push the time you eat another 45 minutes until you can eat at your chosen eating time.

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Harness The Power Of Your Metabolism

Now, some of you may have heard that you need to keep your metabolism going by eating every 3 hours, but keeping your metabolism going is what leads to so many health issues by not giving your body the resources to repair itself.

The idea behind eating every 3 hours is that you will not overeat; this can work, but most people are not eating healthy enough for this to work. Most people who believe they are eating healthy are really eating what we call "fake health food." (This is what allows me to eat whatever I want.)

Postponing the time you eat, by eating in the proper stage of your digestion, is not a surefire way to look like a celebrity or a fitness model; however, when you combine this with exercise, eating properly, getting enough sleep, and removing toxins from your body, among other scientific approaches, this will give you an advantage and not require as much effort as others do to lose weight.


  1. Skip breakfast and postpone eating for as long as possible.
  2. Fill up on low-calorie liquids.
  3. If you're hungry, it's because you're not drinking enough liquids, and when you do eat, you're eating the wrong foods.
  4. If you find it difficult to postpone the time you eat, it is suggested that you postpone the time you eat by just 45 minutes, giving your body time to adapt. Once your body has adjusted, you can push the time you eat out another 45 minutes until you are eating at the most ideal time for you.
  5. When you choose to eat this way, you can eat what you want and still lose weight.


The diet and fitness industry has been misleading you for too long. While they emphasize diet, exercise, and weight loss supplements, much of their advice can actually undermine your success. For instance, studies show restricting certain foods to lose weight can lead to overeating by 133%.

Imagine a world where you can eat what you want, stay satisfied, and still witness those scale numbers drop. Seems too good to be true, doesn't it? Well, it isn't. Visit, and I'll provide the evidence to help you break free from the diet and fitness industry’s mind games.

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How Entrepreneurs Overcome Procrastination!

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This module stresses the importance of having a "bias towards action" as a crucial personality trait for success. It explores how this trait helps in overcoming procrastination and reaching goals. The module mentions that traits like conscientiousness and IQ play a significant role in predicting wealth. It warns against overanalyzing tasks, which can lead to delayed actions. The author promotes developing a bias towards action and provides insights on optimizing the brain for success. Emphasizing the impact of emotions on decision-making, the article also suggests building confidence through small acts of courage and using starting rituals to control emotions and combat procrastination.

Bias Towards Action

Most likely, you weren't born with the trait known as conscientiousness and its sub-trait, a "bias towards action," which are significant predictors of wealth. If you've taken a performance-based personality test, you might recognize these traits. People often procrastinate not because they lack the desire to act but due to overanalyzing what they should do. (Source:

Chances are, you need to intentionally cultivate this trait since it's not innate. Taking inspired action can be transformative, as the brain seeks logical ways to make sense of the inspiration. Ignoring this inspiration, termed emotional compounding by psychologists, makes it increasingly challenging to overcome resistance. This delay may persist, extending into the following days and beyond.

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Information Alone Is Not Enough To Change Your Life

The market is full of opportunities promising weight loss, financial gain, and life transformation. People spend money on courses, gyms, and coaching, thinking it will change their lives. However, having knowledge alone isn't sufficient for transformation.

It's common for others to criticize when they aren't the issue. People may judge you for not reaching your goals, considering it a failure. The key to success lies within you. Investing in learning how to change your life is essential, and now it's time to see returns on that investment. Some have spent years trying to make more money and, in one year, earned more than the past decade, knowing what to do but lacking a bias towards action.

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Moment Of Change

You're not lazy or a procrastinator. Procrastination serves as a brief escape from stress caused by fear, self-doubt, insecurities, and overthinking. Influencers like Grant Cardone, Tai Lopez, and Gary Vee suggest that your dream should be motivation enough to overcome procrastination. However, they might not understand the bias towards action, a trait they're naturally blessed with. In the next few moments, we'll hack your brain by turning off stress centers, allowing you to succeed. Instead of watching YouTube videos, try cleaning your office for temporary stress relief that may make you feel productive in the moment.

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Activation Energy

The body naturally seeks to save calories, but your brain needs more calories to initiate activities that can change your life. The energy required for certain tasks may feel like the resistance you face when trying to wake up at 3 a.m. to run a marathon. I used to stress myself out, feeling guilty for not taking action on the things I knew I should do to achieve my goals.

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Stop Sabotaging Your Life 

Napoleon Hill, a renowned writer, conducted a 25-year study on successful individuals, uncovering 17 principles of success, 33 reasons for failure, and six self-sabotaging behaviors. The first principle is having a chief aim or life purpose, emphasizing desire as the starting point of achievement. The second principle is self-confidence, crucial for success.

People often let emotions override their desires; for example, wanting six-pack abs but feeling like indulging in pizza and beer. Focusing on emotions hinders progress. Tim Grover, performance coach to Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant, in his book "Relentless," stresses that emotions weaken and divert focus. While confidence may seem innate, it's a skill developed through small acts of courage.

Kurt Cobain, the introverted lead singer of Nirvana, transformed on stage, showcasing how confidence is adaptable, not a fixed trait.

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Starting Ritual 

To take control of emotions, use the starting ritual known as the "5 Second Rule" by Mel Robbins. This involves counting 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and launching into action. The counting distracts from emotions, preventing procrastination. If hesitation occurs, using 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 helps regain control.

Counting backward is more effective than forward, breaking habitual thought patterns. The 5-second rule is part of the pre-game warm-up for overcoming procrastination, which acts as mini-stress breaks. Procrastination may lead to emotional turmoil, impacting your life.

To change your life, release emotional energy by addressing repetitive thoughts and unconscious perceptions. Neuroscience reveals we have thousands of daily thoughts, and altering these patterns is key to life transformation.

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