
To overcome junk food cravings and improve health, gradual changes are crucial. Dr. Joel Furhman M.D recommends nutrient-rich, low-calorie foods, emphasizing cruciferous veggies, nuts, beans, and avoiding sugars and processed items. Rather than abrupt shifts, slowly eliminate junk food, opting for high-quality meals. Adequate chewing enhances nutrition absorption. Choose vegetable smoothies over juices for fiber retention, aiding in sugar regulation. Balance is key; enjoy your smoothies to maintain the habit. Start with liquids, then transition to vegetable smoothies, gradually reducing fruit. Incorporate a variety of fruits and veggies for optimal nutrition and meet daily vitamin needs.

Give Your Body What It Needs To Stop Craving Junk Food

People often struggle to lose weight or get healthy because they believe they can instantly change their habits without realizing that adapting to these changes takes time. The key lies in reducing cravings.

Despite eating enough, many are malnourished due to consuming low-quality, nutrition-lacking foods. Without proper nutrition, we tend to overeat, snacking on foods that spike blood sugar every few hours.

In Dr. Joel Furhman M.D’s video, “The End of Dieting – How to prevent disease,” he suggests nutrient-rich, low-calorie foods. His recommended daily diet includes cruciferous vegetables (e.g., broccoli, spinach), raw nuts, 1/2 cup beans, legumes, steamed greens, and strictly excludes sugars, salts, and highly processed foods.

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Slowly Get Junk Food Out Of Your Life

Making a big leap to eating foods like broccoli and kale can be challenging for most, as these may not be exciting options. That’s why people often resort to what we term as fake health food—items marketed as healthy but may not be. Consuming too much of this fake health food can lead to potential long-term health issues.

Rather than succumbing to junk food cravings, a better approach is to include high-quality food in our meals. Another crucial aspect of weight loss is ensuring we chew our food adequately. Often, we overcook our meals, stripping them of nutritional value. Additionally, merely chewing a few times before swallowing limits the nutritional benefits. To maximize nutritional value, it’s essential to chew food thoroughly until it reaches a soft consistency.

Make Healthy Food That You Enjoy

One effective method is to consume vegetable smoothies instead of juices. Juicing removes fiber from the juice, and drinking fruit juice is similar to consuming soda, lacking the necessary fiber. Fiber is crucial for satiety and preventing direct sugar absorption into our organs. In contrast, smoothies retain the fiber needed, slowing sugar absorption in our bodies. Vegetable smoothies provide essential nutrients for optimal bodily function.

Achieving balance is key! While including kale and other greens for necessary nutrition, it’s crucial to make your smoothie enjoyable. If it’s not enjoyable, sustaining the habit becomes challenging. Make your smoothies tasty enough to turn them into a regular habit.

Get Started

Initially, I prioritized liquids, postponing meals until later in the day and consuming only 1-2 meals. Eventually, I shifted from liquids to incorporating vegetable smoothies into my routine.

As you continue, you can gradually reduce the amount of fruit in your smoothies, and it’s important not to overdo it on fruits. Just because fruit is natural doesn’t always mean it’s healthy. Remember, fiber is crucial for slowing down sugar absorption, but sugar is still sugar.

For those new to drinking smoothies, determining the right portion sizes for optimal nutrition and taste may be unfamiliar. Here’s a sample for you to consider.

Transitioning to vegetable smoothies is easy, as adding fruit can make them tasty. While you might have heard advice against adding fruit, it’s only partially true. Including greens like kale is essential, providing abundant nutrition, nearly 15 grams of protein, and excellent Vitamins A and C. By incorporating a variety of fruits and vegetables, you can meet your daily vitamin recommendations.

Step 1 | Pick one (unsweetened) liquid (1.5 cups

  • Almond Milk
  • Soy Milk
  • Hemp Milk
  • Coconut Milk
  • Coconut Water
  • Drinking Water – prefer water

Step 2 | Choose your greens (1/3 of your cup should be greens)

  • Kale
  • Spinach
  • Beet Greens
  • Collards
  • Swiss Chard
  • Other Bitter Greens

Step 3 | Choose your fruit (1-2 cups, fresh or frozen)

  • Banana
  • Apple
  • Melon
  • Strawberries
  • Blackberries
  • Blueberries
  • Raspberries
  • Mango
  • Pear
  • Peach

Step 4 | Charge it (add as many as you like!)

  • 1 tbsp Chia Seeds
  • 1 tbsp Ground Flaxseed
  • 1 tbsp Sesame Seeds
  • 2 tbsp Avocado
  • 1 tbsp Hemp Seeds
  • 1 tsp – 1 tbsp Coconut Oil, Hemp Oil, or Flax Oil
  • 1 tbsp Nut Butter (Peanut Butter, Almond Butter, etc.)
  • 1 tbsp Raw Cacao
  • 1 tbsp Bee Pollen
  • 1-2 tsp Cinnamon
  • 1 tsp Ginger
  • 1-2 tsp Vanilla Extract (or Any Other Extract)

Step 5 | Blend it up (using a high-speed blender)


1) Intermittent fasting
2) Skip breakfast – Do not eat before 11 am
3) You are now getting the proper nutrition you need by drinking green smoothies


The diet and fitness industry has been misleading you for too long. While they emphasize diet, exercise, and weight loss supplements, much of their advice can actually undermine your success. For instance, studies show restricting certain foods to lose weight may lead to overeating by 133%.

Imagine a world where you can eat what you want, stay satisfied, and still witness those scale numbers drop. Seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not. Visit, and I’ll provide the evidence to help you break free from the diet and fitness industry’s mind games.