If you’ve seen the other video in this series we talked about how because of our contacts we helped a dentist office by referring 3,200 new patients for a million dollars in the first 90 days and $6.5m over the next 12 month

But in todays video I wanted to share a case study that generated 201,462 sales in just 30 days.

Most companies go after one customers at a time however, we use group marketing where we land a deal where that one customers may refer to hundreds, thousands or depending on the size of the 10’s of thousands of customers.

In the example  Sohail Khan went through a trade magazine and found a publishing company that had around 400,000 customers who bought their book. With group marketing there is no need to spend money in advertising however at times there are some operating costs.

So Sohail went through and paid someone $500 to develop of complementry video course which they turned into a dvd.

The publishing  agree to pay Sohail $7.50 per sale in Which  The publishing company sent out a news letter to their approx 400,000 customers advertising the dvd and 201,462 bought the course for $1,510,462 for Sohail in just 30 days.

How would a million dollars in the next 90 days change your life?

We all have friends, family , hobbies and things we’d rather do than working but need need the money and time freedom in order to do those things.

I want to show you an often overlooked business principle thats been used by some of the world most well know companies like Amazon, Disney, McDonalds that been used by ordinary individuals like you to do a million dollars in as little as 90 days.
