
To achieve peak fitness, building muscle is key. While many focus on cardio for burning fat, the timing of exercise is often ignored. Signs like crow’s feet could signal adrenal fatigue, connected to high cortisol levels and abdominal fat. Muscle building not only lowers diabetes risk but also boosts metabolism, leading to calorie burning even at rest. Instead of quick fixes, sustainable results stem from steady muscle-building efforts and gradual changes, prioritizing health over extreme methods.

Cardio vs Building Muscle 

The diet and fitness industry hasn’t done a great job helping us achieve our body goals. We all know we should exercise, but many of us can overdo it initially. Knowing how to work out for maximum benefits is crucial for reaching fitness goals.

At this point, you are fasting by eating during the right digestion stage. Start moving, include micro-movements, and ensure proper nutrition by drinking green smoothies.

Cardio is often chosen at the beginning, thinking it helps burn more fat by getting the heart pumping. However, much of the advice doesn’t work for many because of exercising in the wrong digestion stage, only burning recently eaten food.

Effectively using exercise can make people stronger and healthier. Focusing on overall health and living the way nature intended helps us live our best lives.

Warning Sign From The Body Something Is Not Right 

Every creak and blemish serves as a warning sign from the body about an underlying health problem. What we commonly label as natural aging is actually a signal that something is amiss.

If you have crow’s feet, those lines at the sides of your eyes, it’s a warning that your adrenals are burnt out. Engaging in activities like running can overtax the adrenals, stressing your system and increasing cortisol, a stress hormone.

While cortisol is healthy as a warning signal, in cases of burned-out adrenal glands due to lifestyle, prolonged stress can make you retain more fat. Cortisol promotes belly fat, and extended elevated levels are so concerning that some scientists refer to it as the death hormone. It leads to life-threatening illnesses like diabetes.

Understanding your health status is crucial for optimizing your body to lose weight. Crow’s feet may indicate a need to improve your health to efficiently shed those extra pounds.


Build Muscle To Get A Flat Stomach 

A Mayo Clinic study revealed that moderate strength training and increased muscle mass can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 32%.


Muscle can lower your diabetes risk, according to a Harvard study. People who lifted weights for 20 minutes or more daily had less belly fat compared to those who did the same amount or more of cardio.


In a comparison between running for 20 minutes and lifting weights for the same duration, those who lifted weights had less belly fat due to reduced cortisol levels.

If you visit our website and use the workbook instead of relying on the auto feature, you’ll find a picture of Nikki Blackletter, a fitness YouTuber. In both pictures, she claims to weigh the same, but she looks much better after gaining muscle. This led to a drop in her BMI and increased firmness.

Burn More Fat While You Sleep, Relax, Or Sit At Your Desk At Work

According to an article on WebMD, having more muscle increases your metabolism. Building muscle boosts your resting metabolism, causing your body to burn more calories even when you’re asleep, watching TV, relaxing, or working at your computer.

By developing muscle, we make our bodies more efficient in burning calories throughout the day. This means we continue to burn calories even when we are sleeping, watching TV, relaxing, or working at our computers.


You don’t necessarily need the gym to build muscle. Some people may injure themselves by pushing too hard. Dr. Ken, who realigns his patients’ skeletal systems, warns that lifting heavy weights at the gym can misalign your body, causing problems for internal organs. Using your own body weight is a healthier way to build muscle.

What The Diet & Fitness Industry Does Not Tell You About Working Out

The issue with the diet and fitness industry lies in the large commitments they demand for lasting results. While their advice may show initial results, they tend to be short-lived, as old habits quickly resurface.

Our suggestion is to make gradual changes over time, leading to the desired results. Similarly, building muscle doesn’t necessarily require a gym membership; you can do it at home to avoid the risk of quitting due to an overly aggressive fitness plan.

Begin with small steps and gradually progress. Determine how many push-ups you can do in a set without overdoing it. If it’s only 5, then start with 5. The number isn’t crucial; consistency is.

For instance, start with 10 sets of 5 push-ups per set for a total of 50 push-ups. Focus on consistency rather than the quantity. Each week, add one more push-up. If there are days when you do 8 sets of 6 push-ups, don’t worry; the key is consistency.

When starting, spread your exercises throughout the day, setting alarms or placing reminders in your workspace. Track your progress for all exercises in your program.

Investing time in building muscle rather than intensive cardio can burn more fat. Greg Gallagher of Keno Body recommends focusing on muscle-building exercises and suggests only walking for cardio, as intense cardio elevates cortisol, leading to belly fat.


The diet and fitness industry has been misleading you for too long. While they emphasize diet, exercise, and weight loss supplements, much of their advice can actually undermine your success. For instance, studies show restricting certain foods to lose weight may lead to overeating by 133%.

Imagine a world where you can eat what you want, stay satisfied, and still witness those scale numbers drop. Seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not. Visit, and I’ll provide the evidence to help you break free from the diet and fitness industry’s mind games.