
Discover the ancient diet secret, allowing you to eat what you want while shedding pounds. In this module we expose the pitfalls of conventional diets that trigger overeating, we recommend a transition diet for lasting change. Small changes over time that give you drastic results. The constant snacking hindering fat burning, urging a shift in eating habits. We start up by harnessing the power of your metabolism, alongside exercise and proper nutrition.

Eat What You Want, Never Go Hungry, & Still Lose Weight

Unlocking this 3,000-year-old diet that has only recently been rediscovered, that’s taking Hollywood by storm, to eat what you want, never go hungry, and still lose weight!

Lots of diets ask you to change everything all at once, and that’s hard for your brain. Then you go back to your old habits. We suggest a “transition diet,” where you make small changes, over time., that give you drastic results.

Most people are constantly eating and snacking on food that spikes their blood sugar, causing them to get hungry every few hours. This prevents their bodies from digesting their food to start burning fat.

Any activity you do within the first few hours primarily burns the food and sugars you just ate, requiring a lot more energy to burn fat.

According to an article published on, you need to burn 3,500 more calories than you take in to lose 1 pound. This is why it is almost impossible for most people to lose weight due to the types of food they are eating. You will also notice that certain calories take a lot more to burn than others.


Instead of giving up any of your junk food cravings, we suggest that you postpone your meal to later in the day by filling up on liquids because again, fat is the most efficient energy source. The way most people eat, they are only burning the food they just ate. So, again, by postponing the time you eat, you are not just burning calories for energy but for health as well.

Stage #1 Of Your Digestion

The first step to eating what you want, never going hungry, and still losing weight is to fill up on liquids, which will make you less hungry.

Often, we eat out of habit more than real hunger. Many times, people also mistake thirst for hunger, leading to overeating.

Greg Gallagher of Kinobody recommends coffee because caffeine is an appetite suppressant. If you enjoy coffee, you can still have your morning Starbucks. Personally, I’m not a fan of coffee’s taste, so when I got started, I would go to McDonald’s and order a large sweet tea around 7:30 AM while doing my online computer work.

I would have 4 or 5 refills of tea, keeping me full for the day, and sometimes, I wouldn’t eat until 8 pm when I got hungry. I don’t endorse sugary drinks, but keep in mind, this is a transition diet. Avoiding soda and sugary drinks might be too big of a change for your mind to adapt to. However, even with this small change, you will start to notice changes in your body.

When you eat at the proper stage of your digestion, you will see noticeable results within a week to 10 days.

How To Look Super Human

When people are in exquisite physical shape, many argue that those people are not normal because many people make excuses for their failures. However, there are so many normal people, just like you and me, who, by changing the way they eat, look superhuman.

Postponing your eating may sound scary to you at first because of what you have been told. Again, what many of you believe is hunger is thirst. Most people confuse hunger for thirst! If you wait until you’re thirsty, you are dehydrated.

Skipping breakfast sounds uncomfortable to a lot of people because many of you have been sold on the idea that we need to eat three meals a day, which was an advertising campaign to sell more food to get you to eat more.

Getting Back To Our Roots

Throughout most of human history, we didn’t have food around us 24/7 like we do in American culture today. We had to hunt and gather our food, so we only ate perhaps once a day. Even during the Great Depression, with the lack of food during this time, on average, people were living an additional six years. Postponing the times you eat has many other health advantages, including living a longer life. We have enzymes in our body that digest our food; however, when these enzymes have no food to break down, they can work on repairing our body, giving us advantages in preventing diseases and adding years to our life.

Many people eat close to the same time every day, and there are health benefits to doing so. If it is hard for you not to eat, you can train your body by pushing the time you eat by 45 minutes. Do this for a couple of weeks, giving your body time to adapt, then push the time you eat another 45 minutes until you can eat at your chosen eating time.

Harness The Power Of Your Metabolism

Now, some of you may have heard that you need to keep your metabolism going by eating every 3 hours, but keeping your metabolism going is what leads to so many health issues by not giving your body the resources to repair itself.

The idea behind eating every 3 hours is that you will not overeat; this can work, but most people are not eating healthy enough for this to work. Most people who believe they are eating healthy are really eating what we call “fake health food.” (This is what allows me to eat whatever I want.)

Postponing the time you eat, by eating in the proper stage of your digestion, is not a surefire way to look like a celebrity or a fitness model; however, when you combine this with exercise, eating properly, getting enough sleep, and removing toxins from your body, among other scientific approaches, this will give you an advantage and not require as much effort as others do to lose weight.


  1. Skip breakfast and postpone eating for as long as possible.
  2. Fill up on low-calorie liquids.
  3. If you’re hungry, it’s because you’re not drinking enough liquids, and when you do eat, you’re eating the wrong foods.
  4. If you find it difficult to postpone the time you eat, it is suggested that you postpone the time you eat by just 45 minutes, giving your body time to adapt. Once your body has adjusted, you can push the time you eat out another 45 minutes until you are eating at the most ideal time for you.
  5. When you choose to eat this way, you can eat what you want and still lose weight.


The diet and fitness industry has been misleading you for too long. While they emphasize diet, exercise, and weight loss supplements, much of their advice can actually undermine your success. For instance, studies show restricting certain foods to lose weight can lead to overeating by 133%.

Imagine a world where you can eat what you want, stay satisfied, and still witness those scale numbers drop. Seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, it isn’t. Visit, and I’ll provide the evidence to help you break free from the diet and fitness industry’s mind games.